06-01-2018 12:55 PM
Since May 30 or so, I have not been able to see the original auction listing of a number of sold auctions. Instead there is a blue banner at the top of the page stating that the listing has ended and offering an entirely different active auction in its place below.
If this is a tentative rollout leading to the eventual elimination of completed listings, I want to voice my disapproval of this change. I find these completed-sold listings very informative and valuable.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
06-28-2018 07:44 PM
06-28-2018 07:45 PM
eeinte, thanks for letting us know.
06-28-2018 07:47 PM
Totally agree, icemanxp300! There is not enough money in the entire world for eBay! I used to really like eBay years ago, but I no longer think well of them AT ALL.
07-07-2018 03:22 AM
I have noticed the same thing. Why is it not appling to everyone? I follow someone that is very informed on vintage items and viewing the sold or completed listings has been very helpful. They are no longer available. Auction items will show up but not BIN. What in the world is going on?
07-07-2018 04:55 AM
AND - as of July 6, the problem still continues. Granted, it seems to be 'hit or miss' now - sometime t happan, other times it doesn't, but bottom line, there is STILL an issue that eBay has apparently either opted NOT to fix, or is having trouble figuring out how to undo whatever it was they did to cause it. Most companies that I know would not allow a software issue like this to continue for more than a month...
07-16-2018 09:45 AM
I am having the same problem. Being able to view completed listings is a very important tool that was removed, I am sure by accident iplementing new ideas. I use this tool to keep up with the market value of items that I am selling.
I totally agree with this statement: "If this is a tentative rollout leading to the eventual elimination of completed listings, I want to voice my disapproval of this change. I find these completed-sold listings very informative and valuable."
You have a "Sold" option in the advanced search engine. Please put back the option to view it, not some other item like it.
***When I purchase a collection. I search in the sold listings to find out what the market selling price is.
07-28-2018 08:27 PM
I agree^, I would also like to voice my major displeasure to the fact you can no longer view someone's sold or completed listings. Not even the ones that I have saved in my watch list. I don't want to be directed to the next nearest thing, that's even more frustrating! Please bring this option back.
07-28-2018 08:54 PM
I would also like to voice my major displeasure to the fact you can no longer view someone's sold or completed listings.
The solution to your problem has been answered in this thread.
You should still be able to view someone's sold or completed listings. Although eBay has been directing people to new open listings when old listings close, you can find the original item by using the link in the blue banner at the top of the new page. Where it says "The listing you are looking for is no longer available." The word "listing" is a link back to the old item. From there you should be able to view the seller's other listings, including completed or sold listings.
07-29-2018 03:51 AM
Having the ability to click on a word - in an advertisement for yet another item ... is not a solution - it is a workaround. The message comes up on sold and relisted items -- sometimes with a completely different item (when clicking for the 'relisted' item .... by following the logic, you can go through a series of clicks to get to the relisted item (although you should pay attention, because many times, the message is telling you that the item is no longer available .... and the item being displayed IS the relisted item!). It is now July 29 - the problem has been there for months and there appears to be no one at eBay who cares. I was considering doing some selling (of my mother's estate) through eBay - I am now rethinking that process, as they have made it incredibly difficult to maneuver through all their pages to simply get info. I've sent my input directly from the screen(s), as well as via this board, as have many others. It's obvious eBay just doesn't care.
07-29-2018 04:02 AM
Yeah I saw that thanks.
07-29-2018 08:22 AM
mostneedfulthings expressed my feelings exactly. The bottom line is there is not enough money in the world for eBay. There is reason in the world to put users through this other than they want to sell one more item. "If you did not buy/win this item, then you should buy/bid on this item." It is disgusting. It is the same mentality that has totally RUINED YouTube. You cannot be left in peace to shop and browse and follow and do whatever it is you want to do. Ebay has to interfere CONSTANTLY. Instead of spending time doing stuff like this, they should be doing something more about the shill bidding problem that is growing increasingly worse.
07-29-2018 09:54 AM
i am so angry at this change. i am a buyer and find the ability to keep items in my summary after an action is sold to be valuable for sooooo many reasons. this morning, i called ebay to complain and the two folks, in an other country(s) and one being a supervisory, kept saying things not relevant to my complaint.
this change, if permanent, will finally make me close my account with ebay.
07-29-2018 03:12 PM
Hello there....You mentioned the work around to find my sold listings....Can you tell me how its done....I can't find it anywhere....Thxs If you can help that would be great
07-29-2018 03:12 PM
07-29-2018 03:23 PM
Ok I think this Is how you do it It worked for me. In the selling manager page in the top lefthand corner click on orders next to overview...then from the dropdown menu click om all orders...hope this helped let me know...Thank You