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Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

Did you go to the Town All Meeting today? 

What did you think about it? 

Did you get any questions answered?

Do you feel better about the direction of Ebay?


For myself I learned that in regards to Seller protection, they are aware of many issues that lots of us have brought up on the threads over and over and over again over the past couple years, but no resolutions or policy changes were given.  Just they are aware and are working on them.  We've heard this before, so it is a rinse and repeat.


I loved learning we will be able to soon edit Item specifics in bulk.  That is a very good thing.


We learned that sometime later this year we will be able to get our transactional history for up to a year.  They didn't share any specifics on this, so while it is very good news, until we actually see how this works in application, it is hard to say if it is enough.


They also requested again that if we see issues with the catalog to report them to

That will enable them to get the catalog in better operating condition.  I know for myself I am remiss in reporting what I run across when I'm listing items, but it would take a bunch of time on my part to do this.  I know I should, but sometimes my schedule just doesn't work with that goal in mind.


The 25cent processing fee in MP for each listing that a buyer may purchase from a single seller was a topic too.  Simply that they are aware that it is harmful to some sellers more than others and they are considering doing something, but they haven't decided as it is very complicated.  This is something they have known about since the day they announced this change.  The threads were lit up on this subject for days.  


So what did you learn?


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 1 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

They could have done a better job of editing it.   Four minutes of useless music at the beginning and another minute at the end.   Sheesh!

Message 16 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

Yeah, I don't get it at all. 


They say things like "we're really really super duper excited about the launch of multi-user account access". 


Uh, everyone else has had this for over a decade. 


It's like saying, "we're really really excited about this new feature, it's called.....wait for it.....the ability to upload an image greater than 5 bytes", *crowd goes wild, eBay executives take a lap*.


The whole situation just gets more and more absurd. 

Message 17 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

Exactly, the 25 cent question came up at the last AMA. No answer then, no answer now. 


So, if you guys don't have the ability to actually change anything, why hosting a town hall?


I can empathize with them somewhat whatsoever, as the whole town hall looked kinda like a hostage situation.


The company is being stripped down and sold off by the hedge fund owners, and the hired help is powerless. 


That's what I witnessed today. 

Message 18 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

What I got was seller protection was not changing and it is what it is with the returns, ebay can't judicate all returns.

Message 19 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

@mam98031 wrote:


The 25cent processing fee in MP for each listing that a buyer may purchase from a single seller was a topic too.  Simply that they are aware that it is harmful to some sellers more than others and they are considering doing something, but they haven't decided as it is very complicated.  This is something they have known about since the day they announced this change.  The threads were lit up on this subject for days.  


So what did you learn?


That when they ask for questions to be submitted it's pointless because they won't address any of them directly anyway.


As far as the .25 per listing fee goes. Gosh yes, it's just "so complicated". How about this ebay. You do what every other venue which uses Adyen as the payment processor does and charge a per transaction fee instead of this blatant money grab?



Message 20 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

What did I learn today?


I stopped to read a book today and you know what I learned?  A leopard doesn't change it's spots and tigers can be identified by their stripes.

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 21 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

RETURNS is just a fancy word for shoplifting here.

Message 22 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

@gwzcomps wrote:
Overall a waste of time. They might as well not bother. The same old information from the AMA and the usual eBay brand of excuses. Jordan still seems to come off as genuine at least.

I may report some things to but I don't get paid to maintain their site so I don't get why I am expected to fix their screwups. If they want to give me a small FVF credit per thing I fix for them that would be something as a goodwill gesture. Otherwise they need to do their own job and I will do mine.


Considering the lack of commitment, engagement, or any deadline beyond "sometimes in the future"  their  asking of us to do their work and report issues with the so called "catalog" does make you wonder,

since we have been reporting here again and again on continuous and various issues and glitches, you'd expect they will take the initiative to fix it other then waste our time with scripted "Town hold Meetings" and ask for more pointless reports.




Message 23 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

I guess for those of us who missed it or didn't take the opportunity to tune in to it, we missed nothing. For myself, I rarely engage in these sorts of things as my time is worth more and better spent elsewhere...

Message 24 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

@mrdutch1001 wrote:

I guess for those of us who missed it or didn't take the opportunity to tune in to it, we missed nothing. For myself, I rarely engage in these sorts of things as my time is worth more and better spent elsewhere...

For whatever it is worth there is some value spending time knowing your enemy.  Oh wait we are "partners" with eBay.  Partners in the same way a gold digger is a partner.  As long as you pay out it will all go well 🤣

Message 25 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

It might be a good idea to remove the "questions for Town Hall" board so we can't see just how many questions went not only unanswered but not even acknowledged.

Message 26 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

@bargainbigly wrote:


Mr sweetnam continuously talks about retail standards. Let's talk about the most important retail standard. That is owning inventory and actually having a logistics infrastructure which eBay does not have. So before they start comparing themselves to retailers and talking about retail standards, they need to come to terms with the fact that they are not a retailer and therefore they cannot compete with retailers like Amazon and Walmart.


It's just painful sometimes to watch.

Wenig left 6 months ago but the Amazon/Walmart copycat wannabe plans continues.

What  "retail standards"  is he talking about?  eBay had closed the pilot Managed Delivery program 3 months ago, 

Sellers own all the inventory, the venue owns nothing. they provide listing service, that's it.

I have made 3 purchases today on Amz after price shopping here, all items were priced identically on Amz so why even bother?

Amz will deliver  within 24 hours, I would have purchased it here if prices were cheaper, I can wait 4-5 days...


Message 27 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

@mam98031 wrote:

Did you go to the Town All Meeting today? 


They also requested again that if we see issues with the catalog to report them to

That will enable them to get the catalog in better operating condition.  I know for myself I am remiss in reporting what I run across when I'm listing items, but it would take a bunch of time on my part to do this.  I know I should, but sometimes my schedule just doesn't work with that goal in mind.

Thank you for sharing that link, as I watched the recording and hit "rewind" twice yet still could not understand what he said (the link). It would be most beneficial if it were flashed in to read, especially, with so many who may be hard of hearing (though I am not). 


Message 28 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

@dhbookds wrote:

I was disappointed..........


I think they are so interested in helping us with new stuff.......they just don't realize how much we want the old stuff fixed.  They've been to "positive" school:  never mention a negative if you can help it, always point out the benefits of what you are going to do next.   That only works for so long and it's been used way too long on here.   Marni actually had to "pry" an answer out of Harry, whom I like, about Item specifics, despite the fact, I think that was the top question on the useless question board.  I fear tomorrow will be more of the same.


At least the thing worked.....I had a bet with myself that there would be some kind of a problem........

Harry's behavior strikes me as very polite and patient. 


Message 29 of 64
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Re: Who Went to the Town Hall Meeting?? What did you think??

Having been a seller on eBay for 18+ years, I know eBay only too well and I know enough about eBay,  to not make it my only selling venue!

Message 30 of 64
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