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Suspended accounts

Has anyone else had there accounts suspended over selling aunt Jemima branded products. eBay has suspended both of my accounts for 3 days over it and yet you can do a search band there is literally thousands of hits for a search for Aunt Jemima

Message 1 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

What makes you think this is a free country?  Our freedoms to choose have been slowly eroding for decades by politicians.  There are always groups who lobby their beliefs and make them into law or try to change laws that don't coincide with their beliefs. Perfect example,  Roe Vs. Wade when a woman's right to choose became law ,and the Right to Life groups ever since have been trying to overturn it, or make it so difficult that access is difficult at best.  Nor do people respect your right to have an opinion that differs from theirs.  Political groups have been restricting our rights to sell and purchase any number of things for years. The ban on Black Americana is one of the stupidest I've seen in awhile, but it won't matter as the axe has fallen. The companies that market Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's Rice are forced to change their logos.  I'm wondering what will be next.  Will Margaret Mitchell's book be pulled from bookshelves,  or will we be able to watch the movie,  Gone with The Wind?  What's next?  Is our society  approaching dystopian world similar to Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451?

Message 46 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

You may not be able to sell those items on eBay, but you will be able to sell them.  Moreover, it is likely that you will be able to sell them for more because it is a banned item.  I had a large amount of Black Americana collectibles.  After the eBay ban  on Black Americana I managed to sell them  elsewhere at a much higher price because the demand had increased.

Message 47 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

Hi @mogli-fashion and welcome.


I just looked at your items, 194 listings total. It does not appear you are suspended. Also,  consider starting a new thread. Few will see your post buried here in this discussion. I will look for your new post and perhaps we can solve your concerns once the community can read about your dilemma. But again, it does not appear you are suspended.

Message 48 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@7198dave wrote:

I don't know. Its weird they go after Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben's Rice, Eskimo Pies, Rosarita Beans but not Mrs. Butterworth.

I think they are afraid of Dr. Evil.

Message 49 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@lightlily_arts wrote:

Political groups have been restricting our rights to sell and purchase any number of things for years. “


What things do you mean? I don’t feel my freedom to buy and sell has been hindered by politicians. Or are you referencing items that are illegal to buy and sell, like some illicit drugs?

Message 50 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@bonjourami wrote:

I had read that the 'Huckleberry Finn' book will have an abridged version to remove the offensive word, so that the book can be kept in school libraries. Maybe thats what they'll do with Tom Sawyer, and Uncle Tom's Cabin,otherwise they will be removed from libraries..that offensive word should be removed. I wouldnt want my granddaughter seeing that word in a book.Or anywhere else either.

Grow up. History happened.

Learn it do not try and hide it.

Hide it and it will repeat.



Message 51 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@donsdetour wrote:

Grow up. History happened.

Learn it do not try and hide it.

Hide it and it will repeat.



Conversely, products created by white people that mock and degrade a segment of our population that is trying to find equality and respect after 200+ years of being portrayed as a negative stereotype probably aren't the best way to help a nation heal.


Not allowing these products depicting PoC in an unfavorable light to be sold on eBay is hardly hiding history. The hyperbole detracts from the argument, frankly. Telling people to "grow up" is really not conducive to civil discourse. 


Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.


Message 52 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@pburn wrote:

@donsdetour wrote:

Grow up. History happened.

Learn it do not try and hide it.

Hide it and it will repeat.



Conversely, products created by white people that mock and degrade a segment of our population that is trying to find equality and respect after 200+ years of being portrayed as a negative stereotype probably aren't the best way to help a nation heal.


Not allowing these products depicting PoC in an unfavorable light to be sold on eBay is hardly hiding history. The hyperbole detracts from the argument, frankly. Telling people to "grow up" is really not conducive to civil discourse. 


Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.


I am not a part of the problem.

If any one is offend we should never do it or say it or read it etc???


The whole mess has been taken so far beyond what is reasonable and it has becomes the problem.


So you ban one book. Were do you stop. One item were do you stop.


Anything in existence offends some one, so what is the solution??

Should we get rid of existence,

Strange enough we are getting close to be able to do that.


The truth is that offense is not the problem it is GUILT.



Message 53 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@lightlily_arts wrote:

What makes you think this is a free country?  Our freedoms to choose have been slowly eroding for decades by politicians.  There are always groups who lobby their beliefs and make them into law or try to change laws that don't coincide with their beliefs. Perfect example,  Roe Vs. Wade when a woman's right to choose became law ,and the Right to Life groups ever since have been trying to overturn it, or make it so difficult that access is difficult at best.  Nor do people respect your right to have an opinion that differs from theirs.  Political groups have been restricting our rights to sell and purchase any number of things for years. The ban on Black Americana is one of the stupidest I've seen in awhile, but it won't matter as the axe has fallen. The companies that market Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's Rice are forced to change their logos.  I'm wondering what will be next.  Will Margaret Mitchell's book be pulled from bookshelves,  or will we be able to watch the movie,  Gone with The Wind?  What's next?  Is our society  approaching dystopian world similar to Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451?

Oh, I know what you mean. I'd far prefer to live in a society where we could mock and degrade anyone we wanted--anyone who's different--with impunity. We should be able to wear blackface without our photos being plastered all over Facebook. We should be able to market products that dehumanize and ridicule PoC.


I, for one, would love to be able to take aim at, say, fat people. Maybe develop a product and promote it with a commercial mocking a really fat, white guy. He could be depicted as lazy and greedy and gluttonous and not very clean. Why should they be off limits? 


Or people who wear glasses. Why can't school-aged shout "four eyes" at fellow students who wear glasses? That's not bullying! That's just some good, old-fashioned teasing! Toughens those kids up for the real world, amiright?


And, boy, oh boy, do I ever miss those "dumb blonde" jokes. What was wrong with those? I couldn't believe it when my employer said those were off limits. Doesn't anybody have a sense of humor anymore?


All these snowflakes who try to make us be kind and compassion and forgiving and respectful to other people. Such a load of **bleep**.

Message 54 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@lightlily_arts wrote:

  Is our society  approaching dystopian world similar to Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451?

Yes, just look at the appalling state of reading and writing in this country.

The easier you are to offend the easier you are to control.

We seem to be getting closer and closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did but we are all responsible for what somebody else did. - Thomas Sowell
Message 55 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@dun143 wrote:

They sent me one email and I relisted with blurred image and only titled pancake mix and syrup yet there is literally thousands of listings that are titled aunt Jemima pancake mix and syrup so what makes those sellers any different than me or the rest of us small sellers. Is it because they pay thousands of dollars a month in fvf to eBay? Now I have money out on a product that I can't get any return from 

So, you tried to get around the ban, got caught, and are mad?

Message 56 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@lightlily_arts wrote:

 Is our society  approaching dystopian world similar to Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451?

Local HS has a mural of kid reading Fahrenheit 451 and laughing her butt off.

Message 57 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

@pburn wrote:

Oh, I know what you mean. I'd far prefer to live in a society where we could mock and degrade anyone we wanted--anyone who's different--with impunity.

I am fairly certain that you can go on Twitter and call white people every word in the book to your heart's content.   If they are overweight and male it will go over even better.  If you say that you want them to be exterminated you will be lauded.

Message 58 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

Ebay doesn't do the police work on the site. Other ebayer's do.  That is why each listing has a lil  "report item" to click on if you as the person looking at the page has an issue with the listing, or are a competitor looking to have your item removed or are rights holder ect.   Yes, I agree that larger sellers on ebay get a pass to the rules.  I could count many times clicking on that report item  and the item is never removed. I usually do this when upset because one of my listings has been removed for what ever reason so I retaliate against the other s doing the same thing.  Because my thinking (which is no doubt wrong) it was one of them that turned me in. 

You don't get a chance to make a case for yourself. EBay doesn't care.  Listing was reported . Removed it has been. 

Message 59 of 68
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Re: Suspended accounts

"Well that is just wrong, I perceive most white clouds to be a sign of supremacy so they should ban all clouds, even the really dark grey ones because those could be white clouds in disguise."


Not sure what clouds have to do with an obvious picture of a 'happy' slave on a pancake box, but ok.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 60 of 68
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