05-18-2022 08:27 AM - edited 05-18-2022 11:29 AM
We announced in our most recent Seller Update that we’ve revised some categories and item specifics to help make your listings easier to find on eBay and by external search engines.
Starting today, you’ll see updates to the following categories:
Business & Industrial (Sinks)
Collectibles & Toys
Electronics (Cameras)
Health & Beauty (Covid tests)
Home & Garden
Parts & Accessories (Wheels & Tires)
Sporting Goods (Golf & Cycling)
During this transition, your listing experience could be temporarily impacted, as well as the visibility of your listings. You may notice some item specifics changing names, listings moved to different categories, or some listings temporarily not appearing in searches.
Any affected listings should return to normal within a week, though some effects to listings’ visibility in searches may continue for up to three weeks.
Once these changes are complete, we recommend checking your listings in the above categories to see if any were affected. Learn more about category changes → please scroll down the page to see the links for the specific category changes.
We understand these updates will take extra time and may cause some frustration, but our goal is to help you increase your listings’ visibility and sales.
Keep an eye on this page over the coming days—we’ll be sharing up-to-date information on affected categories and listings, and answering any questions you have.
05-20-2022 10:15 AM
@pburn wrote:
@lotzofuniquegoodies wrote:As follow up this is similar to having the Technical Issues discussion forum on dot ca and no one from eBay directly addressing those issues and their status. Unless that forum is just there for show.
Judging from the current thread-title page of the Share eBay Technical Issues board on ebay.com, no one from eBay directly addresses issues or their status on that board, either. Looks like one individual member pretty much does the heavy lifting on the ebay.com board.
Re: Heavy lifting...With the number of recent/recurring/never ending technical issues my back brace exploded several years ago. The replacement I eventually received purchased through eBay originally was an INR..until when it did arrived.... damaged then became NAD. Hope to get a refund by 2037. <Tongue in cheek>
05-20-2022 10:57 AM
@mtg_dom wrote:
Also, why are CCGs like Pokemon, Yugioh, and Magic the Gathering under Toys & Hobbies and not also under collectibles (non-sport trading cards)? Are you crazy?
Hi @mtg_dom! At the core of these CCG's is the actual trading card game that gave rise to the creation of the products. The cards are very collectible in nature, but at its origin, it's the game that the cards were originally designed for and we want to celebrate that on site. It's also an industry standard and how you'll see items like this set-up on other marketplaces like eBay.
05-20-2022 01:43 PM
@postcardcountry wrote:
I am confused.
I go to the preview category changes.
I click on the "only changed" button.
Under collectibles, everything is black. Does that mean there are no changes in collectables?
If not, how do I find the changes? There is nothing with any of the colors at the top.
Hey @postcardcountry! They said the following:
The changes we did in collectibles are in building toys and Lego categories. these categories are under toys & hobbies but considered as collectibles categories.
05-20-2022 01:56 PM
@b86fiero wrote:
velvet@ebay wrote:
@b86fiero wrote:
Back to the original topic:
Will auction listings be affected by suppressed visibility? Visibility for auctions is crucial in attracting multiple bidders and getting a decent price for an item.
Will auction listings be affected more so or less than BIN listings in visibility?
Will auction listings be given preference in any way? Will compensation be given to sellers whose eBay caused lack visibility results in low selling price or no sale?
Hi @b86fiero! I was advised that nothing about these category changes will affect visibility, best match, or anything of the like.
Confused by your response above ^^^
Your OP states "though some effects to listings' visibility in searches may continue up to three weeks."
Your response states "nothing about these category changes will affect visibility ....."
Please kindly clarify. Thank you.
Apologies for any confusion @b86fiero. Once these updates have completed, visibility will not be affected.
05-20-2022 02:10 PM
You just contradicted yourself again, Velvet. You're saying that the limited visibility that's occurring up until the updates are completed is not really limited visibility? Can't get more cryptic than that.
05-20-2022 05:21 PM
Going on 2 days now - still zero views on most of my listings......it's like the tree falling in the forest, if I list things on eBay and no one sees them, am I actually on eBay???
05-20-2022 06:30 PM
I'm also experiencing a severe stagnation in the amount of views & sales. Everything has ground to a complete halt & the views my items have received could be described as tepid, at best...
05-20-2022 07:15 PM
If thigs were going any slower we'd be in reverse, as the old saying goes.
05-21-2022 08:41 AM
I was invisible for this past week with NO sales!! BEFORE the 18th and I was beginning to panic. Most of my listings are in the Toys category. I seem to be getting sales and Best Offers again now, but I am concerned as to WHY they are not being seen this time around? The big changes to categories back in October didn't seem to have the same visibility impact? Although the time spent fixing everything from THAT fiasco.....I am still doing!!
05-21-2022 09:08 AM
Good afternoon,
Trading card singles has tanked for us. As of May 13 (view counter reset) we have seen about a 75% drop in sales. it has remained that way since May 13. I know this was not a category change listed but we seem to be getting hammered. No views, no offers, very few sales. I can't explain it but it sure is painful.
05-21-2022 09:39 AM
It's not just your category, my Highly Collectible Fenton Art Glass has TANKED** I normally send 25 to 30 offers per day, this week is maybe 6 total, views are almost ZERO. Ebay seems to always mess with the system when the economy & pandemic are TRULY awful.
05-21-2022 10:14 AM
Yes Ebay is doing things what works but they change and go against their own rules ,as you can't cancel a bid within auction ending in 12 hours if you plkace one,,,but soon as it ends if you cancel it within half an hour you get no penalty ,,WOW what a STUPID rule good going Ebay it opened a door and we see it happening and probably effecting a lot of sales as we just had a buyer over bid everybody in 28 sales and soon as it was ending one buy one he canceled transaction ----EBAY CHANGE THIS STUPID RULE AS IF THIS IS WHAT YOUR RULE IS WHY CAN"T BUYERS RETRACT THEIR BIDS WITHIN 12 Hrs ,,,What a IDIOTIC RULE --WHO IS THE GENIOUSA **bleep** WHO CAME UP WITH THIS????? WOW GIVE HIM A RAISE---GOOD JOB
05-21-2022 10:59 AM
20-year seller here. Ha! I think this has been the case since I started.
05-21-2022 11:31 AM
He already makes about 17 million more than he's worth. Paid over 18 million last year. This is the new Global World Order we are living in now**The rules for auctions on Ebay is always changing for the worse.
05-21-2022 07:18 PM
What changes have they made to auctions that you're referring to?