12-21-2023 12:38 PM
I tried contacting seller. i tried contacting fedex; i tried conacting ebay. i feel like im playing duck duck goose. somehow respond.
Solved! Go to Best Answer
12-22-2023 04:16 AM - edited 12-22-2023 04:21 AM
From what little information you have given us, I am going to guess that you were given a FedEx tracking number and that tracking had a Delivered scan, but you didn't receive anything.
If that is the case, you have been the victim of a fake tracking scam. The seller's send something, an envelope or small box with tracking to a different address, and uses the Delivered scan to win an Item Not Received (INR) dispute. eBay's automated INR system is not allowed access to anything but the scan information, due to shipping company's privacy policies.
When you file a dispute it will be closed in favor of the seller. In the message you receive telling you that, there should be an appeal button. You have 30 days from losing the dispute to appeal, but in order to win you have to do some leg work. The info below is what you have do do when this happens with any shipping agency.
You will have to go to your P.O. or a local UPS or FedEx store. You need to bring a copy of your order details page which shows your address and the tracking number with you. If you bought using a phone or tablet, you can bring that to show the clerk the order details.
You want to ask the clerk to check the label address against yours, and also to check the Package type/size weight info to see if was is appropriate for what you should have received. If the info does not match up, you ask the clerk to write a note on Company stationary saying in general that the shipping label's address was not yours, and if applicable that the package type/size/weight was not right for what you should have received. Do not ask for specific address or package info, they cannot give it out. Have the clerk print their name then sign and date the note.
Once you have the note, you can appeal the dispute ruling, or contact ebay through their Facebook or Instagram social media pages. (links below) You can write out what happened and what you found out, and add a CLEAR photo or a scan of the note to an Appeal or message. If you go the social media route which is recommended, but not always necessary, because the reps know about the fake tracking scams you will need to have the seller's username and the ebay item number. At the end of your message give them your real and ebay username.
In the future I strongly suggest that you check the feedback profile pages of each seller you intend to buy from, before bidding on or buying their items. You can access a seller's feedback profile page from near the bottom of listing pages. Use the See All Feedback button below where their name is in a large font. On the profile page if the seller has received neutral or negative feedback, click on the numbers of them to read only those comments. Never go by a feedback percentage alone. Some people who have been scammed but did not file a dispute may have left feedback saying they never received their items.
For Future reference, Read the info in the link below about ebay's money Back Guarantee (MBG) policy and time frames. and save it to your device.
If by chance the package was stolen from your box, porch, apartment package box or entry area. You would have to get a police report. Even then ebay may not help you because it is the buyer's responsibility to provide a secure place for packages to be left. If you can't do that, then you would have to arrange with shippers to have them hold packages for pick up or until you can schedule delivery when you will be home.
12-21-2023 12:46 PM
Your post is lacking in information….why are you trying to contact seller, FedEx and eBay?
12-21-2023 12:58 PM
If you need advice or help from us, you will need to return and give absolutely all the relevant details of your problem. Telling us the entities you've contacted doesn't offer much useful information.
12-21-2023 05:40 PM
The phone reps have a terrible reputation for getting you off the phone as soon as possible even if that means giving you the advice you want to hear instead of the advice you need to have.
https://www.facebook.com/eBayForBusiness/ — Message button in upper right on landing page.
https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/How-do-I-contact-Customer-Support/m-p/32016431#M1783851 -> Automated Assistant, type AGENT -> enter. You will then get more options.
The social media Chat accounts are covered by trained eBay employees with some authority.
And you get a transcript so you can compare what you heard with what you were told.
12-22-2023 04:16 AM - edited 12-22-2023 04:21 AM
From what little information you have given us, I am going to guess that you were given a FedEx tracking number and that tracking had a Delivered scan, but you didn't receive anything.
If that is the case, you have been the victim of a fake tracking scam. The seller's send something, an envelope or small box with tracking to a different address, and uses the Delivered scan to win an Item Not Received (INR) dispute. eBay's automated INR system is not allowed access to anything but the scan information, due to shipping company's privacy policies.
When you file a dispute it will be closed in favor of the seller. In the message you receive telling you that, there should be an appeal button. You have 30 days from losing the dispute to appeal, but in order to win you have to do some leg work. The info below is what you have do do when this happens with any shipping agency.
You will have to go to your P.O. or a local UPS or FedEx store. You need to bring a copy of your order details page which shows your address and the tracking number with you. If you bought using a phone or tablet, you can bring that to show the clerk the order details.
You want to ask the clerk to check the label address against yours, and also to check the Package type/size weight info to see if was is appropriate for what you should have received. If the info does not match up, you ask the clerk to write a note on Company stationary saying in general that the shipping label's address was not yours, and if applicable that the package type/size/weight was not right for what you should have received. Do not ask for specific address or package info, they cannot give it out. Have the clerk print their name then sign and date the note.
Once you have the note, you can appeal the dispute ruling, or contact ebay through their Facebook or Instagram social media pages. (links below) You can write out what happened and what you found out, and add a CLEAR photo or a scan of the note to an Appeal or message. If you go the social media route which is recommended, but not always necessary, because the reps know about the fake tracking scams you will need to have the seller's username and the ebay item number. At the end of your message give them your real and ebay username.
In the future I strongly suggest that you check the feedback profile pages of each seller you intend to buy from, before bidding on or buying their items. You can access a seller's feedback profile page from near the bottom of listing pages. Use the See All Feedback button below where their name is in a large font. On the profile page if the seller has received neutral or negative feedback, click on the numbers of them to read only those comments. Never go by a feedback percentage alone. Some people who have been scammed but did not file a dispute may have left feedback saying they never received their items.
For Future reference, Read the info in the link below about ebay's money Back Guarantee (MBG) policy and time frames. and save it to your device.
If by chance the package was stolen from your box, porch, apartment package box or entry area. You would have to get a police report. Even then ebay may not help you because it is the buyer's responsibility to provide a secure place for packages to be left. If you can't do that, then you would have to arrange with shippers to have them hold packages for pick up or until you can schedule delivery when you will be home.
12-22-2023 04:27 AM
I ordered something with a two day fee and after the purchase now getting it after Christmas.
12-22-2023 10:19 AM
The shipper may be being extra cautious at this busy time of year.
The delivery dates are always posted as "estimated" and give an earliest and latest estimate.
Your shipment may show up today or tomorrow.
If you paid for an expensive rapid service and the seller used a cheaper slower service your purchase is Not As Described and you can open a Claim for a refund.
12-22-2023 10:26 AM - edited 12-22-2023 10:27 AM
Did you buy a phone?
Did you buy it yesterday?
If so, 2 day is WORKING DAYS and since buying on Thursday- they would count 2 days: Friday then Tuesday since Sat, Sun, Mon are weekend/holiday days- delivering on Tuesday.
Although could still show up, but again, depends on when you ordered.
12-23-2023 02:36 AM
You replied to my post writing:
"I ordered something with a two day fee and after the purchase now getting it after Christmas".
Are you getting your info by opening the listing from your purchase history? If you are it will show an estimated delivery time frame starting from the day you are viewing the info. If you click on the order details button it will show the date of delivery from the day you paid. I think I found the listing you bought from when I look today it shows a FedEx 2 day delivery between the 27th & 28th, since it wouldn't ship until the 26 if bought today.
You still are not giving us enough information to go by. What day and at what time did you pay for the item? If this is about a phone you bought, the seller usually ships within a day of receiving payment.
If it was after business hours EST when you paid the seller could have shipped two days later and have been within their handling time. Ex: you paid on Wed. night, the seller would not have to ship until Friday.
The service you chose was FedEx 2 day and unless they are delivering on Sunday this weekend, It will not arrive until after Christmas. Probably on the 26th.
12-24-2023 07:33 AM
That listing said free 2-4 day shipping with a handling time of 1 business day. The free shipping option was USPS ground advantage so If the seller put it in the mail the day you ordered the earliest would be the 26th but probably the 28th which is within stated time.
12-24-2023 01:19 PM
What is a "two day fee"? Does that mean you expected shipping to take only two days?You realize those are business days, right?
01-23-2024 11:54 AM
Hi, thanks for your advice. At no time was FedEx mentioned on my complaint and the tracking # provided by the seller and confirmed by the P.O with their updates were 100% P.O. I have an account registered with the P.O. to receive updates up to the minute until item is delivered. That is how I know exactly what the P.O. scan said, "Item delivered to mailbox on Jan 6th at 4:18 pm". Prior to that final update I had received updates during the delivery process. As far as the seller feedback profile, point well taken, I checked very good feedback profile rating of 95.5% with only one negative feedback in 731 items sold, this excellent seller for $15.24 total paid by me would not do anything to get over and jeopardize his excellent record. After 16 years as an eBay customer with a perfect 100% feedback rating, I have learned a lot of different things and I'm still learning, one thing I just learned is when you make an appeal and submit the evidence provided by the P.O. that after investigating the case, they came to the conclusion that the item was lost, "unable to retrieve item" clearly stating via a letter to use that letter to request a refund or replacement of lost item. After my request for a refund for item not yet received which was denied by Ebay based on the initial scan provided by the P.O. I appeal uploading two letters from the P.O. clearly reversing their initial scan posted to eBay, however this is what I just learned, do not **bleep** anyone from Ebay who is reviewing your appeal by saying something derogatory like Ebay denies claims based on incorrect information received and that the customer is never believed. Big mistake, the person who reviewed the case although seeing prove that item was not delivered by the P.O. chose to take it personal and show me who was boss on this matter and came up with a bogus reason for denying my appeal regardless of any proof to the contrary, this person without providing any evidence that they had information that some had signed for the package. End of story. Impossible because such information could only be provided by the P.O. and you either deliver to mailbox or had a person sign for the package. Only one scan will be made, in this case "item delivered to mailbox" no other scan will supersede their initial scan for public record meaning buyer or seller, certainly not eBay because they are not in the business of requesting any information from the P.O. If the seller did not receive that information initially because it did not exist, ¿how? can eBay claim to have that new information that no one ever had simply because it never happened. To add a bit of truth to my claim that this could have never happened and will point out to the letter that they send me which I subsequently provided eBay on my appeal never ever mentioned that someone had signed for the package, if they had they would have never said in their letter, use this letter to help you get a refund or replacement item. They would not contradict themselves in the same letter. I could almost guarantee you that you never came across a situation similar to this one in your years of experience. This human element should never be ruled out in any decision made more so in business and in this case this employee did not like my comments made against eBay and simply made up a story which makes absolutely no sense and denied my justified appeal. Lesson learn, when you want something approve on your behalf do not say anything negative against company or person who is having a final decision on the matter. It should not come to that, if your customer has provided evidence in their favor to show that they should get a refund regardless of personal feelings you should go ahead and give that customer what they dully deserve. This person should have never mixed personal feeling with doing making the correct decision. This customer service represents eBay and now when I think negatively about eBay which I have a right to do based on my unfortunate incident I will remember eBay not this employee. I was denied 100% the opportunity to refute this allege finding by eBay. I was told you cannot appeal a decision on your appeal. Case closed. By the way excuse the lengthy post but I had to vent and be thorough in explaining the truth on the matter. Thank you so much for your time.
01-23-2024 12:12 PM
05-16-2024 06:53 AM
Thank you, for all the info. Yes, it was definitely a tracking scam.
I had no idea about the new tracking scam. His feedback was good except one cancelled order that he resold for more (but that should have been a clue. I filed and was denied by eBay, I filed with my credit card company, but eBay took away my ability to leave the person feedback. I should have left the negative feedback before i filed with my credit card company.
I sent 20 messages to eBay before they finally said they would look at the seller, but i see he is still a eBay person. This also happened to me on an item with free shipping on Facebook marketplace. Ironically both at the same time. The free shipping one, the seller somehow got a tracking number from a business in a different state that was sent to a city near mine. He then uploaded the tracking number to Facebook marketplace. When I didn’t get the package, I was told no refund because package was delivered. I provided proof it was delivered to a different city and was still denied. Luckily I had paid for both with my credit card! The scammers are getting trickier.
05-16-2024 09:16 AM
You should have started your own topic rather than piggy backing on an older one about a different subject.
When someone files a dispute and loses it, the ability to leave negative feedback is removed. Unfortunately, it is not able to be restored if an appeal is successful. If a refund is issued before someone leaves feedback, that too removes the possibility of a negative being left.
Since you lost the dispute and then filed with your CC provider, ebay is not going to remove the seller. In their books you could not prove they did anything wrong. It may even have been a case of the seller mixing up shipping labels and not knowing how to deal with it, a mistake not a scam.