11-12-2023 12:11 PM
Had a sale this week, and for the first time Ebay will not allow me to send the buyer an invoice. Invoices are only allowed if there are changes to the shipping charges now. Why? This does not make any since.
11-12-2023 12:25 PM
Since Ebay sends an invoice, maybe they dont want the buyer annoyed with another one.
11-12-2023 12:27 PM
@sub-sonic this has been in effect for years now
11-12-2023 02:01 PM
I've been selling here for 24 years.
I have never once needed/wanted to send an invoice.
11-12-2023 02:04 PM
Not sure where you are getting that info.
11-12-2023 02:10 PM - edited 11-12-2023 02:15 PM
Makes a lot of sense.
As posted, eBay has already let the buyer know they need to pay.
Another thread going with other reasons why.
A major one being if an invoice is sent by the seller it locks in the shipping cost. Buyer can choose an address miles, and miles (read as more $$$ shipping) away from their address at checkout. (gift, send to themselves at vacay local). Seller could lose on shipping locked at Zone 3-4 with item going to Zone 7-8.
You can still send a reminder, or thank them for the purchase without sending an invoice.
11-12-2023 02:57 PM
The only time someone needs to send an invoice is if you have agreed with the buyer on some sort of adjustment. Other than that there is no need to send an invoice. The invoice is not going to make a buyer who has no intention of paying, pay. And it is annoying.
11-12-2023 03:28 PM
I wonder if buyers were complaining of too much spam from eBay so they are trying to limit it. I don't really use eMail but I have looked into my account periodically and some sellers send an invoice, then a thank you note (or a beg for payment an hour after winning an auction), then a note when they ship, then a note that they have shipped. The thank you note is nice, but my gawd - is all of it really necessary.
11-12-2023 03:44 PM
Have you ever sold 2 items to a buyer?...No pun intended...LOL
11-12-2023 04:17 PM
@12345jamesstamps wrote:Have you ever sold 2 items to a buyer?...No pun intended...LOL
Yes, many times.
Never sent them a invoice.
11-12-2023 04:30 PM
11-12-2023 04:34 PM
We already get enough 'spam' from ebay itself as it is. More is NOT welcome.
11-12-2023 04:36 PM
The only time I send an invoice is when a buyer buys multiples and needs an adjusted shipping invoice. That's it.
11-12-2023 04:38 PM
@stuff4divas wrote:@sub-sonic this has been in effect for years now
No it hasn't, it's only been in effect for 4 days.
11-12-2023 04:42 PM
@12345jamesstamps wrote:Have you ever sold 2 items to a buyer?...No pun intended...LOL
If you did sell two and you need to adjust the amount then you are able to send an invoice. If a sellers uses combined shipping tables or rules then checkout will automatically charge the buyer the correct amount.
20 years ago sending invoices was pretty much required they haven't been needed with the single exception of an adjustment for more than 10 years.