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Resolved! Got a negative for a sale that never even happened. eBay will not remove it. What happened to eBay?

What happened to eBay? I've been a seller full-time on eBay for 20 years and it's done nothing but go downhill. A customer made a purchase on Dec 23 and then requested a cancelation on Christmas day. I immediately canceled it for them and refunded th...

User avatar by Adventurer
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Feed Removed???

I submitted a request to have neutral feedback removed and Ebay complied. The written feedback was gone and so was the number under feedback "positive", "neutral" and "negative." Today I received positive feedback but noticed the neutral number was b...

Can't enter ISBN when creating new listing

I was out of town and wasn't able to create any new listings for about a month. Have dozens of new books to list yet item specifics will not let me enter an ISBN. I've tried w/ my templates, create new listing, sell, and sell similar (ISBN is on othe...

User avatar by Scout
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Ebay fees

I calculated my cost to ebay for it's fees after i make a sale and to my surprise ebay is implementing their fess after they include the buyers tax amount ,not on the actual selling amount,so seems to me i been paying 13.25 % on not just my selling c...

Resolved! Remembering the good old days when Sales............

Remembering the good old days when Sales and Selling............ Increased based on your performance/hard work, when Sales felt more organic, and when you felt you were in control. Unfortunately over the last couple of years the unnaturalnest of Sale...

is there any way to sort by box shipping type

as of this post i have 643 active listings. i noticed that i was running out of the large flat rate game board boxes. i went to "buy" (they give them away free) more from usps and noticed that they had been discontinued this box size. normally this w...

Any trends on what states are buying?

My packages this week mostly went to the West Coast and one to Hawaii. Sadly, sometimes I get jealous of my packages and wish I was going there!

User avatar by Thrill-Seeker
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Resolved! How often do customers search by category?

I just sold an old roleplaying game module. It qualifies as media mail (printed material, not full of ads like a magazine, etc.). Then I discovered that Ebay won't let me ship an item in the Toys and Games category by media mail. If I start listing s...

"Finish setting up store..."

I have done everything except "upload a video". My question is this. Why? WHY do I need a video on my store? I've seen this "Finish setting up your store to help improve conversion" on my "tasks" dashboard for a year now! MAKE IT GO AWAY!? I will not...

Feedback for eBay after 20+ years on the platform

I know this will fall on deaf ears and probably just attract snide remarks from fanboyish users but here is some thinking points for eBay...... Decision making- Its obvious the platform has developed post 2010 or so around the cooperate CRM process i...

Again rising the fees without even email warning

Ebay again raise the fees, but this time is very impudently. This time was without any warning email. A shame like never before. What if they make fees 50% from tomorrow, again without any warning? Things are getting worst, instead of better.

User avatar by Adventurer
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