hey there i hope you are going well!!ebay has restricted my account and
they asked some information for verification process, according to ebay
request i have submitted al the documents, now they told me that if i
have to solve all of my cases for re...
hey there, i hope your goin well. as a fresher i had 3 selling limit but
i've a lots of item. may i know how can i increase my selling limit,
then i'll able to sell my item. thank you
hi, may i know what's the best item are you suggest for sell? and also i
list a coconut candle holder as my frist list ,may i know, now can i
list a wood arts. they made by me.
hey,there i hope you are going welli've listed an item as a fix price
but it not sold yet. may i know, can i list that again as a auction
style. it's a soap disk, can you tell me what are the populor items in
your county these day.
i had 3 limit to sell my item. my second item was bought. and also my
third item was listed and they increased my limit for one item. why has
been done that?
yes, i was a seller school member and also i've got 3 certificates. i
know what're the selling policies. how many time will spend them for
increase my limit without message them ?