06-28-2020 11:50 PM
What products have you enjoyed selling, been the most successful with? Every now and then you have a real winner. I think the one I remember most was some men's golf shoes. I came across a lot of them and they sold like hotcakes. Fun.
06-29-2020 02:23 AM
Men's work boots and western style boots men's & women's. Quality names and used in really good condition. Got top dollar, made a really nice profit but then my sources dried up.
06-29-2020 08:21 AM
a Pizzele Maker. If you can find them in the original box they will sell for $150.00 or more. I have sold 3 of them this way.
08-13-2020 08:38 AM
Response is not so much product focused as a couple of interesting ones. I am in Virginia and I once sold and shipped a vintage Schlitz full size empty 15.5 Gallon beer keg. I also sold and shipped an original Ford Model T wheel, split rim tire changer/spreader and shipped to to Austria.
08-13-2020 11:14 AM
@bill.purvis2012 wrote:What products have you enjoyed selling, been the most successful with?
Rabbit poop has sold good for me.