Hello there. Somebody just wrote me a question from Brunei wanting to
calculate shipping for a nightgown. I thought that eBay did that now. I
hardly ever have an International order if someone could help me with
this I would appreciate it. Thanks.
I cannot believe what I am pulling up. Everything but what I am
searching for and it was not EGYPT. Well ya hire h1b programmers and ya
get what you paid for
I have a pair of old big round eye pottery doves that look very old.
They look just like old Mexican pottery but they do not say Mexico as
usual. Could they by made anywhere else? They look to old and detailed
to be a knock off.
I have a pair of old big round eye pottery doves that look very old.
They look just like old Mexican pottery but they do not say Mexico as
usual. Could they by made anywhere else? They look to old and detailed
to be a knock off.