Seller Update: January 2025
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Dear Sellers, We are currently experiencing a technical data processing delay that has temporarily impacted the timely processing of some Good 'Til Cancelled (GTC) renewals, affecting the visibility of certain seller listings and listing count on Act...
In the 6 years I have been on ebay, I've never seen my sales charts look like this: And never thought I would.
I get ONE neg. feedback it drops to 99.5 get 45 positive and it only goes up to 99.4 This ratio doesn't make sense to me
Anyone have any idea of the percentage of eBay sales that are purchased by sellers?
Anyone getting the error page? I know it will eventually go away with managed payments, but while we still have Paypal I'd hate to see this ability go away.
A buyer made an offer on LOGITECH KEYBOARD, MOUSE MK520 Wireless Combo and then kept sending me messages asking for information that I thought ebay would give him automatically. Like sending me the skipping label. After several messages, I realized h...
Sorry, i posted in the wrong place earlier. So i have a listing for $2 bills. I don't sell much of them but i've been selling them for over 10 years. I once had a unhappy customer because he bought 1 for $3 and was then disappointed that he did not r...
I sold a pricey camera, and 2 different accounts (not the acual buyer) claimed they were the same buyer and wanted me to ship to a different address. Do I simply ignore the requests? No need to confirm anything with the actual buyer, right?
Just gave a quick read to an article in today's Bloomberg which discusses what appears to be moves by the River to drop small suppliers (those who provide their products for distribution). As I read the article, those sellers will have to function as...
I really feel I have to voice my opinion here, because I feel this new change is absolutely absurd..I've been selling on eBay for the better part of 15 years, and over the years I've gone a long with all the changes (unhappily at times, yes, but I've...
What’s the issue now with this CBD ban ????????????? Last month everyone was selling this amazing new product that actually works. And buyers don’t get it twisted. All the left over products that claim to have Hemp Oil in them does absolutely nothing...
Hi! As we agreed through Ebay, buyer returned an item and we issued refund for full price paid upon receipt. Ebay confirmed transaction is completed. Our account overview now says "Eligible for unpaid item case" do we get rid of it ?
Helloi have problem with my account , i stopped selling on it for one yearmy last feedback was for more than yearnow i want to back selling on this accountbut when i try to make new listings i get this error message :Your account is currently limited...
I listed numerous French stamps - commemoratives and semipostals issued from 1951 to 1960. When I searched for them, I cannot find them! The Ebay category I used is: stamps>worlwide>collection lots. Can you pls comment. stampicks store
Trying to make a one time payment. Been getting this message all day. Yes, I emptied the cache and cookies.
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