Dear Sellers, We are currently experiencing a technical data processing
delay that has temporarily impacted the timely processing of some Good
'Til Cancelled (GTC) renewals, affecting the visibility of certain
seller listings and listing count on Act...
Since the listing tool updated, I can’t list shirts. It seems the only
type of shirts are “ button up”. Has anyone else see this. As I am a
clothing reseller, this is a huge issue. I can’t list shirts due to this
Bundled items per customer request, someone else bought and paid for
them. Good sale as far as I am concerned but.. the original customer
keeps requesting I cancel other persons sale because I promised it to
them. My question is there a way to preven...
Hello All! First time we have seen this. Accepted an offer this morning
and instead of going to the "waiting for payment", item still shows for
sale. Thought there was a post somewhere about this, but couldn't find
it, so we apologize if this has bee...
eBay has over 1000 water buffalo horns listed - many listed as dog chews
- but they will not allow me to list my carved buffalo horn. After mine
was delisted, I called CS and the rep did not understand that water
buffalos are not protected or endange...
We just had an item removed Per one of ebay's Fine Line Policy, Neither
her nor their. Any way before it was removed, we sold one of the units,
Before ebay cancelled the Listing, Can we still ship this , Or is ebay
going to refund the buyer, and we a...
I had to cancel two sales for vintage toys the other day due to an issue
with the items. Turns out the two buyers are members of a FB group
dedicated to these toys. I apparently opened up a can of worms, because
now members of the group are planning ...
Good Morning, sales as expected down the last few days. Just want to
wish everybody a happy New Year, and may sales break records for you in
the upcoming year.
Hi,I just got off the phone with a eBay and the Rep. did confirm you are
now paying 12.5% on your shipping total.Therefore if you charge $16 for
shipping they take 12.5%. eBay is taking money for a service that you
don't make money off of. Now, if yo...
This is directly for eBay higher departments, who make the decisions on
new policies and what not.You do realise that this INR policy you just
implemented will affect so many good sellers that do not deserve their
accounts blocked. You do realize tha...
So I have an encased cent. The aluminum frame represents the Buffalo
Exposition in 1901, and the cent inside is 1950. The title does not
provide a year, but the coin shop put 1950 on the holder to identify the
year on the cent. This is obviously a ca...
Flipping should be made illegal on ebay. Hundreds of selfish people
buying out stock such at graphics cards when there are people like
myself that are atually wanting one and selling them on for hundreds of
£'s more! Absolutley disgracful!
Can I see multiple offers at one time and select the best one or do I
have to decline an offer in order to see the other offers? I have an
item listed and sent out an offer to the watchers and one offer came in
when I went to review offer it says the...
Hello- Last night, I listed three different copies of the Dr. Seuss book
"And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street". In each listing, I
showed the front and back cover, spine, publication page, title page and
one page from the book showing artwo...