@inhawaii wrote:Don't worry about what MIGHT happen.99 percent of
transactions all go without a hitch. Hopefully this one will too.In the
future, you may want to OVER describe any flaws in the item.Bold
letters. Underline. ALL CAPS. Red text.What eve...
Buyers who eBay message me saying they are interested in my item and
will buy soon. Usually fishing for an offer I wait a couple of days.
Then block them. Sometimes even raise the price if it is an under $5
item with free shipping. Waste of my time. ...
Sounds like eBay Business Policies got turned on. Shipping Policies will
generate a lot of similar options for the same options used. Dozens if
not hundreds or more.
I have the same issue. Seller Hub shows my scheduled listings but when
clicking on Scheduled Listings nothing shows. I fixed this by going to
My eBay All Selling clicking on Scheduled Listings and I can access the
Scheduled Listings. Another way is t...
@soh.maryl wrote:That address in Oregon could be a freight
forwarder.Usually Europeans use freight forwarders on the east coast
(closer). Oregon has no state sales tax so freight forwarders in Oregon
are becoming popular for buyers outside the USA.