04-27-2022 01:00 PM
Thanks for joining us for the Weekly Chat with eBay Staff. We don't have a specific topic this week, so feel free to share any general buying or selling questions you may have.
The chat thread will remain open until 2 PM PT at which point we'll close it from additional responses. After that time, we'll continue to work on responding to any queries that might still be unanswered.
To post your question, click Reply in the lower right corner of this post, type your question, and hit submit between 1-2 PM Pacific Time. The format of our chat mirrors the format of our Community Discussion Boards, where each post will appear in the thread chronologically. The Community Team will review each question as it comes in, and will quote the original question in our reply. This quote and the reply will appear later in the thread, so just keep scrolling down to see our answers.
Missed the chat? Send your questions to the podcast by calling 888-723-4630 or email us at podcast@ebay.com and maybe your questions will make it on the air! Or listen to past episodes while you wait for next Wednesday!
01:05 PM
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01:12 PM
Hi jasmen@ebay
Are you lonesome?
(When I first tried to find the link, there wasn't one for this week (had to refresh the page), so that might account for the delay in arrivals...)
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here.
01:06 PM
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01:19 PM
On my seller dashboard under "return rate", I used to be able to click on "see all returns" to track my returns to see when old ones would roll off. That now takes me to an "All Selling" screen or some seller hub hybrid. I can't find my list of returns. I know they are probably around somewhere, but where can I find them now?
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here.
01:06 PM
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01:18 PM
RE: Community team to start accepting solutions for posts
01:07 PM
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01:29 PM
Any idea's what is going on with the eBay Shipping Calculator. Since yesterday, it is no longer applying the added costs for the NonStandard Fee related to Dimensions (i.e., 23 inches/32 inches). Question is for those listings that already have the Dimensions applied to shipping, is it going to charge the Buyer correctly?
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here.
01:08 PM
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01:22 PM
04-27-2022 01:11 PM
@inceptions wrote:
Hi jasmen@ebay
Are you lonesome?
(When I first tried to find the link, there wasn't one for this week (had to refresh the page), so that might account for the delay in arrivals...)
Glad you were able to make it, we're happy to have you here! Not totally lonesome, I still have velvet@ebay here with me!
01:14 PM
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01:41 PM
I recently has a terrible time getting a Fed Ex Express 2 Day package to a customer who could not be home during normal working hours to sign for a direct signature required package value around 500 dollars. This Fed Ex label was purchased from EBay’s account with discount. There was no way in heck I could make any delivery instruction changes to this label to allow for the driver to get this package to the customer at 6pm or later. This particular customer lives 60 miles from the nearest pick up location where they could retrieve it with ID. The package went back and forth with three delivery tries to here home and back to the place 60 miles from their home. I called Fed Ex at least 7 times trying to get delivery instructions approved to deliver at 6 pm. No way could they alter this because this was bought on my ebay account and not through my personal Fed Ex account. Any way you guys can do something where a request for later delivery could be added to these labels when they are purchases here, on the ebay account, rather than personal Fed Ex account?
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here.
01:16 PM
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01:31 PM
velvet@ebay were you able to get the confirmation you were looking for about that 60 day presale being a legit eBay brand collaboration?
If so....what did you find out about eBay's position on the 30 day presale policy in regard to this promotion?
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here.
01:16 PM
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01:48 PM
Forced into the new listing experience. It's very slow opening a listing page when I do a Sell similar. Then it keeps timing out with message about taking too long for response and/or unable to locate the DSN and/or no internet access. But if I do nothing eventually it comes back saying "Complete your listing." Unfortunate some or all of the entries I made have now reverted back to the former info. This happens repeatedly, so sometimes I have to reenter data a few times. Most frustrating is having to reenter the description.
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here.
04-27-2022 01:16 PM
@pburn wrote:
RE: Community team to start accepting solutions for posts
It's unclear to me--and several other participants in the referenced thread, exactly what issues this new process is supposed to address. I certainly have issues with the "solution" process as it stands:
- People who select their own post as the solution.
- People who select just any post as a solution, thinking it closes the thread from further posts.
- People who select an incorrect answer to their question/situation.
- People who select whatever post seems to best agree with their rant.
This new approach doesn't address any of those issues, so what is the point of having a Community Team member select the solution for someone else's thread? Why has the Community Team decided to implement this practice? What did the Team identify as problems with the solution process, and how does this practice resolve those problems? It seems to me to be nothing but intrusive and self-serving.What exactly is eBay doing with these threads that have been marked with a solution? Are they being put to some use by eBay? Are they being catalogued or indexed or compiled in some fashion? Is there a reason this has become so important as to take up the meager time and resources available from the Community Team?eBay uses this Community as a de facto Customer Service option when CS can't or won't provide assistance on a particular issue. To have eBay interfere with the "solution" process without giving an explanation of why this decision was undertaken undermines posters' confidence in the process.As stated by the OP of the linked thread, this change will not affect the "Ask a Mentor" board--which eBay controls via their Mentor program--and there's already a partnership with Limitless that eBay controls through their supervision of those participants. Khoros moderators have the authority to enforce the Community Rules of Engagement (and I'm thankful for that). If eBay wants to now control the "solution" aspect of these discussion boards, what's next?Maybe eBay should invest a little more--or a lot more--in the training of Customer Service reps so members wouldn't have to rely on other members to help resolve their issues through this Community. So many of the threads started on these boards refer to previous contact with Customer Service that was not at all helpful. It might be a better use of the Community Team's time to help develop training tools for CS instead of monitoring these discussion boards looking for "solutions" to other members' threads.Another member posted in the above thread, "To the average poster, the post will look the same as one where the OP accepted the solution." This might be the most offensive, egregious, deceitful part of the whole procedure. Not even identifying that the solution has been chosen by an eBay employee? How many times are "regular" posters accused of being eBay employees? Now, this will give people further ammunition to make that charge--and they just might be right, in a manner of speaking.
Hey @pburn I appreciate the feedback for sure, you'll want to keep discussing that here with Sheila she's collecting everything there. Thanks so much!
04-27-2022 01:17 PM
@fern*wood wrote:
On my seller dashboard under "return rate", I used to be able to click on "see all returns" to track my returns to see when old ones would roll off. That now takes me to an "All Selling" screen or some seller hub hybrid. I can't find my list of returns. I know they are probably around somewhere, but where can I find them now?
I see what you mean @fern*wood. I'll get this reported and in the meantime, you can find your return info by clicking into the Orders section and then selecting Returns from the options on the left of the screen.
04-27-2022 01:19 PM
Received another email from eBay about packaging requirements for Germany. Digging into the fine print I found some de minimis exemptions. In practical terms, how does this playout for sellers who occasionally ship items to Germany? If a few items sell through eBay.de do the rules change? I had been testing Webinterpret translation services for selling rail slides of taken in East and West Germany with some modest success on eBay.de. Does the packaging requirement kill sales on eBay.de or will di minimis limits exempt smaller sellers? International shipping is awfully expensive. Why would anyone use unnecessary packaging? From a practical point of view, First Class Mail International is still the only affordable option to mail inexpensive lightweight items from the US to foreign destinations even though prohibited by Universal Postal Union regulations applied to US mailings from the beginning of 2018.
Does the email from eBay exaggerate the issue or is it portend a future of selling only to buyers in the United States? I hope you can find an answer to this now or next week.
01:20 PM
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01:53 PM
Will all sellers be forced to use the new unified listing tool? I have tried the listing tool and it’s a time waster. It takes 3 times as long to make a listing. So many options are hidden from view. You have to click everything to see what you’re looking for. I’ve spoken to other sellers in my group and no one is happy and everyone is frustrated with the listing form. This is a huge disappointment and one of the worst changes I have seen in my 12 years selling on eBay.
I hope that eBay will consider letting sellers continue to use the current listing form in the seller hub. I fear that the negative reviews of the new listing form don’t matter to eBay.
The listing form in the seller hub has everything visible at one glance. It’s fast to use and works well. I cannot understand replacing something that works well with something that is much much slower, clumsy and less friendly to use.
Thank you in advance,
Edit: A reply to this question can be found here.
04-27-2022 01:21 PM
@carlqsportscards wrote:
Why is everything underlined on the overview page all of a sudden? Anyway to switch it back?
Hey @carlqsportscards can you try it in a different browser to see if it makes a difference, or an incognito one?