01-14-2025 03:46 AM
I recently catch, that Ebay starting to cheat about this.
I have now 3-4 times, when something is sold, i check in the orders section and it NOT have green label "Sold via promoted listing".
But on the next day, it "magically" appears! And i think, this will continue like that. Pure cheating...
01-14-2025 09:20 AM
From the OP's lack of writing skills, I don't think they have the capacity to understand what you are saying, and all they really want is thumbs-up and replies of "YEAH! THIS IS BULLSH!!!!"
It's a shame how much effort you put into making the reality clear, when clarity would only take away the OP's right to be angry. It's an addiction for some people.
01-14-2025 09:26 AM - edited 01-14-2025 09:27 AM
@stainlessenginecovers wrote:Also remember the 'Halo' effect, basically meaning if the buyer clicks on Any Of your promoted items within 30 days prior to buying Anything else-that sale counts as being sold as Promoted and will Get the fee added, whether you 'promote that item or not' (either they clicked 'See other items' or scrolled down and clicked a 'store' or or.
@stainlessenginecovers That is not how Halo attribution works for Promoted Listings General cost per sale ads.
It is not "whether you promote that item or not" - items that have never been in a Promoted Listings campaign will never be charged an ad fee, even for Halo attribution, period.
If an item was in a PL ad campaign previously and then you removed it, yes you may still end up being charged an ad fee if it sells within 30 days, but that's not what you said.
General campaign strategy attribution
How general ad fees are charged:
If a buyer clicks on a general ad and then purchases any of your items promoted with a general campaign strategy within 30 days, it will be considered a promoted sale and the ad fee for the purchased item will be charged accordingly.
01-14-2025 09:29 AM
@gurlcat wrote:From the OP's lack of writing skills, I don't think they have the capacity to understand what you are saying, and all they really want is thumbs-up and replies of "YEAH! THIS IS BULLSH!!!!"
It's a shame how much effort you put into making the reality clear, when clarity would only take away the OP's right to be angry. It's an addiction for some people.
Thanks @gurlcat though I don't consider it a shame really because I figure lots of people read posts in this forum and it may help someone else eventually even if the OP doesn't want to be helped by it. 😂
01-14-2025 05:36 PM
Perhaps you know the answer.......is the delayed attribution of a Promoted sale possibly Halo sales rather than the direct?
01-14-2025 06:44 PM - edited 01-14-2025 06:56 PM
@slippinjimmy wrote:
Perhaps you know the answer.......is the delayed attribution of a Promoted sale possibly Halo sales rather than the direct?
@slippinjimmy good thought but Halo attribution was introduced in 2023 and I've been aware of the 72 hr reconciliation window since early 2021.
At that time VP Ads Alex Kazim told me directly that one of the reasons eBay wasn't then able to show on offers if ad fees would apply was that attribution was not able to be done in real time in ~5% of transactions and in those cases, it usually happens within 3 days.
He didn't share details about *why* real time sometimes doesn't work, but I would guess some of what @tobaccocardyahoo mentioned is at least plausible.
Since that time, eBay has started to show if offers will be subject to ad fees, but I still see occasional reports from sellers that the ad fee wasn't shown on the offer but was still charged after the sale.
That and of course experiences like detailed by the OP here lead me to surmise eBay just went forward without actually solving whatever causes some attribution not to be able to be done in real time, so delays still happen sometimes and the policies give eBay wiggle room for it, but I couldn't tell you these days if that ~5% still applies or if they've gotten better or worse at it over time.