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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS


 After a heated confrontation with my postmaster today about why the USPS is trying to destroy my business with record delays and missing packages, he finally offered an explanation that wasn't the usual excuse or denial.  I've been able to confirm what he told me.  The new PG in an effort to cut costs has banned all overtime throughout the USPS and has instructed employees to just let mail sit until they are caught up enough to get to it, without charging overtime.  We are officially screwed.   


 I just registered an account with UPS and will use them for items over $25 and see if I can absorb the additional shipping costs.  At least I'll have my sanity, God willing.  I cannot spend one more day apologizing for late deliveries. 



Message 1 of 139
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138 REPLIES 138

Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

so you had an extra day off. whats wrong with that. it all comes out to the same. some companies cant afford the cash they give vacation time. You just werent given a choice an had another day off.

Message 121 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

I don't want to cut and paste your whole post but I do want to highlight a couple points. 



"Leftover mail IS NOT going out the next day."


There really isn't such a thing as leftover mail. All outgoing mail MUST be loaded onto the dispatch truck. We have a text book refurbisher in our area, not sure what they are doing this year but when they hit their busy season and have enough to sometimes ship enough to make dispatch impossible with the normal truck a second trip is arranged. And yes these pallets of books maybe unloaded at our central post office in preperation to be loaded on several different trucks heading to different sorting centers. This is called staging. Each office does some level of presorting. Small offices have one truck for their dispatch and that truck will unload at a larger office and the componants of that days dispatch staged to be loaded on the truck for its next leg. At the end of the day these piles, pallets and bags are all moved into the dispatch trucks down to the last postcard. 


Believe me in the 20 years I have been with the Post Office there has been twice that some office didn't get something dispached and were caught. Our office is small and every Postmaster needs to be on a conference call everyday. Ours has always had his on speaker phone which we all can hear. I have heard the *beep* chewing the POOM has given to those Postmasters it wasn't pretty. 



"Of course it is! Show me pictures of the post office facilities and the piles of backed up packages. An antique postal cart serves as the storage space for outgoing packages at my local post office. I can see that cart at the backdoor of the post office from the customer side of the front counter. The busiest that cart has ever got was when I backup up to the back door of the post office and uploaded 40-50 packages at a time. The post office's hours were shorten years ago and the facility closes at noon rather than 4:30 yet they are never backed up."


While a lot of window hours have been cut, the carriers and back room clerks are still working. You are correct that the reduced window hours doesn't mean that things will back up.  Our current problem (pre DeJoy) isn't due to cut hours its because of the lack of bodies and the increase in package volume due to people buying more on-line.  (Post DeJoy is just a out and out cluster____, sorry mods there is no other word for it)

Message 122 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

when an item is bubble wrapped a few times and they use peanuts, etc. and comes in broken or in pieces its the company/carrier/delivery persons fault. If it was handed off you dont really know whos fault. Its not the seller. When you just drop the package or move them around in the truck or van. You guys/girls are always in a rush and most dont care its not their package. No one said you pack them but you deliver them late, or broken, etc.

Message 123 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

people are working from home. there were orders to stay home. so yeah people are ordering more on line and getting things delivered. That is part of your job. Be glad you have one. some lost jobs or hours got cut. When you are hired your told or asked if you can lift a certain amount. If you cant dont lie and say you can. And if all else fails you can look for another job.

Message 124 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

@pa_38276095 wrote:

The Leftist media has insisted that DeJoy is unqualified because he is not come up through the ranks of USPS.

Is that true by looking at the actual facts? Nope!

The Left & Congress and their corporate masters, who all opposes postal reform to keep the status quo that benefits them, instead wants another dysfunctional USPS government employee to somehow save USPS.

In the past such USPS executives created a program to buy the homes of executives forced to move due to a job change. USPS lost millions on these homes.

In the past such executives agreed to the 2010 eBay, USPS & China Post agreement which resulted in USPS losing billions (i.e., the cheap Chinese packages). These postal executives told the public USPS would be making off each one of these packages. In fact they were losing money off each package. Obama and Congress failed to put an end to this abuse. Trump ended it, saving USPS billions in further loses. So if Trump wants to destroy USPS how come he ended this program?

These same postal executives do not follow generally accepted cost accounting principles. Those labels you buy off eBay are not credited to your local post office but USPS' general revenue stream. Yet the only reason you are printing those labels is because you can take to your local post office. This means revenue is understated verses expenses. This leads to closures and shorten hours. This would get you fired, and possible jail time, if you did this working for a private company.

So what are DeJoy's business qualifications:

DeJoy was CEO of High Point, North Carolina-based New Breed Logistics from 1983 to 2014, and retired after his company was acquired by Connecticut-based freight transporter, XPO Logistics, for a reported $615 million. Following that acquisition he served as CEO of XPO's supply chain business in North America until his retirement in 2015, and was appointed to a strategic role on XPO Logistics' board of directors where he served until 2018.

At the time of his naming as Postmaster General, DeJoy was president of LDJ Global Strategies, a Greensboro, North Carolina-based, boutique firm with interests in real estate, private equity, consulting and project management. He currently serves on the Elon University board of trustees.


So what was type of business was New Breed Logistics involved in, which DeJoy ran from 1983 to 2014”? A 2014 Wall Street Journal article states the following.

“It specializes in services for distribution, reverse logistics, transportation management, freight bill audit and payment, lean manufacturing support, aftermarket support and supply chain optimization. It processes more than 275,000 orders daily through 71 facilities.”

DeJoy is qualified many time over to be the postmaster general.

The Leftist media also claims that DeJoy wants to destroy USPS because DeJoy and his wife have assets worth between $30.1 million and $75.3 million in UPS and trucking company J.B. Hunt.

Is this true by looking at the actual facts? Nope!

J.B. Hunt is USPS’s largest over the road contractor.

So DeJoy wants to destroy USPS so J.B. Hunt no longer has any USPS contracts, thus lowering J.B. Hunt's profits and destroying the value of DeJoy’s investment. Yes, that makes perfect sense - NOT.

Both UPS and FedEx use USPS to make deliveries as its less costly than using their own drivers making the deliveries. For example; USPS does not deliver mail to addresses in a nearby small town. Instead residents are given a free postal box. A UPS truck is able to pull up to the local post office and hand off a series of packages to the clerk. UPS has completed most of the delivery, but USPS earns easy income for completing the delivery from entirely within the post office.

So DeJoy wants to somehow destroy USPS so UPS can no longer use USPS as a cheaper delivery service, thus driving up UPS’s cost and lowering their profits which in turn destroys the value of DeJoy’s investments. Yes, that makes perfect sense - NOT!

"And last, but not least, you close your premise with some type of religious metaphor."


It was left a specific reply to the statement "God help us" left by a previous poster.

Jesus told his followers to test the words and deeds of others to see if they were works of his Father so that they would not be deceived by false prophets. He did not say to blindly follow the words and deeds to others. He did not say just hope God helps you - you help yourself to the truth!

"Framers made it clear, State and Church are to be separated"


Perhaps you need to reread the Declaration of Independence

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

You missed the word's "God" & "Creator" in the first two paragraphs.


Congress forbid the creation of a state church. Congress forbid government interference in the practice of religion. Of course there are limits to free practice of religion; for instance, if you are planning to revive the ancient religion of the Aztecs and human sacrifice then the government has a legal right to interfere in your actions regardless of wether its a religion.



While it is possible for someone to run a large corperation or organization without coming up through the ranks there will be a much steeper learning curve with someone like this. This isn't the largest problem with DeJoy. It is his blaitant conflict of interests. DeJoy and his wife are very shady with their finances like tRump is but it is on record that they own between 35 and 70 million worth of stock in direct competitors of USPS. Having USPS falter will greatly INCREASE his bottom line by millions of dollars. Dollars that will come out of your pockets and mine.

Message 125 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

@pa_38276095 wrote:



People seem to forget the previous cutbacks during Obama's time in office.


There was a downgrade of First Class Mail, closure of sorting facilities and shortened hours.


Our local post office used to stay open 4:30pm but that was reduced to noon.


A nearby town of less than 150 people used to have a post office that operated out of the front porch of private home until the Post Mistress retired a number of years ago.

LOL would you happen to be in Ohio? We had that situation too. She pitched a fit when she had to come to our office to learn the new computer system. I don't think she had gotten out of a house dress and slippers in years.  When she retired the PO boxes were converted to gang boxes on the street if I remember right.


We have two others that are kind of similar but in businesses, one a lawn mower shop and the other sells farm equipment parts.

Message 126 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

well then its a contract that you signed. state employees have a use it or lose it also. Your not special or the only one. unhappy with your job. find another one. some have lost their job or have had hours cut.

Message 127 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

@pa_38276095 wrote:

"As to your claims that all the fact checkers are liberals"


Where do I state that?

You stated:

Please check your sorces. Starting with your rants against the Washinton Post and Yahoo.


Anti tRump no, anti corruptiion yes. But admitedly it seams like anti corruption does in fact make most anti tRump. LOL that you mention TDS, but we are the ones with rational facts unlike tRumpers and their love of "alternate facts"


Both rate HIGH on factual reporting, unlike


So is the fact checking website you used as as source, or its founder, qualified to actually fact check?


The mediabiasfactcheck website was founded in 2015 by Dave Van Zandt whose only qualification is a degree in communication.

According to "Columbia Journalism Review" as published by Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism the site has been described as a "amateur attempt at categorizing media bias and Van Zandt as an "armchair media analyst."

The Poynter Institute stated "Media Bias/Fact Check" is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific."

"I may only post a link or two but I do check multible sources. "

I this case you are referring to an article written by the Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos. The Washington Post is a ultra liberal news outlet known for printing numerous anti Trump articles. The article itself was then displayed within Yahoo's news feed in order for Yahoo & the Washington Post to make money from ads embedded within the article.

Yahoo is another a ultra Liberal news outlet whose news feed specializes in other ultra liberal websites such as the Huffington Post, Newsweek, Time, Rolling Stone and so and so on.

In an attempt to justify Yahoo and the Washington Post you point to a fake fact checking website. For some reason you use the same fake fact checking website to try to discredit Fox News.

"As to your claims that all the fact checkers are liberals, well maybe that's because liberals are thinkers and search out the facts."

So a fake unqualified fact checking site is a great example of liberal thinking because liberals search out the facts.

What a great example of a oxymoron.

Yahoo is so scared of actual facts that on June 30, 2020, it removed the ability to leave comments below articles in its news feed. The problem was that too many people were leaving information and links to sites that disproved the articles. Yahoo removed the comments section to remove facts from being presented to their readers before an election.


You mean to tell me you've not noticed Yahoo replacing the comments section with the following statement and link to a survey?


What is Yahoo afraid of?


The facts being shown to readers!


Screen Shot 2020-08-06 at 9.22.10 AM.png


"They are not closed minded lemmings following their leader off a cliff. That has always worked out well hasn't it (The Branch Davidians, The Peoples Temple, Heaven's gate). Heck they don't even have to be suicidal there are groups like the Kingston's who amassed $511 million while those at the bottom of their cult gladly lived like slaves to the top. Don't even get me started on creeps like Warren Jeffs."


Nice to see that you are following the Liberal narrative of intolerance by branding anyone who disagrees with you.


When liberals don't have facts they resort to name calling and accusing you what they are guilty of.


You forgot to mention the great Liberal causes of history - Communism, Nazism (Socialism) and Fascism. These resulted in mass graves and the deaths of hundreds of millions.


Honey, I am a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN, a REAL REPUBLICAN. and not one of these fascist dictator want-a-be's cult followers.  It is what it is, a cult following. 


Also as to your claim that liberal means communisum and socialism. In a way you are right but then again you are very wrong. to be a liberal thinker in terms of political party lines mearly means that you are for a change in the status quo. When the peasants rised up during the French Revolution they were the liberals same as when our nation went to war to gain our independence we were the liberals, don't forget that during the Civil War the Republican party WAS the liberal party. And yes it can go the other way and instead of freedom the new "liberators" can and have subjugated the masses like Castro and Stalin. And like I see the radical right trying to do with America today. Control religion and force it back into the schools (but only the state sanctioned religion), indoctinate the children. (kinda like we did with the Native American children back in the good ol' days), Oh and yeah lets take away a womans control of her body. Whats next? declairing that we are too emotonal to hold office or vote. While you are at it lets make it if you are not lily white you are only 3/5ths a man.

Message 128 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

@pa_38276095 wrote:

Why do you associate a enormous volume of packages with enormous profit?


USPS got a enormous volume of packages sent from China due to eBay's 2010 pioneering effort to abuse a 1969 UPU program to help developing countries. eBay used it to instead line their own pockets, enrich their Chinese vendors and destroy American jobs. The public was told USPS needed to earn income from these packages due to declining 1st Class Mail volume. That was a lie as USPS lost money on each package which were treated as 1st Class Mail once they reached USPS even these packages could weigh up to 4.4 pounds.


eBay's 2010 deal with USPS and China Post was soon copied by companies such as Amazon. USPS had previously made money on foreign mail but that was dramatically reduced in 2010. The only reason USPS made any money at all on foreign mail in 2010 was because eBay's abuse only operated for 1/2 of 2010. From 2011 onward USPS lost increasing amounts on foreign mail due to this abuse. Loses reached over $300 million a year due to this abuse. This abuse cost USPS several billion in loses.

Who put an end to it?

Not Congress or Obama and their corporate masters.

Trump put an end to it.

tRump didn't put an end to it. It still is alive and well.


But yes I agree that program was a fail, a rather epic one at that.

Message 129 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

Trump Derangement Syndrome can't change the facts!


The Universal Postal Union was established in 1874 to govern the interchange of mail between countries. When mail is sent from one country to another country the country completing the delivery receives part of the fees paid by the customer in the originating country.

In 1969 a program was created by the UPU to encourage trade from developing countries by allowing them to more easily export items via their mail system. Developing countries would be given discounted international postal rates by developed countries. This was essentially a subsidy of postal rates for these less developed countries - a form of foreign aid. Even with this discount for certain countries USPS always made money on foreign mail.

The problem with this agreement was that China was considered a developing country. China was neither a developing nation in 1969 or in 2010 when eBay decided to abuse the intent of this agreement.

In 2010 eBay was the prime negotiator for a tri-party agreement between eBay, China Post & USPS. This agreement allowed Chinese vendors on eBay to create eBay branded labels to ship their items to the U.S. using these ultra cheap postal rates.

This program allowed packages of up to 4.4 pounds to be sent to the U.S., with these packages being classified as First Class Mail once they reached the U.S. The public was told this program was needed to create income for USPS. The public was told that these Chinese packages would help offset the income USPS had lost due to declining domestic first class volume. Those were complete lies!

USPS was actually losing money on each package. This program was only running for approximately 1/2 of 2010 yet USPS saw it profits on foreign mail drop dramatically. By 2011, and every year since, USPS lost increasing amounts on foreign mail due to abuse of this program. Other companies such Amazon then copied eBay's abuse of this program. Annual loses increased each year and reached over $300 million, causing USPS to lose several billion dollars over the course of multiple years.

Chinese companies were thus allowed to dump goods into the U.S. while bankrupting USPS and destroying American jobs. All this was done so eBay & Amazon could earn commissions off these sales. USPS made up for the loses by raising its rates which in turn earned eBay more money off shipping fee commissions. USPS also made up for these loses by cutting services, closing facilities, and shortening hours of those than remained open.


Who put an end to this abuse and saved USPS losing addition billions of dollars?


Trump is who!


Within months of being contacted by concerned citizens Trump threatened to withdrawal from the UPU if other countries didn't fix pricing issues. When they still refused to do anything Trump began the 1 year withdrawal process and was mocked by Leftist media. Faced with not having access to the largest market in the world via their mail system other countries backed down and agreed to end the abusive pricing.

In 2006, Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, which was was sponsored by:


104 Democrats

58 Republicans

1 Independent


It passed in the House 410 to 20.


It passed in the Senate, but the specific voting record was not recored.

This 2006 law requires USPS to prefund 75 years worth of retiree health benefits in the span of just 10 years at a cost of $110 billion. No other government agency or business is required to do this. The public was told that this money was be collected for future USPS retirees, but the funds are instead being diverted to help pay down the national debt. Like money paid into social security all these years the money is not actually sitting in an account earning interest - its already been spent by Congress with a IOU being given in return. USPS was unable to keep the original 10 year payment schedule.

USPS had lost money for 13 years straight and most of those loses have been due to this retirement funding mandate. In 2019; for instance, 83% of USPS's $8.8 billion loss was due to this mandate.

Who has rejected major postal reform for years due to the political contributions from companies such as eBay, Amazon, UPS, FedEx and others? Congress does!

For eight years Obama ignored all calls to put an end to this UPU abuse which has cost USPS billions in loses. For 8 years Obama did nothing about ending the retirement mandate from Congress. Yet Obama has the nerve to suggest at the funeral of John Lewis that Trump is trying to undermined the post office when Obama is quality of that charge for 8 years.

The facts show that Congress & every president before Trump have worked to bankrupt USPS.


Trump on the other hand had already ended abuse of a UPU program by companies like eBay & eBay which cost USPS billions in loses.


Trump has previously ordered reviews of USPS policies and pricing.


Trump has appointed DeJoy to complete further reforms of USPS.


Yet the Leftist media mocks DeJoy as unqualified.


What are his real qualifications?


DeJoy was CEO of High Point, North Carolina-based New Breed Logistics from 1983 to 2014, and retired after his company was acquired by Connecticut-based freight transporter, XPO Logistics, for a reported $615 million. Following that acquisition he served as CEO of XPO's supply chain business in North America until his retirement in 2015, and was appointed to a strategic role on XPO Logistics' board of directors where he served until 2018.

At the time of his naming as Postmaster General, DeJoy was president of LDJ Global Strategies, a Greensboro, North Carolina-based, boutique firm with interests in real estate, private equity, consulting and project management. He currently serves on the Elon University board of trustees.

So what was type of business was New Breed Logistics involved in, which DeJoy ran from 1983 to 2014”? A 2014 Wall Street Journal article states the following.

“It specializes in services for distribution, reverse logistics, transportation management, freight bill audit and payment, lean manufacturing support, aftermarket support and supply chain optimization. It processes more than 275,000 orders daily through 71 facilities.”

The Leftist media also say DeJoy wants to destroy USPS because DeJoy and his wife have assets worth between $30.1 million and $75.3 million in UPS and trucking company J.B. Hunt.

J.B. Hunt is USPS’s largest over the road contractor.

So does DeJoy wants to destroy USPS so J.B. Hunt no longer has any USPS contracts thus lowering their profits and destroying the value of DeJoy’s investment. Yes, that makes perfect sense - NOT.

Both UPS and FedEx use USPS to make deliveries as its less costly that their own drivers making the deliveries. For example; USPS does not deliver mail to addresses in a nearby small town. Instead residents are given a free postal box. A UPS truck is able to pull up to the local post office and hand off a series of packages to the clerk. UPS has completed most of the delivery, but USPS earns income for completing the delivery from entirely within the post office.

So DeJoy wants to somehow destroy USPS so UPS can no longer use USPS as a cheaper delivery service, thus driving up UPS’s cost and lowering the value of DeJoy’s investments. Yes, that makes perfect sense - NOT!



Message 130 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS



Under a new UPU agreement the U.S. will get to set its own postal rates starting in July 2020 and other countries will be allowed to move toward setting their own fees in 2021, with a five-year period of phasing in new rates.


Peter Navarro, the White House trade adviser, said in a call with reporters that the deal was a “huge victory” for American manufacturers and that the change in postal dues would save the U.S. between $300 and $500 million per year.


Even the Washington Post, a ultra liberal anti Trump newspaper run by Amazon's founder, stated that USPS was losing at least $300 million per year.

Message 131 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

The Leftist media say DeJoy wants to destroy USPS because DeJoy and his wife have assets worth between $30.1 million and $75.3 million in UPS and trucking company J.B. Hunt.

J.B. Hunt is USPS’s largest over the road contractor.

So DeJoy wants to destroy USPS so J.B. Hunt no longer has any USPS contracts thus lowering their profits and destroying the value of DeJoy’s investment. Yes, that makes perfect sense - NOT.

Both UPS and FedEx use USPS to make deliveries as its less costly that their own drivers making the deliveries. For example; USPS does not deliver mail to addresses in a nearby small town. Instead residents are given a free postal box. A UPS truck is able to pull up to the local post office and hand off a series of packages to the clerk. UPS has completed most of the delivery, but USPS earns income for completing the delivery from entirely within the post office.

So DeJoy wants to somehow destroy USPS so UPS can no longer use USPS as a cheaper delivery service, thus driving up UPS’s cost and lowering the value of DeJoy’s investments. Yes, that makes perfect sense - NOT!


Message 132 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

 lja440 stated:


#1  almost every offices lobby and windows closes before the outgoing truck comes for that days outgoing mail.  Even the drop box (aka big blue) in front of the PO is emptied before dispatch time.


Screen Shot 2020-08-11 at 8.26.50 AM.png


The post office uses numerous contractors who bid on mail collection routes. Each of these contractors drives a route in which they pick up bags of mail and packages from various post offices. At the end of their route the contractor drops these directly off at a USPS sorting center or at a large centralized post office which then sends them to a USPS sorting center.


Here all contractor routes converge on a large central post office which relays the mail to a USPS sorting center about 90 miles away.


Each contractor's route takes them hours to finish. Most post offices here close at 5:00pm. Our local post office used to stay open until 4:30pm until hours were shortened to noon during postal cutbacks under Obama. After the hours were shortened a different contractor was used to pick up the mail.


You stated that most post office lobby windows close before the outgoing truck comes for the mail. That would mean that a contractor would have to arrive at the first post office on his route after 5:00pm. He would then need to visit every post office further down his route at increasingly later times after 5:00 pm. That would mean the contractor would arrive at the post office near end of the route late into the evening.


That is not how it works! There are no postal employees waiting at these post offices until late in the evening. The go home within minutes of the post office's regular hours.


How it actually works is that the contractor starts his route earlier in the day. His route is arranged so that he can visit the last post office on his route and it will still be open by the time of his arrival. That means he is picking up mail from the first post office on his route hours before it closes and the last post office near its closing.

This also means that there is also going to be various quantities of leftover mail at post offices on the route. It all depends on how many customers visit each post office after the contractor has picked up the mail. Post offices earlier in the route have a higher chance of having more leftover mail and those last in the route having a lower chance of having leftover mail as the contractor arrives closer to post office's closing hours. This leftover mail is collected during the next day.


The post office is not sending individual trucks to thousands of post offices just before they close! Nor are postal employees staying at postal facilities for hours after they close to the public just to wait for a contractor to pick the mail up.


How could you get something so fundamental so wrong if you actually work for USPS?


I can only imagine what you would do with stories from the old timers I talked to at stamp club back in the 1970s & early 1980s. Some of these guys worked for the post office when they used trains for mail. There would be 4-5 mail trains per day at the depot in a city of 30,000, requiring them to go down to the depot each time and transport the items to the post office. Some of the tiny towns in which trains didn't stop all the time, or not at all, used mail cranes. There was leftover mail at post offices then, as there is now, because that is how transportation works!

Message 133 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

Not going to touch the rest of that as its so full of misconceptions.

Lets take a look at one of your statements below however, as its such a part of the false Liberal agenda being taught to our kids in school to brainwash them. Always remember Nikta Khrushchev 's infamous quote when thinking of Liberal education and its true goal.

"We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the United States. We will bury you from within.”

You stated:

"While you are at it lets make it if you are not lily white you are only 3/5ths a man."

Nice try, but the Three-Fifths-Compromise was not racism!

It was an attempt to limit the power of slave owning colonies and prevent the further spread of slavery.

Banning slavery was one of the major topics of the 1787 Constitutional negotiations; however, slave owners still held too much power. If slavery was banned outright the former colonies where slave owners still dominated would not ratify the Constitution. The Constitution did; however include the Three-Fifths-Compromise which immediately lessoned the political power of slave holding regions. It counted slaves a 3/5 of a person for purposes of representation and taxation. In exchange for this compromise it was agreed that Congress would take no further action against slavery for 20 years. Without this agreement slave holding states would have been given more power in Congress to spread slavery. Non slaves states would have never ratified the Constitution without this compromise.

The minimum required number of former colonies required to ratify the Constitution was not achieved until 1788, with the government established under the Constitution officially starting on March 4, 1789.

Leftist propaganda would also have you believe that the Founder Fathers were racists interested in preserving slavery yet their anti slavery actions speak for themselves.

The importation of slaves was banned during the American Revolutionary War of 1775-1783 as part of an embargo on British goods which included slaves.

A 1794 law under Washington forbid American ships from participating in the importation of slaves.

A 1806 law proposed by President Thomas Jefferson, which became effective 1807, forbid the importation slaves by foreign vessels. The Constitution had originally forbade the passing of any such anti slavery laws for 20 years (1808); however, anti slavery efforts had increased to such a degree it saw little resistance in Congress.

What this means is that slaves could only be legally brought into the U.S. via American & foreign ships from 1784-1793 and with foreign ships from 1794-1806. Slaves could only be brought into the U.S. legally for approximately 23 years by any means.

The Act to Protect the Commerce of the United States and Punish the Crime of Piracy, which was passed in 1820, made importing a slave into the U.S. punishable by death!

Individual states continued to issued their own laws which restricted and / or forbid slavery. Vermont declared its independence from England in 1777 and banned slavery while it did not ratify the Constitution and become a state until 1791.

Slavery only existed here:

Alabama 1819-1865
Arkansas 1836-1865
Delaware 1787-1865 (1)
Florida 1845-1865
Georgia 1788-1865 (2)
Kentucky 1792-1865 (3)
Lousiana 1812-1864 (4)
Maryland 1788-1865 (5)
Mississippi 1817-1865
Missouri 1821-1865 (6)
New Jersey 1787-1804
New York 1788-1799
North Carolina 1789-1865
South Carolina 1788-1865
Tennessee 1796-1865 (7)
Texas 1845-1865
Virginia 1788-1865 (8)

(1) Delaware’s anti slavery Quaker movement led slave owners to free 50% of their slaves by 1810 and 90% by 1860. Delaware, with 90% of its slaves already free, voted to remain in the Union in 1861.

(2) Georgia’s James Oglethorpe had banned slavery in 1735, but this was overturned by a 1751 British royal decree.

(3) As slaves never comprised more than 25% of Kentucky’s population anti slavery movements began shortly after its founding. Freed slaves held their own slaves in 29 of Kentucky's counties. Three attempts were made to ban the importation of slaves and one attempt to ban slavery via rewriting the state constitution by 1849 but slave owners were able to prevail over abolitionists.

(4) Louisiana banned slavery in 1864. The slave trade was largely governed by earlier French and Spanish laws which gave slaves some legal rights such as the right to marry. Separation of children from mothers and of married couples was banned as well as the use of severe corporal punishments. The state had a significantly higher portion of free blacks born of white fathers which afforded such children a much higher literacy rate, with a significant number of these free blacks owning businesses, properties and even slaves.

(5) In Maryland many slave owners had freed their slaves shortly after the American Revolution War. From 1810 onward Maryland had the largest population of free blacks of any state. By 1860 over 49% of the state’s population were free blacks. The Underground Railroad was heavily involved in Maryland.

(6) Several early attempts to ban or restrict slavery were put on hold due to the Missouri Compromise which allowed the state to enter the Union as slave state so long as Maine entered the Union as a free state.

(7) Tennessee saw heavy abolitionist activity up until the 1830s, with some anti slavery measures being passed; however, there was not enough support to ban slavery outright, and slave owners were able to gain the upper hand in the state legislature.

(8) By 1650 there were 300 African indentured servants and 4,000 white indentured servants in Virginia. Many were granted 50 acres of land upon earning their freedom by working a given number of years. Slave laws were not passed in Virginia until 1661. Following the American Revolutionary War many slave owners started to free slaves causing the population of free blacks to increase from 1,800 in 1792 to 30,570 in 1810. Efforts to free more slaves were eventually suppressed by the 1840’s era state government.



Message 134 of 139
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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

Wow, been hitting that foolaid kinda hard haven't you. 


I will respond to two points. The Washington Post is not "ulta liberal" it is rated at center left and factual 


One of YOUR news sorces is probably fox news or even Infowars


And second is that destroying USPS would also hurt DeJoy.

Destroy USPS and it helps to keep tRump and his 1% agenda in power. DeJoy is part of the 5% and has asperations to be in the 1%. Which will require a bit of boot licking which he is more than willing to do. 

Destroying USPS or privatizing it will take away all checks and ballances and allow prices across the board to rise and do so without worry that they will price themselves out of the market. Ever wonder why FedEx and UPS have all the verious surcharges? it's because if they just show the actual costs it is too obvious that costs to use them are so much higher on average. Now think of all the money that could be raked in if they are delivering your magazines or greating cards.  Just for fun log in to UPS or FedEx and see what it would cost to send some friend or relative a birthday card a few states away or even across town.  Sure First Class letters are down from a few decades ago but think of everything you get in your mailbox and think of the difference that is between your 55 cent Forever stamp and what you find on checking FedEx and UPS. And consider that each day the Postal Service processes and delivers 181.9 million pieces of First-Class Mail.  

Message 135 of 139
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