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Price surge listings and selling fees?

With Wendy's planning on price surge fees on their"food" during certain parts  of the day.Lunch ,Dinner etc.

And others would soon follow if they get away with this.Can you see a time Ebay would add surge fees during the most popular peak times for sales and listings .

I could see this happening if this gets hold with today's corporate greed  and taking advantage of every situation possible.

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Price surge listings and selling fees?

I think it was bad marketing by Wendy's, not surge pricing but rather off peak discounts.


as far as ebay goes who knows but I would guess not, something like surge pricing would require technical abilities that I believe are well above what ebay is capable of

Message 2 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

I heard about that and it made my blood boil.   I will definitely boycott Wendy's and spread the word to all my friends and family.  This is total **bleep**.  I hate that kind of greed.   

Message 3 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

And their food is mediocre at best.

Message 4 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

I don't see it happening. 

   EBay doesn't have similar "surges" like B/L/D at Wendys. It isn't a restaurant subject to people's growling stomachs. I think it's logical to assume that since eBay is worldwide, there is no time-of-day surge factor in which their processing servers get overloaded with work, then have the thin periods in between. As far as the US sales are concerned, there are many time zones to spread out any possible "surge" in sales and listings.

   My wife and I saw the news story about Wendys, and our jaws dropped. Any restaurant that tries to pull that stunt on us will not get our business. Wendys should get their act together and manage their staffing better to handle any human B/L/D surges. It's a management shortcoming on staffing, not a time-of-day situation. Any company that tries to make their  problem into a customer's  problem doesn't deserve getting the business, IMHO.

Cheers, Duffy

Message 5 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

What I believe is a serious threat  is the fact that more and more manufacturers are insisting that they have total control of their products from cradle to grave, they want to dictate what you can do with it, who can repair it and how long you can use it, and of course never resell it. Also related is that unless something is done to stop it anything with a processor will require a paid subscription.

Message 6 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

Apparently. again, a case of the news media putting a spin on things that was not there. Wendy's came out today saying that this is not correct, will not be raising prices in periods of high demand and never even used the term 'surge pricing'.  



Message 7 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

I predicted the Wendy's thing years ago when the menu boards went digital. Although they are absolutely presenting it the wrong way.  They need to market it as an off-peak discount, not a price surge.  The numbers could be exactly the same, it is just the marketing of it that matters. 


Ebay doesn't have any sort of surges or peaks or anything like that. It just isn't the same sort of business. A Wendy's restaurant can only serve so many burgers per hour, if ebay reached anywhere near its hourly capacity then ebay and the sellers would be rolling in so much cash that the last thing they would want to do is mess it up by discouraging sales.

Message 8 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

Why post this & give them any more ideas?

Message 9 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

If they have different prices thru out the day it effectively is.They will raise the base price and act like they're giving a discount other parts of the day.

They are butt covering because of the backlash they have received.

Message 10 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

Unfortunately, as is much in life, it's all about the money.

Message 11 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

ebay should just pay us $10 per sale and take all the rest imo,

unless the margin is under $10 in which case we could receive a little smiley face emoji or a few credits that we can spend on packing tape at the ebay commissary

Message 12 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

I agree with wendys here raise all the prices and then give a discount at certain times. instead of add extra fees at certain times and keep the prices regular the rest of the time. lol really......  this is why they do it. 

Message 13 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

I think the idea with Wendy's is that if the lunch line is packed to capacity and you can't serve everyone, then you raise prices until demand drops. This is basic economics and if people continue to put up with it, everything will eventually become this way.


Businesses are realizing that you can ignore the bottom 50% of the market if the top 50% is willing to pay twice as much, and that saves money by requiring less employees to deal with less poor angry customers. In the past this would allow competition to come in and eat their lunch, so to speak, but margins are tough for smaller, lower margin businesses in the current monopolistic environment.

Message 14 of 32
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Price surge listings and selling fees?

Wendy's and eBay formats have no similarities. 


I have not eaten at a Wendy's in probably 12+ years! The last time I ate at any restaurant / fast food chain has been an easy 4+ years. 


The quality of restaurant & fast food is very poor! This is why we have people with obesity, diabetes, cholesterol issues, and so on. The drug companies and your doctors love it. $$$$.


Let's be real. Major companies enter long term contracts with their suppliers for the most part. To even entertain pricing food like a stock market is just the stupidest, dumbest thing, and who ever thought of this, needs to be fired. 


I believe Wendy's is spending $20 million on this research. Might want to spend that on better quality food. Wait! The CEO's probably have some connection to the suppose research company(s) and / or they know just tossing out such a post gives them millions of dollars of free publicity on social medial and the news networks. 










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