Sold item listed again by eBay causing a defect
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‎07-06-2024 12:47 PM
Has this happened to anyone? I sold an item and a couple days later the item sold again (there was only one item to sell and I did not relist it). I noticed afterward that the traffic to the item was very heavy as if it had been promoted or something. I assume this was an eBay system glitch or something. I had to cancel the item resulting in a defect. I called customer service naively thinking this was an easy fix (should know better). No. "In this situation there is nothing we can do". I tried again, still no. I was left appeasing an unhappy customer and with a defect I did not cause. Has anyone else had this happen?
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‎07-06-2024 12:53 PM
It's either a mistake on your part or something called a "ghost listing".
It only happens to certain people.
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‎07-06-2024 12:57 PM
Had it happen more that a few times. eBay would always deny it but recently they've admitted that it's happening and looking into it.
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‎07-06-2024 01:09 PM
I would and have contacted the buyer first.
Remember seller - buyer interconnection first before eBay or anything...Mission statement in my mind.
Is there something else the buyer might have liked that might have been maybe a little more expensive or at the same price?
"with a defect I did not cause"...I said that to myself many times.
Customer service...the few times I called I started with "how's the weather in your country?"...and stopped calling years ago.
A buyer will take a substitute of an item not available...depending on $$$.
We as sellers are not perfect and do make mistakes. Not saying you made a mistake.
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‎07-06-2024 01:13 PM
@selsa84 wrote:Had it happen more that a few times. eBay would always deny it but recently they've admitted that it's happening and looking into it.
eBay hasn't "admitted" anything, they are asking sellers to provide examples so they can figure out if this is really happening or if it's user error.
Personally the only time I have had this issue it has been because of user error.
Error 1 - relisting something I THOUGHT I had another of.
Error 2 - listing something with a quantity greater than what I actually have
Years ago I had a partner who was responsible for the listing process while I handled the shipping and money side. He would frequently relist things but not checking to make sure there was still stock available.
When he exited the partnership the "phantom" duplicate listings "miraculously" stopped.
Into your life it will creep
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‎07-06-2024 01:16 PM
What is a ghost listing and who are these certain people?
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‎07-06-2024 01:20 PM
eBay said they are addressing it, that's admitting that it happens in the first place.
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‎07-06-2024 01:21 PM
to add on to this thread...
one more than one occasion, I have caught myself using "sell similar" from a listing or one of my existing listings, and overlooked the "Inventory Box" on the listing.....
I now make it a point when I see the listing in my "Paid & Shipped", in the quantity column it will tell you whether there is another one available........
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‎07-06-2024 01:23 PM
Good advice. The buyer and I did have a lot of communication because I was truly sorry they did not get an item they thought they were going to get. I'm relatively new here. Is it possible for the buyer to remove the "defect"?
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‎07-06-2024 01:26 PM
It's called a ghost listing and here's a post about how to report it.
Here's a post by someone from earlier this week with the same issue but not the defect:
You might be able to have the defect removed if you contact real eBay employees on social media. Here's something I have saved that someone else wrote on a different post about something else:
Here are your options for contacting Ebay Customer Service. Please be aware that for social media CS, you send them a Private Message and briefly explain what your problem or issue is. Feel free to leave your Name, address, phone number and/or your email address in this message. It is private and secure and it may help to speed up the response for you.
Good luck!
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‎07-06-2024 01:29 PM
I had one item, one of a kind. I would not have relisted it. It was just 2 days after I sold the item. The reason I believe it was some sort of glitch is because it had very high traffic to the item within hours. I have never had it happen either and have never had a defect so I get what you're saying.
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‎07-06-2024 01:29 PM
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‎07-06-2024 01:36 PM
"defects" removed...I don't think so.
But saving your feedback where the buyer grades you on a number of things does help...and you can look into if a buyer graded you on this and that.
Most buyers when given a my well as a freebie...yea...I go all out...never ever leave feedback...which is or can be a good thing.
As far as losing a bit of really hurts...but the morning wake up with coffee and that negative feedback will affect you for days and days.
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‎07-06-2024 01:38 PM
Which item was it?
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‎07-06-2024 01:41 PM
Thank you very much. I will do all of this.