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Sold via promoted listing

I recently catch, that Ebay starting to cheat about this.

I have now 3-4 times, when something is sold, i check in the orders section and it NOT have green label "Sold via promoted listing".

But on the next day, it "magically" appears! And i think, this will continue like that. Pure cheating...

Message 1 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

     It's not really cheating but it only means that you were using promoted listings for that item. There is no way for eBay to prove that using PL actually resulted in the sale of that item. The buyer could just has easily found the item had it been listed without using promoted listings. 

Message 2 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

I have had that happen to me as well, I do think it should be posted immediately weather or not is was a PL or not, & not appear later or the next day, That brings a definite sense of doubt!, & there is no way of proving it either way it's strictly their word to go on.

Message 3 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

@dj-doggy eBay states in multiple places on policy pages, report pages etc "Allow at least 72 hours to reconcile, although some ad types might require more time."


That means it can take up to 3 days (or longer in some situations) for eBay to attribute the sale to Promoted Listings activity and reflect that attribution in financial and other reports, though usually it happens within a few minutes or hours, not days.


I understand it's frustrating when an order isn't immediately attributed to Promoted Listings and that only shows up later, but that is exactly how eBay has said it will work and it's what you agree to when you opt in to using any Promoted Listings ad products.

Message 4 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

This started 2-3 months ago. It was NOT this way. At the sale, it was showing Immediately that.

So, it can, but not done. Or broken(looks like on purpose)..


Yes, the 30 days (click on promoted listing period for buying) is also INSANE!!! Pure insane!

Message 5 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

@dj-doggy just because you've never noticed it before or it hasn't happened to you before, doesn't mean it's broken or that anything I said was incorrect.


You can find many posts in this forum on this very topic going back several years - just as an example, a couple from 2023:


For clarity, I'm not saying it's positive/right for eBay to do it this way, just pointing out that it has been how eBay says Promoted Listings attribution works for years and is stated publicly in their policy pages and reports about it.


"Cheating" would be if they didn't put this information in the publicly stated "rules" (policies) or if the "rules" said one thing and they did something else - but that's not the case here so no, eBay isn't "cheating."


Rather, just like going to a casino, the rules of the game have been created by the house with the primary objective of benefiting the house - a wise seller knows that going in and decides whether or not they are willing to play under those rules with full understanding that in the end, the house (almost) always wins.


As others here have pointed out, many aspects of Promoted Listings ads require sellers to simply trust eBay - there is no way to independently verify most of the information. Again, not saying eBay actually deserves that trust, just saying that is the way Promoted Listings works and you should know that before opting in.


This isn't a glitch nor is it eBay "cheating", in eBay's own words it is "working as intended" - do with that information what you will.

Message 6 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

Looks like you don`t understand, what i`m saying. I said, that it`s from 2-3 months now. NEVER before!!! I repeat, especially for you - NEVER BEFORE! I`m here for about 9 years now and from the start of the "new look" of ebay, this is happening  NOW! I always make same thing every time and never happened before. Looks like you know better then me, what happened to me.

Message 7 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

@dj-doggy at no point did I disagree about what is happening to you - I'm just filling in additional info to let you know, that's exactly how it's supposed to work according to eBay's own policies.


eBay has said ad attribution may take 72+ hours for years now - period.


Just because it can take that long, doesn't mean it always does - period.


At different times for no discernable or predictable reason, sellers may see no delays in attribution, they may see delays of a few minutes/hours or maybe even days...all of that fits in with eBay's stated policies about ad attribution - period.


What you have or have not personally seen historically does not in any way change the fact of how eBay has said attribution works - period.


You didn't used to see delays and now you do? Great...I didn't dispute that in any way or say you are wrong about what you are experiencing.


I'm just pointing out that your experience is 100% in line with eBay's publicly stated policies which have applied to ad attribution for years, thus it is not a sign that something is broken or that eBay is cheating - in fact, it actually proves my point which is that eBay says there can sometimes be delays in ad attribution and that is exactly what you are experiencing.


As far as whether these ad practices are insane - they say that doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity.


You opted into Promoted Listings ads (apparently) without reading and understanding how attribution works, then complain and accuse eBay of cheating when it works exactly as eBay policies say it will, then lash out at people trying to explain to you what eBay policies actually say so you can make more informed decisions about whether you continue to use Promoted Listings going forward.


At this point it's clear you are not interested in learning how it actually works and will likely continue to use it and then complain when eBay does exactly what their policies say they will do - so I'll just leave it there. 

Message 8 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

At this point, the only thing is , that you CAN`T understand, that this may for years, but on my side it`s getting NOW!!! Or you don`t want to understand it.

I`m not complain about the policies! But about the WORK of policies and why on my side NOW happens and never before?

Stop writing me the same in every next post, i`m not stupid, as you think i am!

Or just leave the conversation, as you cannot understand why is it...

I don`t want additional info, i don`t need it. I need to find, if anyone else is experiencing the same. Now more clear?


If i say to you, that somethng is 30$ of price, but the next day i change it to 35$, you will tell me, that i`m a cheater, right?

I perfectly know, where i am, what i`m opt in, and how it works. The thing is, why NOW it`s changed, but not at the beginning.

Plus, the whole circus is automated , with big servers. Why something will have 3 days "whatever you call it" time? If the buyer clicked on promoted, then next 30 days price for add fee is active. What 3 days...?

This means, that it`s a manual thing, not automated.. Then other question, why that big servers and so on?


If you can`t understand, for what reason something is posted, just don`t answer it.

For that 3 days, they always can put all the orders in "promoted sale"...  If someone stays there and "watch them manually"....for 3 days.

Message 9 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

Maybe it's legit, but the delay does seem dodgy.

Message 10 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

But why this delay appeared now? For 2, 2,5 years, i don`t have any delay... now delay...

You understand, that it`s not normal, or the system is buggy all the way...

Message 11 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

@dj-doggy wrote:

At this point, the only thing is , that you CAN`T understand, that this may for years, but on my side it`s getting NOW!!! Or you don`t want to understand it.

I`m not complain about the policies! But about the WORK of policies and why on my side NOW happens and never before?

Stop writing me the same in every next post, i`m not stupid, as you think i am!

Or just leave the conversation, as you cannot understand why is it...

I don`t want additional info, i don`t need it. I need to find, if anyone else is experiencing the same. Now more clear?


If i say to you, that somethng is 30$ of price, but the next day i change it to 35$, you will tell me, that i`m a cheater, right?

I perfectly know, where i am, what i`m opt in, and how it works. The thing is, why NOW it`s changed, but not at the beginning.

Plus, the whole circus is automated , with big servers. Why something will have 3 days "whatever you call it" time? If the buyer clicked on promoted, then next 30 days price for add fee is active. What 3 days...?

This means, that it`s a manual thing, not automated.. Then other question, why that big servers and so on?


If you can`t understand, for what reason something is posted, just don`t answer it.

For that 3 days, they always can put all the orders in "promoted sale"...  If someone stays there and "watch them manually"....for 3 days.

@dj-doggy  "For that 3 days, they always can put all the orders in "promoted sale"...  If someone stays there and "watch them manually"....for 3 days."


You're so close to almost getting it - here's what it actually should say "For that 3 days, they always can put all the orders [for items enrolled in a Promoted Listings campaign] in "promoted sale"... ."


That's what I meant when I said that there is no way to independently verify - you just have to trust eBay that when they say an action that would incur an ad fee (usually a sale or click) occurred within the conditions set out in their policies, that it actually did happen and you have to pay the fee you've agreed to pay.


If you don't trust that (and I can't blame people who don't), then you shouldn't be using ads or at the very least you should understand the pros and cons of what you've signed up for and how eBay actually says it will work.


The other part you are missing - everything I just explained above is true, regardless of whether it actually happened to you personally before 2-3 months ago or not.


"Why now is it changing?" Simple - nothing has actually changed. Delays in attribution have always been a possibility, it just happens that 2-3 months ago was the first time it happened to you.


eBay does not and will not offer anything beyond what they've put in their public policy which is to inform you that attribution may take 72+ hours and you're agreeing to that by using the product.


And the final piece of the puzzle - because eBay explicitly states in their public policies that ad attribution may take up to 72+ hrs (again note it doesn't say it always will, just that sometimes it can) the experiences you are describing of not having any delays for years and now sometimes having a one day delay are both 100% in line with how eBay says attribution works and thus are not signs of a glitch or "cheating."


If the reason you posted was just to rant about eBay "cheating" you (when that is not true) rather than to get help from other members to understand what is actually happening and why you are experiencing what you are experiencing then yeah, you're right, I definitely don't understand because that would seem like a giant waste of time to me. 😂

Message 12 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

The EBay system performs only a few functions which relate to processing an order in real time.


Most informational functions are queued and are processed as resources are available.


Many Ebayers who are not technically astute think everything should show accurately immediately. They often believe there is a plot to cheat them.


If all functions would be performed in real time, the computer power needed would be substantially higher and Ebay fees would reflect that added cost.


Similar design characteristics are present in most e-commerce systems.

Message 13 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

@lux.ra_14 wrote:

Maybe it's legit, but the delay does seem dodgy.

@lux.ra_14 notice I didn't say it doesn't seem dodgy, all I said is that it's what eBay says they will do. 😉


"When a man shows you who he is, believe him" - or in this case, if a company puts something in their public policies which gives them 3+ days of wiggle room to decide if you have to pay them for ad fees with no transparency or way to independently verify....believe them.


Sellers should go into Promoted Listings ads fully informed about how it works, what degree of transparency (or lack thereof) they will be dealing with and what the potential risk/reward is for their specific business.


Initially, it sounded like the OP was simply *not* fully informed, so I was trying to help out by explaining to them how eBay says ad attribution works - which of course is not an endorsement of eBay's policies.


If instead the gripe is that eBay is doing exactly what they say they can and will do and the OP just doesn't like that, I understand the frustration but ranting about it to a forum full of other eBay users isn't likely to help in any way. 🤷‍

Message 14 of 20
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Re: Sold via promoted listing

Probably just a glitch or a lag as this site has many.


Just plan on Every Item sold that you are doing Promotions on-is sold via Promotions. 

Plan on that percentage. I have since starting 3+ years ago and don't even worry about or see them- I just look for 'repeat buyer' which is MUCH more important. 


Also remember the 'Halo' effect, basically meaning if the buyer clicks on Any Of your promoted items within 30 days prior to buying Anything else-that sale counts as being sold as Promoted and will Get the fee added, whether you 'promote that item or not' (either they clicked 'See other items' or scrolled down and clicked a 'store' or or.

Message 15 of 20
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