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eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

A continuance. 


All I'm going to add is that ever since the new recent changes rolled out, eBay sales and listing views are virtually non existent on our end. Hopefully this isn't a sign of future fate. I love selling on eBay and have for years, it looks like it's not loving us back anymore. What's going on?

Message 1 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

2019 179 million buyers , this last quarter 134 million buyers .... GMV has been dropping for 7 quarters in a row ( in fact excluding the pandemic alll numbers were dropping ) , sales are way down and are expected to go lower than prior to the pandemic ... sorry but the numbers dont lie ... and per ebay numbers the exodus has been speeding up ... sorry but i do not agree , this CEO has ruined ebay in my opinion he had a perfect opportunity to retain customers but he didnt he squandered it .... just another failed EBAY CEO 

Message 76 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Shipping cost!!! I sell vintage and antique smalls.  Nobody wants to pay 5 dollars shipping on a 5-dollar item that weighs one ounce. 


Message 77 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?



I challenge anyone to give me a ebay item number that is not searchable on ebay.


....... A friend of mine had one 4 days ago.... he listed it and it was not searchable in any form for about 4 days - then all the sudden it was there.

     It would show up in his active listings but if you searched keywords- or THE EXACT ITEM #, results would be ZERO.

     Ebay is broken. I guess its their infrastructure or lack there of or maybe they are buying discounted servers and computer to run the site?

Hawaii- enough of us full time ebay searchers- who know all the tricks anyway- still struggle to get relevant search results on ebay- why do you deny it?


Message 78 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

ebay is dead. Everything they added,forced,and implemented in the last year or 2 has made it much worse. The customer is not only made unaware of obvious things on our listings,they are bombarded with ads for overpriced items that they didn't even search for, and don't want in the first place,while important info listings is actually hidden now,behind more ads. Not to mention that my listings are hidden . I would suggest everyone is fed up with how ancient and unhelpful the entire sight is too,especially the mobile version. The search doesn't work as intended or how people are told. It simply searched for promoted listing. If you're not promoted and you don't have a rare item,your listing will be buried on purpose,by a company that runs a platform for selling your items....

Message 79 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

I'm sure there are a lot of millionaires who shop on Ebay.     My customers have included a number of politicians (including a former Secretary of State),  judges, university presidents, entertainers (I've actually sold an oldie hit record to the guy who sang it) etc.  Not every millionaire walks around wearing a Top Hat and carrying a bag of money with a $ on it.

OK... maybe they haven't been on Ebay lately.   April was my lowest number of sales ever... breaking my record set in March.

Message 80 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

I'd argue not even promoted listings are working properly. So much of the site is just non-functional and glitched out. When I was listing an item yesterday, the description I wrote out disappeared on me THREE TIMES while typing it and photos kept disappearing. It was so bothersome I didn't bother to list the other items.

I'm actually opening a WhatNot account right now because their app actually FUNCTIONS.

Message 81 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

I left selling on eBay when they required me to provide a checking account. IMO, that kicked a lot of sellers out who don't trust eBay enough to provide that information. I don't even buy much on here anymore because the deals are few and far between now. Sad to see this happen to eBay. It was really fun while it lasted and I made some good dough on here, even though I was never a high volume seller. Helped me retire at age 54.  😊

Message 82 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

They don't go to Wal-Mart either.
BUT:  2023 1st Quarter:

  • Walmart revenue up 7.6%; operating income growing faster at 17.3%
  • eCommerce up 26% globally

    Total revenue was $611.3 billion, up 6.7%, negatively affected by $5.0 billion related to divestitures.
    currency, total revenue would have increased 7.4% to $615.1 billion.
    Walmart U.S. comp sales increased 6.6% and 13.0% on a two-year stack.
    Walmart U.S. eCommerce sales grew 12% and 23% on a two-year stack.
    Sam’s Club comp sales
    increased 10.5% and 20.3% on a two-year stack. Membership income increased 8.6%.
    While they may be 2 different "animals" Wal-Mart doesn't seem to be hurting. And I still see "Live Better, Save Money" ads splashed across my TV.
    Meanwhile I haven't seen a Feebay ad in half a decade. But they did manage to blow almost 300 million on stock buybacks last year. Stock buybacks that do nothing to expand eBay, or attract new buyers. They do, however, make eBay's management richer as their stock portfolio's increase in value. Funny that the "poor" economy doesn't seem to affect eBay's stock buybacks.
    Just what they're charging us in fees to sell on their platform.
    IF we sell anything....
Message 83 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

I think Amazon, Temu, Poshmark and other platforms are kicking ebay's a$$. After 22 yrs as a seller, I'm getting rid of everything. My time is worth money and I'm certainly not making it here. 

Message 84 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Ebay is like an extinct dinosaur. I think Amazon, Temu, Poshmark and other platforms are kicking ebay's a$$. After 22 yrs as a seller, I'm getting rid of everything. My time is worth money and I'm certainly not making it here. 

Message 85 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

I am really surprised a disgruntled employee has never come forward and spilled the beans about behind the scenes goings on at Ebay. But seeing how Ebay isnt above stalking Eccomerce Bytes watchdogs, they would probably do the same or worse to that employee. Things to ask like what percent of the day are some of my listings viewable? I wouldnt be shocked to hear 10% of the day and its when people are sleeping(Meaning I sell alot to California. What if my items visability was being pushed when most West Coast people are sleeping). Why am I only selling to pretty much 12 States? This hasn't changed in my 18 years of reselling. How often are glitches/beta tests going on that last more than 24 hours that kill sales? I know a couple days ago the Ebay App crashed and I couldn't list/relist anything. And when I searched for generic items, zero results were found. Absolutely zero. Or the App would just kick me off. Hope your sales pickup. 

Message 86 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

IMHO I do believe eBay if filtering listings, experiment yourself.   I searched for glass in collectables and received 239 hits in the US (primarily bong pipes showed up).  Then check SOLD listings in the US 290,000.  I seems to have gotten worse with the move to cell phone usage over computers.  I'm done 80% from last year. 

Screenshot 2023-06-16 at 6.44.44 PM.pngScreenshot 2023-06-16 at 6.45.07 PM.png 

Message 87 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

We all know this, so why is Ebay blind to it all?

Message 88 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

I see eBay ads on my FaceBook page at the beginning of every month, along with a lot of other random adds in my feed.

Since I use AdBlockPlus, this is some sort of advertising that manages to avoid that usually very effective program.

On broadcast TV, no.

But look at the demographics of broadcast TV watchers. It's not the "coveted" 18-35 tranche. Those are the consumers who are making lifelong decisions about favourite brands and stores.  The 50 and up tranche made their decisions 30 years ago.


Actually FaceBook leans older too, but I don't use most of the sites that appeal to younger consumers.


My point is that advertising goes where the consumers are. If we Boomers are downsizing, eBay may want us as sellers (paying them fees) but they don't need us as buyers, because we don't buy much.


So don't look for TV ads. Look when you are online. And ask yourself if YOUR customer is following the same sites that you are.  Or are they watching Safiya Nygaard ?

Message 89 of 100
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Re: eBay is dead. Where are the sales?

Not applicable

This all happen litterrally when they change category around of last year. They bounce back after 2 month of slow down ( You can see the image of my sales drop during the change ). I was making 1k to 2k a week of last year on average. In 2023 As of June, I am barely making anything but rather trying to push sales. My sales went down too $100-200 a week compare to last years. Last year i was barely even trying to make 1k to 2k a week. My inventory isn't the problem, My items are range from lots of different area. My pricing are base on lowest price listed or sometime a little higher depending on the condition. 


Ebay litterally screw up everyone with changes without listening to the seller. Seller are moving away from this platform and importing their inventory on multiple Emerce. Ebay is getting to be so bad, I getting more Veiws on facebook marketplace and sold item's that been sitting on eBay for 1 year. 


Buyer: Now on ebay we have buyer that are playing children games. Constantly watching the ad without Interest. Playing penny picking games because they're re-seller. Buy and Re-sell on their listing for more trying to make chump change without doing anything. 


Watcher:  Watcher are playing the devil shady game. I report all watcher, And usually ask ebay to step in and punish the watcher when playing childish games, Until they make changes with the watcher. 


Watcher: They're not buyer like they used to be, Now they're Re-seller, Keeping tabs what sold for what price. Higher Return risk, Playing penny picking games. This hurt seller, Seller and buyer don't realize it. Only a few employee from ebay are aware of this tactic. Once a watcher watches your item, You can not send out offer or edit your listing within several day's. This effect your sales, Since you can't send out any real offer to real buyers. It happen before when a buyer mention sorry too late, Purchase item


Ebay read your own community page and stop making changes! You're good at driving your own business towards the bottom of toitel bowl


11.jpg10.jpgfrom someone else. 

Message 90 of 100
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