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Probably a Fraud Return Request

Customer asked for a return on two earmuffs that touch hair and skin.  The add specifically states returns on those items are not accepted.  Customers reason (Changed their mind) They were too tight on their 4 YO heads") This was the first of it's kind since I started selling these in 2016 and the earmuffs are adjustable Is this too tight on this 5 YO ?Is this too tight on this 5 YO ?. So, with a little research, the customer made the request on a Monday just after a local Monster Truck show in their town on Sunday 🤔.  Calling **bleep** on this customers request.  They got the items, used the items and then wanted to be refunded.  I offered a partial refund because, after all, they get to keep the items (can use them again), and I paid the shipping.  eBay should check customers return request for the number of times they request returns, to see if this is a pattern.  What say eBay?  What say You?

Message 1 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

This is incorrect.


eBay will not get involved if the buyer used reason 'Changed my mind' and the buyer has returns set to 'No Returns'.


Since the reason does not fall under eBay's Money Back Guarentee, and the return policy is set to 'No Returns', then eBay will stay out of it and would not force.


The only time eBay will get involved in a remorse return is when the buyer has a return policy set to 'buyer pays', or 'free returns'. 

The only reason eBay would get involved for those is if the seller is refusing to honor their return policy, which is fraudulent behavior of false advertising. You can't advertise 30 Day returns with buyer pays, and refuse that falls within that 30 day window.


It's crazy how many people on this forum don't understand the policies.

Message 16 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

@chevymontecarlo88 wrote:

@stainlessenginecovers wrote:

@chevymontecarlo88 wrote:

@endco1 wrote:

Seriously, "Changed my mind" 6 days after delivery and the day after the local monster truck show ?  I don't see it as honesty but instead, a way to get their money back after using the product.  But, giving them the benefit of my doubt, I offered a partial refund anyway and told them to keep the items.  Still they will probably give me the only bad review I ever had.  Check my profile you'll see I am Aces, Straights, and Flushes...  Thanks Robbie. 

Your assessment of the customers sounds 100% correct. Has nothing to do with them being honest. 😒

You did not over react and handled it better than most. Its better to vent on the forum than with a customer regardless if you are right. 👍 Report the buyer if you think he is abusing returns. No one condones this behavior and it does feel unfair.


Report a buyer on Ebay 


-Good luck and keep selling.

@chevymontecarlo88 maybe this 4 yr old has a VERY FAT head and they were NOT able to use them (and stating, by the seller, that they 'used them at the Truck Show' is ONLY a guess). 

You are correct and very reasonable stainlessenginecovers . We deal with speculation many times but saying the buyer is HONEST and the OP is OVER REACTING does not help anyone. If the seller thinks its an abuse of returns, they do have an option and link provided.

But the seller is over reacting.

The title of this very thread 'Fraud'. 


OMG the buyer asked to return an item, ITS FRAUD, IT'S FRAUD. OMG I'M BEING FRAUDED.


Give me a break... 🤣

Message 17 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

@endco1 wrote:

Thanks, this was the first time ever a customer has asked for a return and refund.  I was caught off guard a bit because I was not sure what eBay would do to support the customer and not the seller.  I personally feel they bought the items used them and looked at eBay for a way to get their money back.  Buy something, use it, and then return it and state it was defective.  Thanks again.

Hate to tell you this but customers do this all the time with all kinds of goods. It’s not an ebay thing either. You just probably got unfortunate and got one of these kind of customers. Me and my husband never bank on what we bank on here until after at least a month after the sale. Always something coming back.

Message 18 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

Message 19 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

@robbie31415 wrote:

@chevymontecarlo88 wrote:

@stainlessenginecovers wrote:

@chevymontecarlo88 wrote:

@endco1 wrote:

Seriously, "Changed my mind" 6 days after delivery and the day after the local monster truck show ?  I don't see it as honesty but instead, a way to get their money back after using the product.  But, giving them the benefit of my doubt, I offered a partial refund anyway and told them to keep the items.  Still they will probably give me the only bad review I ever had.  Check my profile you'll see I am Aces, Straights, and Flushes...  Thanks Robbie. 

Your assessment of the customers sounds 100% correct. Has nothing to do with them being honest. 😒

You did not over react and handled it better than most. Its better to vent on the forum than with a customer regardless if you are right. 👍 Report the buyer if you think he is abusing returns. No one condones this behavior and it does feel unfair.


Report a buyer on Ebay 


-Good luck and keep selling.

@chevymontecarlo88 maybe this 4 yr old has a VERY FAT head and they were NOT able to use them (and stating, by the seller, that they 'used them at the Truck Show' is ONLY a guess). 

You are correct and very reasonable stainlessenginecovers . We deal with speculation many times but saying the buyer is HONEST and the OP is OVER REACTING does not help anyone. If the seller thinks its an abuse of returns, they do have an option and link provided.

But the seller is over reacting.

The title of this very thread 'Fraud'. 


OMG the buyer asked to return an item, ITS FRAUD, IT'S FRAUD. OMG I'M BEING FRAUDED.


Give me a break... 🤣

Let’s not call it fraud, let’s call it, rent a widget, series returner pandemonium, how bought, hey my kid has a fat head. Whatever it is, return for refund and try to be nice about it.

Message 20 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

It's only an assumption it's rent.


If they truly wanted to rent then they would have LIED and said it was not as described so they would have 100% return.


The option they used is a remorse reason, perhaps the item went unused and they requested to return to see if the seller would allow it.

People need to stop jumping to conclusions.

Message 21 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

@robbie31415 wrote:



It's crazy how many people on this forum don't understand the policies.


What's even crazier is how many sellers get return requests that they cannot handle.


I've gotten two return requests in 25 years of selling.  (The colors of the item purchased did not match something at home).   Obviously I accepted them on the spot.  So admittedly, I have precious little experience with this particular dimension of the return experience. 


Now, in this instance, I used shorthand in my original post below when I should have been more explicit.


After reading the horror stories here, I have concluded (a bit prematurely obviously) that eBay buyers are sufficiently clever to have figured out to jump straight to an INAD, and skip the remorse excuse altogether.  


Recall the thread recently about the seller with her purses, for example, who "clearly stated" that she did not accept returns.  That turned out to be not true. 


Hence, my uncaveated statement: "If eBay gets involved in a dispute, the buyer will get his money back one way or another."


With your reply and that of others, I am pleasantly surprised to learn that a seller can turn down a return for remorse and prevail.   Seems like the least that eBay can do for us.   


At the same time I wonder how many buyers have not yet figured out how to short circuit that protection?  

eBay seller since 1999. This is a posting ID.
Message 22 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

All the bad buyers file for INAD straight away.


Only more 'honest' buyers use actual remorse reasons that can be denied.


Sad, the buyers who put actual true reasons are the ones who are the most hurt.


Where the bad buyers who lie and put INAD to make sure eBay will force return get their money back.

Message 23 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

@endco1  It's totally understandable that you weren't sure what to do in this scenario and that you had a sort of ambiguous fear of a bad buyer using eBay against you.  But for future reference I would just request that you not issue partial refunds as an attempt to appease buyers.  That might sound like a weird ask, like what business is it of mine?  Well, I just got a message from a buyer less than an hour ago, citing a petty complaint and literally asking me for a partial refund.  -Now how did she learn to do a thing like that?  

Bad buyers aren't born; they are made.  They are taught by scared sellers to be extortionists, and the more times it works for them, the more thuggish they get when it doesn't.  

Message 24 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

You don't have to rub it anyone's face. That's all. When users come here to vent or look for advice, maybe give them a little more latitude without the innuendos. I agree with most of what you post but sometimes you add contentious comments that do nothing but add friction and responses from others. Make your good points without the insinuations.


I am not talking about debating others or responding to snarky comments towards you. Swing away on those users but give those who post a chance to explain and learn without being buried in comments by the peanut gallery.

- Roasting id
Message 25 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

I'm going to call it how it is and ignore all the salty sellers who would burn down every buyer centric policy that exists.


The buyer used reason: changed my mind.


That is very honest reason. This buyer is honest.


Fraudulent buyers know to use INAD where they blame fault on the seller and force eBay return.


This buyer put blame on themselves and claimed they are remorseful. There is nothing wrong with that.


However, even you went to put blame and insult on the buyer because you guys are making a ton of assumptions with 0 evidence.


The only evidence that was present was that of honesty. And since the seller has a no returns policy they can deny the return without worry of eBay intervening.


But no... This is fraud. Buyer claimed they changed their mind. What a fraudster. Horrible buyer. They should never change their mind and see if seller willing to accept it, bad.


Completely unacceptable.

Message 26 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

The earmuff's  fall under the heath  code   no return's  once  they are removed from the  box  and removed from  plastic packaging and touched the  skin .  In the Ebay UA does cover no returns   under the health code regulations  which covers both online  and B/M  . it is  covered in both federal & state  merchant and buyer statues .      no return's  and refunds  once buyers remove item from the box  and  from the  plastic protective bag  which is in the statues  .  

Message 27 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

Sometimes users just want a place to vent and maybe can learn something from you. Why not save your frustrations on those who challenge you personally? If you really care about the "buyer centric policies", you could do a better job of persuading those who you disagree with. Personally i think your posts would mean more if you showed more empathy towards those who post questions out of frustration and/or need help.







- Roasting id
Message 28 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

Okay ? The seller can deny the return.


Are you making assumptions all buyers keep up with 'health codes'.


It's simple you press the button: Deny

Message 29 of 60
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Re: Probably a Fraud Return Request

What is there to vent about?


They are free to deny the return.


They wouldn't take a loss.


But the buyer filed a remorse claim.


What should the rant be ? Having to take a couple minutes to deny it ? Loss revenue of having to press a button?


Massive inconvenience.

Message 30 of 60
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