11-05-2024 09:50 PM - edited 11-05-2024 09:58 PM
I cant CHANGE THE EBAY MESSAGES, it JUST PUT ME BACK INTO THE NEW MESSAGE SYSTEM WHAT DO I DO?? how do you switch back to the old message format?
this is so annoying it wont let me change it......????
11-09-2024 10:24 AM
To me the NEW format is completely WORTHLESS on a real computer, which is all that I use. Computer display screens do not 'swipe" like smartphones!!!!! To select a message to read, I must zoom out (reduce text size) to 50 percent to even choose which message to see or manipulate. To send eBay a complaint about the feature, I have to go down to 30% screen text size to see and click the SEND button on my complaint. They screwed up on that one big time. Guess they don't want buyers here now to do any research, just to buy blindly
11-10-2024 07:34 AM
Does there need to another issue other than NOT LIKING IT...no, why because sellers get into a routine at doing thing and expect thing that work to stay stable, when things change it screws up the whole routine costing you both time and money to figure out, and HOPE you do correctly...now I used to be able to keep track of incoming emails by the number ebay posts as new, which I stay on top of so it always would go back to zero once all questions were answered, if more comes in the counter ticks up that number of new messages...so a few days ago my counter was at zero, then suddenly my counter has 1244 "NEW" messages!!!!! **bleep**! Ebay better send someone over here and start answering all those "1200+" message because I am not going to do it!!!! That is ONE reason I do not like it and will pay very little attention to it and when a problem arises I will simply send on to ebay to figure out and fix....been on here for 30years and it get dumber and dumber by the month....
11-10-2024 07:54 AM
eBays motto is "If it ain't broke... give us a minute"
11-10-2024 08:13 AM
Just spoke with support, they claim it will be 72 hours before the option appears to switch back. but right now ebay switched it without giving the option to switch back.. what a mess from ebay.
11-10-2024 08:14 AM
support says otherwise
11-10-2024 08:14 AM
call support
11-10-2024 09:34 AM
And, "We're not happy till you're not happy."
11-10-2024 10:06 AM
Click the 'message' round blue button on top right after being in 'my ebay' or 'seller hub'. It reverts back.
11-11-2024 08:09 AM
What round blue button are you referring to? There are only oval buttons and they just take you to the messages in the new screwed up system.
11-11-2024 11:21 AM
Why are messages I sent in my inbox? I never received a reply yet, but there they are.
11-11-2024 12:39 PM
It will do no good to call ebay. For the 3rd party group they use for customer service, they will just say yes to get you off the phone, and get their metrics up. Sorry
11-11-2024 12:39 PM
That would be correct
11-14-2024 07:18 AM
The new format is terrible, very non user friendly ! I did phone eBay and complained.
I'm wondering if it has to do with AI tech compatibility with eBay's software, since AI is taking over BIG time therefore there's going to be more changes, get ready for 😞
11-14-2024 02:01 PM - edited 11-14-2024 02:32 PM
11-18-2024 04:34 PM
So frustrating, it won't let me respond with an offer when someone has asked for a lower price. I have tried to go back to the old system but can't figure out how and no one seems to have an answer. Why fix what isn't broken.