11-24-2024 10:02 AM
I filed an insurance claim with PIP for an item that I sold to a buyer. I purchased $100 of additional insurance from PIP when I bought the USPS label. USPS paid me the base $100 claim amount but PIP is refusing to pay the additional $100 until my buyer confirms the loss. Here's the message from PIP:
At the time you submitted your claim, eBay automatically sent a link to your buyer asking them to verify they did not receive the item or received it in damaged condition. If your buyer cannot locate that link or message, they will want to use the full desktop version instead of the mobile app, and check their Archive and Trash folders as well. If they still cannot locate the message from eBay, they can try these alternate instructions to verify the claim:
The buyer can verify the claim through My eBay:
1) Click "Won/Purchased" on the left-hand side.
2) Find the item and click on the description.
3) Click "View order details."
4) Click "Verify shipping insurance claim" and fill out the form.
I've confirmed with eBay that they don't send the buyer a message asking them to confirm. Instead, PIP is supposed to use the Item Not Received case as proof but PIP refuses to do so. Also, the buyer has no way to see the Insurance Claim inside thei Order Details so they cannot verify the claim. After 60 days PIP says that I can submit Order Details for their review which can take another 30 days. They may or may not pay the claim. To me this is a delay tactic by PIP to avoid paying the claims. I have called eBay numerous times about this issue and have gotten nowhere.
11-26-2024 10:39 AM
Thank you for posting this. We are happy to help with your question. Our records show you submitted your claim on 10/24. If the buyer’s INR or Arrived Damaged dispute can be used to automatically verify the claim, that process happens on eBay’s end before the claim is sent to us. For this claim, the INR could not be used and your buyer received an automated verification link from eBay instead. As we mentioned, your buyer did not respond to that automated link in the 30 days they had to do so. On 11/24, we sent an automated email explaining what documentation you could provide for manual review. You provided that documentation on 11/25 and your claim was then paid to you. Feel free to contact us with any additional questions.
11-27-2024 02:38 PM
I confirmed with both ebay and the buyer that no message from ebay was sent to the buyer asking the buyer to confirm INR. That's why the buyer didn't respond. Your message to me also stated the Buyer could view the Claim Details which was also incorrect (confirmed by ebay). The buyer has no access to a claim filed by the seller. Please explain why the INR could not be used. It worked perfectly for every other aspect of the transaction process. Could it be the process is broken or is it just a convenient excuse to delay paying the claim?
12-03-2024 08:53 AM
As we mentioned, if the buyer’s INR or Arrived Damaged dispute can be used to automatically verify the claim, that process happens automatically on eBay’s end before the claim is sent to us. For this claim, the INR could not be used for whatever reason and your buyer received an automated verification link from eBay instead. We are sorry to hear that eBay told you otherwise. The process is automated and the representative you spoke with may not have been familiar with it. Your buyer received a link to verify that the item was lost or damaged, but there is no option for the buyer to view the seller’s full claim details or claim status. We are pleased your claim was paid to you on 11/25. Feel free to contact us directly if you ever have any questions about a future claim. Thank you!
12-30-2024 02:13 PM
I think this ultimately needs to go to eBay - SF Bay area leadership....not the 3rd party contracted teams. eBay ultimately owns the fix.
I googled to see postings to this topic - as I just went through it. I'm trying to pay it forward vs just vent as I've benefited so much from others input on these type of forums. Found this one first but thread closed - but still helpful (https://community.ebay.com/t5/Shipping/pip-insure-through-Ebay-is-a-complete-joke/td-p/33425012)
I share all the frustrations - and I just now got paid by shipcover but took me 45 days.
My case was item recd damaged. very professional and cooperative buyer, but didn't know the process. but quickly got it properly documented. i experienced just about all of the frustrations above - lost so much of my time. eBay confirmed buyer never received the notification(s). so after waiting the 15 or so days to file the claim (process grayed out until that day - PIP claims that's an eBay delay/process), I then had to go though the PIP - "wait 30". Then I had to prove independently that what Buyer claimed (Ultimately had to use screen shots of message system to show ID of me, buyer, and first part of the message string. I credited buyer right away for goodwill. didn't need it back - it was useless after damage. my thoughts on possible root cause issues:
1.) once I credited the buyer...a few days later eBay showed his claim as "closed". Since PIP claim hadn't been filed yet (see 15 day waiting period), perhaps the buyer damage claim close process prevents the ability for seller PIP claim to connect to Buyer claim (pics, name, claim verbiage, etc.). Not sure for my circumstance if better to hold off crediting buyer - until PIP claim is filed? Would have to reassure buyer that claim is forthcoming...Again - that's not the eBay culture/system....as noted by others they want you to resolve buyer claim promptly. (This is my pay it forward suggestion for seller who plans to use PIP again in future - worth a shot. Again, this is eBay's issue ultimately.
2.) PIP could be trying to duck claims by making it so hard as others claim, but ultimately I was paid. if everything PIP told me was true, then there are multiple process issues and needed fixes followed by communication via eBay
3.) so disappointed how eBay just washed their hands of the issue - vs stepping in once they independently corroborated one issue; i.e; PIP claims buyer rec'd notification, eBay AND Buyer say no. what's next eBay?per eBay "just wait the 30 days and file manually - it will be ok". wow!
4.) BTW - I'm not an insignificant seller by $ volume, but I'm going to pause after all this. warning sign to me of other eBay issues
12-30-2024 02:50 PM
What was the total value of the shipment?
Was it $200 or more?
Shipcover will not pay you $100 unconditionally, if the cost of the item is less than $200. And if $100 from USPS covered the item cost, you will get nothing.
12-30-2024 05:35 PM - edited 12-30-2024 05:36 PM
There is a very simple answer to these problems and that is never buy shipping insurance.
If you were to make your '"insurance payment" into a virtual coffee can instead of buying insurance you will save money in the long run then if you have a loss and need to make a claim against the coffee can there are no forms to fill out, no one to convince of what the item was actually worth and no buyer participation required.
12-30-2024 05:43 PM - edited 12-30-2024 05:43 PM
shipping something is the only thing that I can think of where the consumer of the service needs to buy insurance in case the business causes the customer a loss.
Did you ever take a car to get it serviced and have the service writer ask if you would like to buy insurance in case we drop your car off a lift or something?