06-21-2018 07:35 PM
All my photos have disappeared for items that were automatically relisted within the last 8 hours (give or take)... on the phone with Ebay conceirge now
06-23-2018 07:24 AM
@lookng2015 wrote:Fwiw, eBay opted themselves out of having to reimburse sellers for time lost etc etc in the UA after the last HUGE outtage they had a few years back, so don't hold your breath.
I'm not holding my breath for ANYTHING in regards to eBay, but if they value my business and my $1k+ per month in seller fees, they'd better do SOMETHING to make this right.
06-23-2018 07:25 AM
06-23-2018 07:25 AM
Add me to the list as well. Several of my auto relists from the past 24 hours (may be more) are now missing their pictures. Newly listed items are not.
Sigh 😞 .........
06-23-2018 07:41 AM
06-23-2018 07:42 AM
@tpopnyc wrote:The problem with the photos has not been resolved. All my 'Good Until Cancelled' listings that were auto-relisted overnight don't have any photos other than the gallery. This is disturbing on so many levels.
Yes, very disturbing, especially since we are paying for a service we are not receiving and the work we put into these listings is being taken away without compensation back to us.
06-23-2018 07:45 AM
@tpopnyc wrote:I reported the problem to Ebay via e-mail with all the item #'s that were effected. Too bad noone from Ebay patrols these boards... what a mess
trinton answered on another post with same issue, says it's 'being worked on'.
Yea, like all the other issues are being 'worked on'.
06-23-2018 07:46 AM
@hioctane62 wrote:Most sellers won't know they are affected unless they actually look at their newly re-listed items, since the thumbnail photo still shows.
SELLERS: Check your newly re-listed items.
I have 6 more that will re-list in the next few hours, and I'll be manually ending them rather than having them add to the pile of extra work this issue is creating.
As of yesterday, i got the Meet photo recommendations for xx listings
06-23-2018 07:47 AM
06-23-2018 07:48 AM
@coffeebean832 wrote:I spent a couple of hours this morning uploading photos.
One listing retained the lead image. All of the other listings say "The seller has not uploaded any pictures. Check the item description for details." and shows the gray polaroids.
Mine show the gray polaroids too 😞
06-23-2018 07:51 AM
@hioctane62 wrote:I'm reluctant to do anything until I know if ebay can recover our photos. I'll either have to re-take them all of try to get them from the old computer. In the meantime... I sure know I won't be getting any sales on these items.
Why does it seem like ebay tries to hurt sellers' business at every turn?
In total agreement. There have been a rash of glitches, more than ever, over the last 6 mos.
eBay- Hire people who know what they are doing!
After all, we pay you for these services and we are not getting what we pay for!
06-23-2018 07:51 AM
This is affecting approximately 2.5 % of my listings every day. No pictures.
Can you even imagine the magnitude of this issue across the grand scheme of things. The total number of listings effected has to be staggering.
I am ending all the rest of my relists scheduled for today and moving on.
06-23-2018 07:52 AM
@deeplist wrote:Just got off the phone with CS. They didn't have any idea what's going on, or why the photos are being deleted. He said they will "look into it" and then call me back within 24 to 48 hours. I'm not holding my breath.
I'm getting about sick and tired of paying ridiculously high seller fees, only to have to turn around and deal with these glitches and errors.
Ebay needs to re-imburse us for all this extra work we have to do and for them making us lose sales on these deleted photo listings.
Who wants to buy anything without photos?
06-23-2018 07:59 AM
I just got told on ebay chat they will get back to me in 48 hours lol... they said they are NOT offering compensation to anyone , ive edited hundreds of listings since last night when i noticed it , they also said and check this out their words " as a go around the customer could message you and ask for images of your listing " ha ha if an item doesnt have an image would you buy it or even message a seller to ask for photos , How many sales have been lost because of this issue and how long is it going to continue for GRRRR
06-23-2018 08:10 AM
@pargran3 wrote:I seldom gripe about glitches since most are fixed before very many even notice, but this one is a biggie.
I had a couple of people check mine, one on mobile (the mobile app is another subject...wowser) and one on PC. They can only see one photo on my GTC listings that relisted since last evening.
Since I doubt that all of us are in the same locality, maybe eBay should be able to figure out that THERE IS A PROBLEM.
Yes! Happening to me here in Chicago.
06-23-2018 08:48 AM
FYI Twitter customer service has been absolutely blowing up since 6 AM today.
Still waiting for a response. They are definately aware.