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Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

So you try to put an offer on an item, and you get a pop-up that says "Here's what's new! Now you CAN set a default payment option, and we'll automatically process your order if it gets accepted" How exciting! lol


Then you try to put an offer in and it won't let you UNLESS you select a default payment method!  Now I also sell, so I know it would be a good thing if I automatically get paid when someone wins an item of mine. But why can't the ebay Gods just be honest and say "Now you MUST select a default payment method, or you can't put an offer in"?


I know it sounds petty on my end, but how many others walked away from buying on ebay because of the games they play? I went from selling 30 items a month to around 5, and I know the economy is bad, but maybe changes like this aren't helping either.



Message 1 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

eBay CS agent just told me that they have implemented this for the sake of the buyer so s/he does not have to come back to the site to complete a transaction once an offer is accepted.  I replied, "Liar!!!! eBay is doing this for eBay's own gain and no one else."

Message 31 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

I've learned two more things.


1> It is definitely limited to certain sellers so it must be a seller option to require it


2> Once you set a default method, there is no way to "unset" it short of deleting your payment methods.  eBay then informs you with a thank you for letting them pay automatically not only for "make offer" but for ALL AUCTIONS too!


While I might not mind it just defaulting to the same credit card I'm using in PayPal for a Make Offer once in a blue moon, I definitely do NOT want it auto-charging my credit card for auctions!  I tend to use PayPal there for one reason only and that is it's much easier to dispute an eBay problem with PayPal than calling up a typical credit card company (and you then have the option of BOTH). 

Message 32 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

I agree what a pain in the ass I went to make an offer I couldn't I signed up it was the wrong payment method they start taking it out of my bank I'm done with eBay

Message 33 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

I agree I used to buy at least 10 or 15 items a month I'm down to about one

Message 34 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?


FWIW They gave me a "NEW" screen today!   Since my buyer ID is in the "punishment group"  I was surprised to find a seller that I THOUGHT had the requirement turned off.  Again I was prepared to make offers on multiple items.   But nooooooooooooooooooo


The new procedure is to allow you to fill out the "Make Offer" form first.  Then  you get this "review offer" screen that DOES NOT allow you to proceed, and the Make Offer button is non-functional.....Unless you fork over your default payment source first.    They took away the "can" (must) page just to waste more of the buyer's time.  I am only showing the top of the new "second" screen since the rest of it shows my name and address. 



Message 35 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

Just hit this garbage a couple more times. Honestly, now that I think about it, this is probably a good change. I used to spend hundreds of dollars a month on eBay, because I'd be up late, find stuff I want but don't *really* need, put in offers here and there, and then wind up buying most of it - either because the seller accepts the offer or because they make a counteroffer and I'm invested enough now that I've been staring at the item page that I just accept whatever they offer, since - hey, it's less than the BIN, I feel like I'm getting a deal. But now... now they hit you with this screen forcing you to pre-set the payment method and tie up your funds... and I just close out and don't put in the offer. I get to keep all my money and the sellers are spared the hassle of shipping an item. Win-win! Plus, eBay doesn't have to process and accept all those fees and handle all the processing of a completed sale. PayPal doesn't have to deal with the transaction and taking a cut of it. Less work for everyone. Sellers and eBay don't like money, apparently. Which is fair - money is kind of boring.


Of course, now I'm sitting here with money. Which is boring. Useful, sure, but not very interesting in and of itself. I need to find a site where it's easy to buy weird and unusual old stuff. Anyone have any suggestions?

Message 36 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

This new 'default' payment requirement is a problem on many levels.  First, I use the Rakuten extension with my eBay purchases and with the new system that is no longer possible.  Secondly I use Paypal Pay-in-4 and sometimes I'll purchase several item from different sellers and then use P.P. Pay in 4 (It has a $40 minimum), now you can't.  Also I  use PayPal Credit ($99 minimum with 6 months to pay - no interest) which I now can't use with this program.  This is a bad move by eBay.  I am now not getting any more offers on my items that I'm selling as well.  As a seller I wasn't notified by eBay about being enrolled in this program, it wasn't until I came here that I found out about it and how to disable it.

Message 37 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

This default payment on offers has go to go.  I was surprised that instead of the credit card I normally use, they went right into my back account and withdrew the funds.

Now, if I want to make an offer, I contact the selller first to see if he'll accept it.

Message 38 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

 I need to find a site where it's easy to buy weird and unusual old stuff. Anyone have any suggestions?



LOL..  You got me laughing hard at that. I have a website with vintage/antique weird and unusual.  No account required, combined shipping is automatic, my search engine works, it is "responsive" in that it works both on computers and mobile, no popups jumping in your face,  and you don't need to show your payment source at the door. I give coupons, too.!!!!!!!


As I told someone the other day, for sellers that would like to deal with best offers and their merchandise  is suitable for combined shipping....they have a new selling point to post in their listings..

Offers welcomed, no  payment source pre-approval required.  We are buyer friendly!

Message 39 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

I buy for myself, and I buy for my business. All go through PayPal, but I put business expenses on business cards and personal on personal ones. I CANNOT set "one" default payment method. How freaking stupid this is.

Chaos is NOT an "industry standard".
Message 40 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

I'm trying to figure out this new methodology.  I put in an offer on an item, with authorization to be charged via PayPal immediately if the seller accepts.  Ebay said the seller has 24 hours to accept or decline my offer.  Now I can't find my offer anywhere -- not in Purchases, not in Offers, not in Pending...  I have no idea what the status is.


I also have 3 accounts on file with PayPal, and I have no idea what it will default to!  I originally asked for a specific credit card, but am not sure if that will be honored.  Yeah, I foresee a big drop in my buying if this isn't fixed soon.

Coffee is my friend.

T&S Tool #10mm ratchet
Message 41 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

Agree, I just stopped bidding on a couple of items listed because of this and unfortunately the seller loses because the ultimate bid that the buyer receives will be lower than it could have been

Message 42 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

NOTE: The eBay system isn’t just requiring this on items where you put in an offer. I have already had multiple auctions require the confirmation of payment method just to put an opening bid in.

So once again eBay has taken an issue and made it harder for us buyers who do pay. This has caused nothing but issues for me. I experienced the first time a few days ago when I found an item I wanted and the auction was closing. I went to put in my bid, which was a lot higher than the current bid, and the box popped up wanting me to confirm my payment. Not only did I miss out on the auction, but when the eBay finally accepted my info the system put my bid amount on another auction. I then had to go in and cancel my bid and give an explanation why. And the reason I put was it is due to the idiotic eBay system screwing up.


I get the idea behind this is to help Sellers get paid, but eBay has made such a mess of it that the Sellers will lose out due to people just not bidding on items that require this. In my case I tried to put PayPal as my default, and the eBay system informed me I can’t select PayPal. Considering they are both owned by the same people that is ridiculous. But rather than let it bother me I went thru my watch list and deleted any item that requires me to confirm my payment method.


eBay really needs to get their act together. How about you require Sellers to provide automatic shipping if an item is won? I have had times Sellers refused to sell me the item at the price the auction ended at. Then the Seller turned around and listed it at a higher price. I contacted eBay and they literally said “well sir, we cannot make someone sell the item.” Odd considering prior to placing your bid it states it is binding on the bidder. So long story short eBay holds buyers accountable, but does not hold sellers as accountable!

Message 43 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

I just discovered this. I did not put in an offer today on something because of it

Message 44 of 81
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Re: Default Payment Method.. "can" or "must" set? Why can't ebay just be honest?

It’s not petty, I have walked away from making two offers just today because of this. I have bought the items on other sites. I do not like being forced to do something by a company. If e-bay keep this up they will lose more and more sellers as people will stop making bids and offers, so stupid. Just let people choose what they want to pay with. I quite often have vouchers and haven’t been able to use them. I have made a formal complaint to eBay, everyone needs to do this and maybe they will change it back!

Message 45 of 81
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