I have 9 negative feedback. The USPS failed to deliver, tells the buyer
it was delivered. The buyer wants a refund and posts negative feedback.
eBay representative says they will forward my request to remove the
negative and it never happens. Every t...
Item Specifics need two words to complete. Does the algorithm require a
match on both words? If I enter "Green Shoelace" and the searcher enters
"Red Shoelace" Is that a match? How does it handle plural words? If I
enter 'shoelaces" and a searcher en...
Thanks for telling us about INR. In the many time consuming
conversations with eBay reps they never told us about INR. With reps
like that, why bother to call them?
We sell live items. If our mailbox is 99F in the summer or -14 in the
winter, those items would be killed. Our idea is to use "signature
required" to force the mailman to ring the doorbell instead of dropping
the item in the mailbox.