Did I hear that right? If we offer free returns then we can only refund
the buyer 50%? Does anyone know the specifics on this? It seems like
this slightly negates the buyer scam of returning a different item than
purchased (which is our main culprit)...
Can anyone identify the characters or artist of these works? Vintage
sketches I uncovered but I cannot find anything about the characters or
artist in searches I have done. Any time I search for Rupert all I come
up with is that dang Rupert the Bear....
I've been hearing a lot about this in the forums ever since the arrival
of "Guaranteed Delivery" and the slash of Top Rated Seller benefits. I'm
not sure how this works... 1. If people are searching for (lowest price
+ shipping) as their search crite...
6hrs on hold. Ours account was on hold as well, the email we received
still made it seem as if t was our fault and they removed the hold "as a
courtesy". What garbage...lost all my Monday posts, biggest day of the
week. Lost thousands in revenue.
6hrs+ on hold. Ours was on hold as well, the email we received still
made it seem as if t was our fault and they removed the hold "as a
courtesy". What garbage...lost all my Monday posts, biggest day of the
week. Lost thousands in revenue.
Ours was on hold as well, the email we received still made it seem as if
t was our fault and they removed the hold "as a courtesy". What
garbage...lost all my Monday posts, biggest day of the week. Lost
thousands in revenue.
Ours was on hold as well, the email we received still made it seem as if
t was our fault and they removed the hold "as a courtesy". What
garbage...lost all my Monday posts, biggest day of the week. Lost
thousands in revenue.
Ours was on hold as well, the email we received still made it seem as if
t was our fault and they removed the hold "as a courtesy". What
garbage...lost all my Monday posts, biggest day of the week. Lost
thousands in revenue as a result.