11-04-2020 08:16 AM
We’ve made it easier for you to register for managed payments by introducing a new method to safely verify your bank account using microdeposits.
With this new method, eBay will make two microdeposits in unique amounts to your bank account to verify that we have the correct bank account information for you. The microdeposits will usually post to your bank account within 1-3 business days.
To identify the microdeposits, look for 2 small microdeposits in your account transaction history. Once you receive the deposits, you may return to eBay’s registration site to enter the amounts you received. Once verified, you will receive an email confirming your account. We’ll withdraw the amount of the microdeposits from your bank account typically within 3 business days.
If the amounts you enter do not match eBay’s records, you must verify your account using an alternative verification method.
In addition to microdeposits, you may also link your account directly to your seller account using eBay’s bank log-in feature.
We’re excited to be offering a simpler way for Sellers to verify their bank account for managed payments.
As always, thank you for selling on eBay.
12-20-2020 07:03 AM
I'm just an occasional seller and I don't want to give anyone my bank account info. It's convenient and safer for me to request a check from Paypal when I sell a few things. Now I'm being required to give Ebay my checking account info!!! What happens when Ebay gets hacked and someone gets access to my checking account???
Time to find another selling forum I guess.
12-20-2020 08:27 AM
Any luck? I can't sell because I have not switched. Been selling since 1998. Where can I go?!
12-20-2020 06:24 PM
I am not sure if the new system has benefits for me. I especially do not like that I have to provide my SSN and that the terms allow eBay to withdraw money from my bank account. I also do not like the fact that I am supposed to loose control over the payment process. I am used to get paid within hours after an item sold and that I can see the payment in a system outside of eBay (e.g. Paypal) before I ship the item. I liked eBay as a community platform that allows me to conveniently, safely and transparently sell an item that I no longer need. It seems that eBay does no longer want to be that.
12-21-2020 05:58 AM
Apparently it will eventually be required for most if not all sellers.
12-21-2020 08:14 AM
The bank account info that eBay wants (account#, routing#, address, phone#) is boldly printed on every check you hand or send to people you've never seen before. eBay has never been hacked for personal financial information in the 25 years they.ve existed.
12-21-2020 08:16 AM
You had no problem giving your SSN to PayPal, as we all did.
12-21-2020 06:50 PM
@wrong66 wrote:You had no problem giving your SSN to PayPal, as we all did.
This is all true, however when I offered up that information many years ago…I might have been scared at the time but over the years PP has proven themselves trustworthy.
MP has no such track record…..I have made my choice and will stick with it for the moment….I can not fault/criticize anyone that may not feel the same way. To each their own 😎
12-21-2020 07:01 PM
This is the whole thing is stupid
12-21-2020 11:21 PM
@magsmg101 wrote:
@wrong66 wrote:You had no problem giving your SSN to PayPal, as we all did.
This is all true, however when I offered up that information many years ago…I might have been scared at the time but over the years PP has proven themselves trustworthy.
MP has no such track record…..I have made my choice and will stick with it for the moment….I can not fault/criticize anyone that may not feel the same way. To each their own 😎
MP is Ebay. Ebay is older than PP.
12-22-2020 07:40 AM
Hey Sheila,
Your new way simply DOESN'T WORK!
I haven't been paid since this started.
12-22-2020 08:28 AM
Yep..me too, however, they only owe me $400. I was calling just about daily because they kept trying to deposit w/o anything changing on my end. Five CSR's told me they would follow up and not a single one has (two of them PROMISED). I requested to speak with a supervisor twice and the wait for a c/b from them is 24 to 48 hours..guess what??? CRICKETS!!! I honestly don't understand how a company can operate like this and, frankly, it is seemingly fraudulent.
I am not seeing where to enter the microdeposits and it would have been nice if they would have provided this information prior to moving to managed payments. Perhaps they didn't knowing that it would cause additional problems and, therefore, additional calls into CS.
Soooooo frustrating!!!!!
12-22-2020 10:05 AM
HELP..........I have been notified that my account needs to be "added" to receive payouts
but Ebay has been paying money to my account for several weeks.
I cannot get anyone on live chat. and the call back function for ebay is having technical difficulties. I tried to upload new info for my bank info, and it says it's not valid...........
please help, I need someone at ebay to pls contact me.
12-22-2020 10:18 AM
bring back paypal. to sellers and buyers
12-22-2020 10:24 AM
I have a feeling the whole link the account to your eBay account with your eBay sign in is going to cause more problems than ever for those who have 2 factor authentication. Could this be another great idea that's poorly executed?
12-22-2020 04:13 PM
I am, still waiting for ebay to deposit my money. Ebay will not provide a link to update ID verification.
No more ebay for me (since 2003) . Still ebay owes me $1200.