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Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS


 After a heated confrontation with my postmaster today about why the USPS is trying to destroy my business with record delays and missing packages, he finally offered an explanation that wasn't the usual excuse or denial.  I've been able to confirm what he told me.  The new PG in an effort to cut costs has banned all overtime throughout the USPS and has instructed employees to just let mail sit until they are caught up enough to get to it, without charging overtime.  We are officially screwed.   


 I just registered an account with UPS and will use them for items over $25 and see if I can absorb the additional shipping costs.  At least I'll have my sanity, God willing.  I cannot spend one more day apologizing for late deliveries. 



Message 1 of 139
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138 REPLIES 138

Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS


Message 106 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

it is trumps fault.

Message 107 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

First off that impossible. It is a law. If you work more than 40 hours your working ot. Unless you are salaried then sometimes depending on the business you get money, or vacation time. This is for government and private companies. Dont be so guliable.   Anything more than 40 hours is ot.

Message 108 of 139
latest reply

Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

"Please do not spread false information."

You should follow your own words!

You are not talking to someone you just fell off the turnip truck you know. I worked for a large office and janitorial supply wholesaler who in addition to shipping hundreds of daily packages via UPS ran their own trucking firm to deliver items to retail stores across the Midwest. We operated three large warehouses in two cities. I also worked for a much larger national manufacturer and wholesaler of a food commodity with massive warehouses and silos in multiple states, with goods being sent out via semi truck, tanker truck and railcar. I have years of experience in warehouse work and I also have more than 20 years of selling online.


"We could drive to our USPS location at 5PM and see they're literally packing items outside that they're rushing on to trucks, because there's no more room inside."

Loose It or Prove It!

Post the name and address of this post office, along with pictures of the mountains of packages you claim are back logged, so your allegations can be investigated and the proper people relieved of their jobs for incompetence.

Let me get this straight, they are placing packages in piles on the ground outside the post office because the don't have room inside. Yet these packages need to be carefully stacked on pallets and then wrapped in plastic wrap so they can be safely loaded into, and transferred by, trucks. But those pallets only can be loaded onto the trucks with a forklift or pallet jack which requires a surface at the same height of the dock / truck. That means packages will have to be placed back inside the dock, loaded onto pallets and wrapped in order to be placed inside a truck. Or it means the packages will have to be placed on the pallets and wrapped outside the building and brought back into the building to the docks with a forklift or pallet jack via a ground level to dock level ramp and then placed into the trucks.

Why are you are shocked that they are rushing these items onto trucks? That is name of game - speed! Every minute the packages it there is unproductive downtime. I guess we were all doing it wrong at the wholesaler I worked at - we should have slowed down.

What do you think goes on at the local FedEx sorting facility I toured? Plastic wrapped pallets of packages are taken off one or more trucks at the same time. The plastic wrap is cut off and the packages are set onto a series of roller conveyors. Employees quickly pick individual packages off the rollers, scan them, and place them in a specific bin location. The packages in each bin location are then shipped out on various other trucks to other sorting facilities and distributed to the local FedEx facility for delivery. Everything is done in 3-4 hours and the part time employees go home without being paid any overtime!

"More than 20% of the orders EVERY SINGLE DAY are not going out on time, and being delayed at least a week."

There is a little thing called a pandemic going on and such delays have been going on for months.

You seem to think its just postal employees moving mail & packages for USPS.

No, its actually many more workers than that.

1. FedEx moves USPS time sensitive packages on its planes.

2. J.B. Hunt is a trucking company that is USPS's largest over the road contractor.

3. USPS uses many other smaller contractors.

4. Rural mail carriers have to use their own cars.

5. Both FedEx & UPS use USPS to deliver packages.

6. There is USPS's interaction with the mail services of other countries.

7. Every other company USPS interacts with is also effected. Maintaining FedEx's fleet of planes and J.B. Hunt's fleet of truck; for instance, require the services of other workers and companies who are also effected by the pandemic.

"Certain days, such as the 23rd, > 90% of our orders didn't go out."

This and your previous statement are totally meaningless without any context and various data such as the services you are using, time you drop them off, your location, the location of sorting centers and dozens of other variables are needed to determine a accurate opinion.

Gee, if I drop off 50 packages on a Saturday morning to my local post office I too can claim that the package's progress is slow. Yet the progress of such packages, before the pandemic, would be initially slow due to the fact that I dropped them off on a Saturday! Before or after the pandemic one wouldn't expect to see much movement on those packages, as well as updates of the tracking information, until Monday. So as long as I don't disclose those facts I can also falsely claim that the packages are slow.

"Leftover mail IS NOT going out the next day."

Of course it is! Show me pictures of the post office facilities and the piles of backed up packages. An antique postal cart serves as the storage space for outgoing packages at my local post office. I can see that cart at the backdoor of the post office from the customer side of the front counter. The busiest that cart has ever got was when I backup up to the back door of the post office and uploaded 40-50 packages at a time. The post office's hours were shorten years ago and the facility closes at noon rather than 4:30 yet they are never backed up.

The large regional post office that acts as a collection point for mail from surrounding post offices has a special ground level area among the loading docks where you may leave packages in bulk without having to go through the front desk. There is no attendant as ever inch is covered by security cameras. There are no piles of packages sitting around outside or inside of the building that have accumulated over the past weeks or months! Anything left from the previous work day is loaded into trucks at the beginning of the next day and sent out to the sorting center that day. If anything is left at the end of that day it sent out the next day.

"Our postal workers have directly admit it: 'As their warehouse fills up, packages are getting pushed to the back of the room, while the daily orders are unloaded in front of them. They haven't been able to get to the back half of the warehouse for over 2 weeks'."

Not how it works!

Publish the postal employee's name you are supposedly quoting along with the name and address of the facility they work. Let me guess, its a unnamed anonymous source.

"This isn't 'leftist media'. This is the true situation if we drive to our USPS ourselves."

No such situation at any local post office!

Once again, provide us with the names of the facilities and pictures so they can be investigated!

"You're the one guilty of believing what media is saying, when you should start believing the sellers with long standing reputations of getting their items out on time who are experiencing this themselves."

Been selling online for more than 20 years!

The media is stating that the delays are due to Trump's recent appointment of DeJoy and that Trump wants to destroy DeJoy.

Both are false!

The delays have existed for months due to the pandemic.

If Trump wants to destroy USPS how come he put a stop to companies like eBay abusing a 1969 UPU program designed to help poor countries. Trump has already saved USPS billions in further loses by putting an end to that. When Trump began the 1 year process to withdrawal from the UPU to force other countries to fix the issue the same Leftist media mocked Trump.

The same Leftist media is trying to blame the recent pandemic for USPs' loses yet the bulk of USPS;s loses for the last 13 years have been the retirement mandate from Congress forced on USPS. In 2019; for instance, 83% of USPS's loss was due to this mandate.

"Let's not continue to dismiss what is happening in reality, for what the media is claiming, as that's what you're doing."

What is happening in reality and what the media is claiming are two different things yet you want to dismiss both choices. This is not a traffic light - there is not a 3rd choice choice of yellow - its either red or green.

There are delays caused by world wide pandemic which effects USPS entire delivery system which includes USPS workers, the J.B. Hunt trucking firm, FedEx, many smaller contractors, rural carriers and much more!


"The reality is, we have hundreds of packages that have not been delivered for weeks, and we're only one of thousands of sellers experiencing this."

Not delivered or package's whose tracking information has not been updated.

Once again rather pointless information unless all the unknown variables are analyzed as a whole.

"This is NOT due to the pandemic. Through the pandemic we've only had 10-11 items lost per month. We've got over 95 cases opened since the last 2-3 weeks, and more than half of the customers haven't even opened an INR case yet."

10-11 packages lost per month?

In 20+ years of online selling I've only had USPS possibly loose one package. Either USPS didn't scan it when it was delivered and the buyer choose to falsely claim it as lost or the package was stolen by a USPS employee or contractor sometime after it was last scanned at a sorting facility.

I'd be contacting the postal inspectors if 95 packages dropped off a the same post office are now lost.

"The exact date this began was the date the new policies began (the 13th of last month)."

That is strange because there are many other sellers documenting slowdowns shortly after the pandemic began, which was months ago.

"The postal workers will openly admit this."

Once gain, names and facilities where they work!



Message 109 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

In most cases that is due to how it was improperly packaged.


In 20+ years of online selling only one package was damaged. It was a box sent via UPS. The outer box had clearly been punctured by the tip of a forklift. The inner product box had a tiny tear. The product was unharmed. The buyer decided not to have pursue a claim as it was too close to Christmas to have another sent in time.

Message 110 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

The Leftist media has insisted that DeJoy is unqualified because he is not come up through the ranks of USPS.

Is that true by looking at the actual facts? Nope!

The Left & Congress and their corporate masters, who all opposes postal reform to keep the status quo that benefits them, instead wants another dysfunctional USPS government employee to somehow save USPS.

In the past such USPS executives created a program to buy the homes of executives forced to move due to a job change. USPS lost millions on these homes.

In the past such executives agreed to the 2010 eBay, USPS & China Post agreement which resulted in USPS losing billions (i.e., the cheap Chinese packages). These postal executives told the public USPS would be making off each one of these packages. In fact they were losing money off each package. Obama and Congress failed to put an end to this abuse. Trump ended it, saving USPS billions in further loses. So if Trump wants to destroy USPS how come he ended this program?

These same postal executives do not follow generally accepted cost accounting principles. Those labels you buy off eBay are not credited to your local post office but USPS' general revenue stream. Yet the only reason you are printing those labels is because you can take to your local post office. This means revenue is understated verses expenses. This leads to closures and shorten hours. This would get you fired, and possible jail time, if you did this working for a private company.

So what are DeJoy's business qualifications:

DeJoy was CEO of High Point, North Carolina-based New Breed Logistics from 1983 to 2014, and retired after his company was acquired by Connecticut-based freight transporter, XPO Logistics, for a reported $615 million. Following that acquisition he served as CEO of XPO's supply chain business in North America until his retirement in 2015, and was appointed to a strategic role on XPO Logistics' board of directors where he served until 2018.

At the time of his naming as Postmaster General, DeJoy was president of LDJ Global Strategies, a Greensboro, North Carolina-based, boutique firm with interests in real estate, private equity, consulting and project management. He currently serves on the Elon University board of trustees.


So what was type of business was New Breed Logistics involved in, which DeJoy ran from 1983 to 2014”? A 2014 Wall Street Journal article states the following.

“It specializes in services for distribution, reverse logistics, transportation management, freight bill audit and payment, lean manufacturing support, aftermarket support and supply chain optimization. It processes more than 275,000 orders daily through 71 facilities.”

DeJoy is qualified many time over to be the postmaster general.

The Leftist media also claims that DeJoy wants to destroy USPS because DeJoy and his wife have assets worth between $30.1 million and $75.3 million in UPS and trucking company J.B. Hunt.

Is this true by looking at the actual facts? Nope!

J.B. Hunt is USPS’s largest over the road contractor.

So DeJoy wants to destroy USPS so J.B. Hunt no longer has any USPS contracts, thus lowering J.B. Hunt's profits and destroying the value of DeJoy’s investment. Yes, that makes perfect sense - NOT.

Both UPS and FedEx use USPS to make deliveries as its less costly than using their own drivers making the deliveries. For example; USPS does not deliver mail to addresses in a nearby small town. Instead residents are given a free postal box. A UPS truck is able to pull up to the local post office and hand off a series of packages to the clerk. UPS has completed most of the delivery, but USPS earns easy income for completing the delivery from entirely within the post office.

So DeJoy wants to somehow destroy USPS so UPS can no longer use USPS as a cheaper delivery service, thus driving up UPS’s cost and lowering their profits which in turn destroys the value of DeJoy’s investments. Yes, that makes perfect sense - NOT!

"And last, but not least, you close your premise with some type of religious metaphor."


It was left a specific reply to the statement "God help us" left by a previous poster.

Jesus told his followers to test the words and deeds of others to see if they were works of his Father so that they would not be deceived by false prophets. He did not say to blindly follow the words and deeds to others. He did not say just hope God helps you - you help yourself to the truth!

"Framers made it clear, State and Church are to be separated"


Perhaps you need to reread the Declaration of Independence

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

You missed the word's "God" & "Creator" in the first two paragraphs.


Congress forbid the creation of a state church. Congress forbid government interference in the practice of religion. Of course there are limits to free practice of religion; for instance, if you are planning to revive the ancient religion of the Aztecs and human sacrifice then the government has a legal right to interfere in your actions regardless of wether its a religion.



Message 111 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS



People seem to forget the previous cutbacks during Obama's time in office.


There was a downgrade of First Class Mail, closure of sorting facilities and shortened hours.


Our local post office used to stay open 4:30pm but that was reduced to noon.


A nearby town of less than 150 people used to have a post office that operated out of the front porch of private home until the Post Mistress retired a number of years ago.

Message 112 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

"As to your claims that all the fact checkers are liberals"


Where do I state that?

You stated:

Please check your sorces. Starting with your rants against the Washinton Post and Yahoo.


Anti tRump no, anti corruptiion yes. But admitedly it seams like anti corruption does in fact make most anti tRump. LOL that you mention TDS, but we are the ones with rational facts unlike tRumpers and their love of "alternate facts"


Both rate HIGH on factual reporting, unlike


So is the fact checking website you used as as source, or its founder, qualified to actually fact check?


The mediabiasfactcheck website was founded in 2015 by Dave Van Zandt whose only qualification is a degree in communication.

According to "Columbia Journalism Review" as published by Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism the site has been described as a "amateur attempt at categorizing media bias and Van Zandt as an "armchair media analyst."

The Poynter Institute stated "Media Bias/Fact Check" is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific."

"I may only post a link or two but I do check multible sources. "

I this case you are referring to an article written by the Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos. The Washington Post is a ultra liberal news outlet known for printing numerous anti Trump articles. The article itself was then displayed within Yahoo's news feed in order for Yahoo & the Washington Post to make money from ads embedded within the article.

Yahoo is another a ultra Liberal news outlet whose news feed specializes in other ultra liberal websites such as the Huffington Post, Newsweek, Time, Rolling Stone and so and so on.

In an attempt to justify Yahoo and the Washington Post you point to a fake fact checking website. For some reason you use the same fake fact checking website to try to discredit Fox News.

"As to your claims that all the fact checkers are liberals, well maybe that's because liberals are thinkers and search out the facts."

So a fake unqualified fact checking site is a great example of liberal thinking because liberals search out the facts.

What a great example of a oxymoron.

Yahoo is so scared of actual facts that on June 30, 2020, it removed the ability to leave comments below articles in its news feed. The problem was that too many people were leaving information and links to sites that disproved the articles. Yahoo removed the comments section to remove facts from being presented to their readers before an election.


You mean to tell me you've not noticed Yahoo replacing the comments section with the following statement and link to a survey?


What is Yahoo afraid of?


The facts being shown to readers!


Screen Shot 2020-08-06 at 9.22.10 AM.png


"They are not closed minded lemmings following their leader off a cliff. That has always worked out well hasn't it (The Branch Davidians, The Peoples Temple, Heaven's gate). Heck they don't even have to be suicidal there are groups like the Kingston's who amassed $511 million while those at the bottom of their cult gladly lived like slaves to the top. Don't even get me started on creeps like Warren Jeffs."


Nice to see that you are following the Liberal narrative of intolerance by branding anyone who disagrees with you.


When liberals don't have facts they resort to name calling and accusing you what they are guilty of.


You forgot to mention the great Liberal causes of history - Communism, Nazism (Socialism) and Fascism. These resulted in mass graves and the deaths of hundreds of millions.


Message 113 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

Except of course much of the post office is already privatized because it saves USPS money.


J.B. Hunt is USPS largest over the road contractor.


USPS uses many other small contractors for mail routes such as those that pick up mail from various post offices and deliver it to sorting centers and central post offices. These are typically awarded via bids.


FedEx moves USPS's time sensitive packages on its planes.


We have small postal store outlets in many stores.


The 2006 Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act was sponsored by:


104 Democrats

58 Republicans

1 Independent


It passed in the House 410 to 20


It passed in the Senate, but the specific voting record was not recored.


Your statement blaming it on a Republican controlled Congress is COMPLETELY FALSE as it received overwhelming approval from both Democrats & Republicans who wanted to use to finance their overspending.


Money paid by the post office under this bill and payments paid into social security into government coffers all these years are not loans earning interest for USPS or the social security program. Both have simply been given IOUs by the government!



Message 114 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

I was a snow removal contractor for the local post office for 20 years, starting in 7th grade.


The local post office has one part time employee who starts his closing procedure 1/2 an hour before closing. This involves various tasks such as collecting the mail from the outside box, putting items back in the safe, nearly closing the safe door, partly closing the shutter on the front counter, shutting off the computer, and so forth. This is so the final steps consist of only a quick stroll of a few minutes of work.

Other duties such as mopping the floor are done during the day. The outer lobby is open 24 hours a day since the postal hours were reduced from 4:30 pm to noon. Back in the day one might see the last full time postmaster smoking his pipe out the open back door.

USPS only delivers mail to a couple of streets in town which are on a rural route. All other town residents get a free postal box.


The mail contractor arrives in the last 20 minutes of operation. He rings the back door bell and postmaster unlocks the door. The contractor bars the door open and loads his truck while the postal worker continues to monitor the front desk for any customers while continuing the closing procedure. I've used this same door to drop packages off to bypass the front window.


UPS visits the post office on their normal deliver days for this town during regular postal hours. Never seen a FedEx truck visit the PO in nearly 40 years I've been here. No Amazon deliveries here.


On Saturdays, which has shortened hours, most of the time is spent sorting the incoming mail. The mail shoot in the post office is closed to letters and you need to place them in the outside mail box. As this is part time position on rare occasions they might have a less experienced clerk fill in and keep the front counter closed on Saturday.

As a postal history cover collector I am aware of numerous previous downturns in mail service.

There was a previous downgrading of First Class Mail during Obama's years in office due to loses. Sorting facilities were closed, post offices closed and hours shortened. Our local post office was one that had its hours shortened.


When the Post Office was established by the Constitution its distance based fees only covered the transfer of items from one post office to another post office. It didn't include home delivery. It was your job to get your letter to a local post office. Whoever was to receive the letter needed to get to travel to the local post office to pickup it up.


Free delivery to a limited number of city addresses was not introduced until 1863 when local revenues would cover expenses. By 1880 it was offered in 104 cities and 796 cities by 1900. Free rural delivery was not experimented with until 1896 and did not become permanent until 1902. Parcel Post was added in 1913.


Saturday delivery was suspended in 1947 for some cities due to budget problems. In 1957 Saturday delivery was temporarily suspended nationwide. Parcel Post Saturday delivery was suspended in over 6,000 cities from May 1964 to January 1966 due to budget concerns.

Mail operations were altered and in some cases suspended in various areas during the 1918-19 Influenza outbreak.

During World War I & II U.S. mail was censored! This involved the opening, reading, inspection of letters, postcards and packages. Written content was subject to be censored (blacked out or pasted over) and items confiscated.

This article from April covers USPS suspension of mail to 22 countries due to coronavirus.

Further notices from USPS announcing suspensions of APO/FPO/DPO in April and the expansion to more countries in August due to cornavirus are detailed at the URL below.

Message 115 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

But what many people are missing is that its not just USPS employees being affected by cornavirus.


People keep wanting to blame USPS employees or DeJoys' recent cuts in overtime.


"FedEx has suspended our money-back guarantee for all FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight and FedEx Office services effective immediately until further notice."


Now who moves USPS's packages on its planes?


FedEx does!


Who is USPS's largest over the road contractor?


J.B. Hunt


USPS uses many other private contractors in addition to rural mail carriers who must use their own cars.


USPS interacts with foreign postal systems form around the globe.


USPS started suspending delivery to some countries and military addresses at least as far back as April due to coronavirus. Those countries were expanded in August due to coronavirus.

All these parts of USPS expanded delivery system are affected by coronavirus!



Message 116 of 139
latest reply

Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

Why do you associate a enormous volume of packages with enormous profit?


USPS got a enormous volume of packages sent from China due to eBay's 2010 pioneering effort to abuse a 1969 UPU program to help developing countries. eBay used it to instead line their own pockets, enrich their Chinese vendors and destroy American jobs. The public was told USPS needed to earn income from these packages due to declining 1st Class Mail volume. That was a lie as USPS lost money on each package which were treated as 1st Class Mail once they reached USPS even these packages could weigh up to 4.4 pounds.


eBay's 2010 deal with USPS and China Post was soon copied by companies such as Amazon. USPS had previously made money on foreign mail but that was dramatically reduced in 2010. The only reason USPS made any money at all on foreign mail in 2010 was because eBay's abuse only operated for 1/2 of 2010. From 2011 onward USPS lost increasing amounts on foreign mail due to this abuse. Loses reached over $300 million a year due to this abuse. This abuse cost USPS several billion in loses.

Who put an end to it?

Not Congress or Obama and their corporate masters.

Trump put an end to it.

Message 117 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

@mrygorndfrancine wrote:

First off that impossible. It is a law. If you work more than 40 hours your working ot. Unless you are salaried then sometimes depending on the business you get money, or vacation time. This is for government and private companies. Dont be so guliable.   Anything more than 40 hours is ot.

Not for a mail carrier it's not. We do not get paid by the hour but by the evaluated time on the route. Like I said before my route is evaluated at 8.20 hours per day. It doesn't matter if I finish in 7  hours on a very light day or over 9 hours on a heavy day I get paid for 8.20. 


If there is no one to work the 6th day then yes when I work it I earn an X day off which has a spacific time limit to use it or lose it (except in specal cases the X day must be taken in the same pay period) I do not get paid anything more than the evaluated rate for that 6th day even if I forfit the X day.


This is in our CONTRACT.

Message 118 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

yea there is a pandemic but life still goes on for some. Yeah im complaining about not getting my packages and paying to much.

Message 119 of 139
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Re: Finally, an official explanation to the outrageous USPS DELIVERY DELAYS

thats because dump want to destroy the usps. simple. He does not want mail in voting. so this way he can say they cant handle it.

Message 120 of 139
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