06-02-2023 09:55 PM - edited 06-02-2023 10:00 PM
So you try to put an offer on an item, and you get a pop-up that says "Here's what's new! Now you CAN set a default payment option, and we'll automatically process your order if it gets accepted" How exciting! lol
Then you try to put an offer in and it won't let you UNLESS you select a default payment method! Now I also sell, so I know it would be a good thing if I automatically get paid when someone wins an item of mine. But why can't the ebay Gods just be honest and say "Now you MUST select a default payment method, or you can't put an offer in"?
I know it sounds petty on my end, but how many others walked away from buying on ebay because of the games they play? I went from selling 30 items a month to around 5, and I know the economy is bad, but maybe changes like this aren't helping either.
06-04-2023 12:03 PM
Just got hit by this while making an offer for an item a little while ago. I already have multiple payment methods in my PayPal account. Why do I have to enter the cards into eBay as well? What if I want to split the payment across multiple methods, or use my rewards points? I opted to simply not make an offer at all, that seller lost my business. ESPECIALLY scary having read that eBay puts a hold on the funds for days upon making the offer - regardless if the seller accepts or not. No. Just no.
06-04-2023 01:59 PM
Sadly, I think it's far worse than that. I've been using PayPal on eBay for a long time. But it's not on my list and to add it, I must "link" my eBay account to PayPal so that they CONTROL IT. They can automatically charge my PayPal account for ANYTHING without a single consent from me after the fact. I don't like that AT ALL. You can just imagine the abuse that could occur in a short amount of time if something goes wrong. eBay will become a priority target for cyber attacks as they are bypassing all security checks by demanding you LINK your bank account, credit cards and PayPal accounts so they basically have 100% control of your financial accounts.
As it was as of yesterday, I had to go to checkout and go to PayPal myself and login and authorize transactions for each one. That is the 'option' I want and if eBay won't accept that, they are going to lose a LOT of users very quickly. I don't understand why these companies insist on more and more control of your life and every aspect of it.
06-04-2023 02:00 PM
No, you cannot as of today. It won't let me send an offer to someone unless I pick a default payment method and there is no choice to continue as it was before. No choice at all.
06-04-2023 02:30 PM
I sell with 2 other IDS. I don't require immediate payment but if I did, I could take it off on the specific items that a buyer wanted to buy if they emailed me. So if I were you and encountered a seller that required immediate payment, email him/her and tell him that you would like to buy items X, Y and Z (be specific with titles and item #.) Tell them that your offer is 2 .oo off each (or whatever) and you would like combined shipping. Ask what the shipping fee would be for those # items (put whatever # of items you want ) be to be shipped to (YOUR ZIPCODE.) Hopefully, the seller can work with you. Make sure that you know the shipping before you agree to purchase. Sometimes, it might be cheaper to send 2 items in 2 boxes than both in a box that is oversize.
06-04-2023 02:34 PM
Dear Ebay: This required Default Payment Method is stupid for several reasons. Stupid. Do you hear me? Stupid. Read the feedback you are getting. Punish those that don't pay in a timely manner, but leave the rest of us alone.
06-04-2023 04:00 PM
Protect yourself & put yourself first, loyalty is a two way street
Although Ebay truly cares about current profit, a platform which appears not to adequately prioritize happy buyers & happy sellers may face a dismal road ahead.
06-04-2023 10:37 PM
I will NEVER allow any entity / business to automatically have control over my payments. I prefer having complete freedom of paying for my items. I always read the Payment page making sure everything is in order. Plus I often attach a message with the payment. There are approximately 10 Items this past month I've been interested in but did not put an offer in because of this idiotic idea. Sellers will lose more than the Buyer will. I can find the item elsewhere on eBay or another site.
06-06-2023 06:01 AM
I agree. I am also unhappy about this. There is no way I am giving eBay the ability to charge me money without my explicit authorization in each case. No way no how.
A couple weeks ago I made an offer on a computer and the seller accepted it but there was a misunderstanding in the shipping which we clarified by exchanging messages and then I paid. If eBay could just charge me they would have charged me the higher amount.
Now I wanted to make an offer on another item and there is no way I am accepting this new system. Sorry. Not for "best offers", not for "buy it now", not for auctions. I am not giving eBay any general authorization to access my money. I am willing to pay for each purchase as I make it and that's it. Sorry.
06-06-2023 06:25 PM
I agree 100% with almost everything said in this thread so far..., this was tested on my other account recently and I was already weary if it was going to be tested on the account I use for high volume buying and selling. And of course, today that went into effect. I guess eBay will be saying goodbye to the juicy flows of thousands of $$$ fees they've been making off of my selling and buying now, as I will be selling significantly less and buying significantly less as I consistently see the state of eBay deteriorating, trying to use a hammer to do a surgery...
I have sold 6 figures revenue of items over eBay, have bought 5 figures of items easily in the last one or two years, and 99% of the time buyers will pay ON TIME.
As a seller, I have been asked QUESTIONS before the buyer pays, which to me are very important to answer to ensure there is no misunderstanding and that I don't get a return request because there was some sort of miscommunication. I am descriptive in my listings but always encourage my buyers to ask me any sorts of questions before they pay and always cancel if they are unsatisfied with something before they pay. As a buyer, I pay 99% of the time within 24 hours and the 1% of time I don't, I will promptly ask the seller to cancel, or there was some invoice adjustment or communication thing I wanted to work out. I think most buyers and sellers can agree this is the case.
Sometimes the buyer needs a few days to get their $$ sorted and lets me know, I say sure, and we continue about our business and usually have a smooth transaction.
I barely even have problems with buyers with 0 feedbacks, a lot of accounts from the 2000s with hundreds of feedbacks have given me problems, though.
Overall, this is just a stupid and inefficient solution, trying to do surgery with a giant hammer that will lead to eBay getting less $$ and buyer and seller frustration. Change it back, eBay QA and eBay SWE's. Please.
I think the BEST and optimal solution is to implement this on buyers who ACTUALLY don't pay within like, 48 hours. Either ban them for a month from the platform from buying or just add this feature to their account, THAT IS THE OBVIOUS SOLUTION! It's not very hard, a junior dev can implement this in a day or two I am sure. Come on. Do better.
06-06-2023 06:28 PM
Agree. Sellers and buyers will lose $, I had to turn off this feature I was forced into on my seller settings and also will be buying a lot less now!
06-06-2023 09:24 PM
This **bleep**ty message forced me to change my default, and I can't figure out how to change it back!
06-09-2023 05:54 PM
You have a very legitimate point. I have been hit with the "set a default payment method," too. I am royally **bleep** off about it. Why?
Firstly, I may not want to put all of my eBay purchases on one card.
Secondly, I suspect the processor of the "default card" will be PayPal, and I loathe PayPal. I do not want PayPal to make one single penny off of me.
Thirdly, I contacted eBay about this twice already.
First contact with customer service 2 days ago. The chat went on for over 40 minutes. I was transferred three times. By the end, I was no nearer any answers than I was at the point the chat began.
Second contact with customer service tonight. As I type this, I have been on chat for over 30 minutes and am no nearer answer to my questions about who processes the default card or a resolution as to why the site is not accepting the CORRECT security code on my card.
eBay has by far the WORST customer service in the entire universe. Without exception, every time I am forced to contact them about something, I am assured I will be transferred at least twice and be on chat or one the telephone for an hour or more. That is ridiculous!!!
Can anyone answer these questions, please:
1.) Why is eBay forcing buyers to set a "default card?"
2.) Who processes the selected default card? Is processed by PayPal by "default?"
I am now being transferred to another CS representative after more than 30 minutes on chat with the first dingbat. Of course, as far as eBay is concerned, my time is worth nothing. I have nothing else in the world to do but to wile away hours talking to eBay CS agents. My dog communicates better than these people.
It is going to be a long night.....
06-09-2023 05:57 PM
I had no idea eBay puts a hold on funds whether or not an offer is accepted. I agree with you 100%. This is more of pure eBay tyranny!
06-09-2023 06:04 PM
You are exactly correct. I was never much of a seller, but I stopped selling anything as soon as they demanded linking to my bank account. Looks like I will stop buying now, too.
06-09-2023 06:14 PM
I feel the same way. I asked eBay, who processes the default payment method. I was told "eBay processes it." I want and expect Google Pay to process my purchases on which ever one of my cards I choose to use for a purchase.
This is another greedy power move on eBay's part. A lot of sellers are moving to other sites for years now, and I expect that trend to continue.