eBay CS agent just told me that they have implemented this for the sake
of the buyer so s/he does not have to come back to the site to complete
a transaction once an offer is accepted. I replied, "Liar!!!! eBay is
doing this for eBay's own gain and n...
I feel the same way. I asked eBay, who processes the default payment
method. I was told "eBay processes it." I want and expect Google Pay to
process my purchases on which ever one of my cards I choose to use for a
purchase. This is another greedy pow...
You are exactly correct. I was never much of a seller, but I stopped
selling anything as soon as they demanded linking to my bank account.
Looks like I will stop buying now, too.
You have a very legitimate point. I have been hit with the "set a
default payment method," too. I am royally **bleep** off about it. Why?
Firstly, I may not want to put all of my eBay purchases on one card.
Secondly, I suspect the processor of the "d...