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Offensive Materials? Huh?

Today I received two notifications on two items which I have had listed for months/years- a folk art art doll of a Black American man (not a caricature) wearing a tie, and an antique photograph of a Black American maid holding a White child. Neither item depicts any possible characteristic of racial mockery or denigration. I must say that I find it personally offensive that ebay would even suggest such a thing about them. What on God's Earth is happening? I'm 60 years old and have been an ebay seller for 19 years with a 100 percent rating. Has the world lost its mind?

Message 1 of 122
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121 REPLIES 121

Offensive Materials? Huh?

Probably not for much longer. It was just announced that the Aunt Jemima name is about to be history.

Message 61 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

Oops, didn’t read all previous posts on this.

Message 62 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

@trustedbasset wrote:

I’m Swedish so I want all the muppet chefs take down from

ebay because it is offensive. 

Where is it going to end?

There will always be something offensive to somebody!

The next thing eBay starts taking down anything related to Christianity. This will happen. 

Absolutely! The Swedish Muppet Chef is a racist portrayal and cruel to lobsters too. Just look how he callously threw a baby lobster...

And he talks funny.

Ban him now!

Posting ID
Message 63 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

...oh they will be...wait until this country completely changed...


...the next thing to change names would be streets, roads, freeways, specially the ones related to history...


...the falling of America is beginning...(as George Soros vowed to take it down in any cost)


...our people, please wake-up...

Message 64 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

...oh I forgot, USPS has several sets of heritage stamps...that needs to immediately take down...!


...let's call the General Postmaster...demanding...!

Message 65 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

@turquoisetulips wrote:

Any TV. program  or movie that portrays law enforcement   in a good light  could be  next on the chopping block. Many believe  It won't stop there  . There are groups that do indeed want to see  police departments all across the country  defunded ,,  in other words abolished  and they will use force  if need be.  Tulips

We've had this conversation before.  Defunding does NOT = Abolishing.  I realize that this is something that some are really trying to get other to think because they are throwing shade on what it actually means.  


That is no more true that the Seattle protest in the CHOP formerly known as Chaz is or was violent.  

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 66 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

Actually the police stated only 15% were from outside the city according to their survey of those arrested for looting. 85% of the city they lived in were looting. Let's not paint a rosy picture when it was not. Ignoring the facts will not go towards fixing the problem.

Message 67 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

You are correct - fear - and ignorance.

Message 68 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

Coffeebean832: I looked up your profile and discovered that you joined eBay on 3-18-2018, you have 0 listings, but you have 3.9K Helpfuls and 2.2K posts. I'm just curious... are you employed by eBay?
Message 69 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

Thanks for your replies, voguevintage. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone thinking that this is completely nuts. ❤️
Message 70 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

@unimay1 wrote:
Coffeebean832: I looked up your profile and discovered that you joined eBay on 3-18-2018, you have 0 listings, but you have 3.9K Helpfuls and 2.2K posts. I'm just curious... are you employed by eBay?

Many posting here use posting IDs, rather than their buying or selling IDs.  Helpful and knowledgeable posters like coffee bean are usually long time sellers with lots of experience. 


Message 71 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

Thank you so very much for your reply! God in Heaven... an MLK locket removed? That's truly dreadful. And your doll... I'm stunned. Love to you and yours.
Message 72 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

RE:  Today I received two notifications on two items which I have had listed for months/years- a folk art art doll of a Black American man (not a caricature) wearing a tie, and an antique photograph of a Black American maid holding a White child.


I was intrigued by the comment that the folk art doll of the Black American man was wearing a tie and the Black maid was holding a White child. 


RE: Neither item depicts any possible characteristic of racial mockery or denigration.  

Was the folk art doll missing some clothing and only wearing a tie and why was it significant to you to mention that the doll was wearing a tie?   The black maid holding a white child is the mammy figure which is rooted in slavery, i.e. it is a stereotype.



Message 73 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

They seems to be removing a lot of things arbitrarily just because they have black subject matter. Isn't that discriminatory to do that? imajgin 




Message 74 of 122
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Offensive Materials? Huh?

 . An Abraham Lincoln monument was defaced by rioters in all this recent mess. Makes no sense.


I’m afraid that IGNORANCE reigns supreme. God help us. oleander 



Abe Lincoln  declared '' All men are created equal ''  and began the end of slavery . Although he was up against Democratic party   slave owners  he accomplished his goal  with the help  of white and black soldiers  willing to give their lives for the cause . However Abe Lincoln was a Republican  and I believe  that is all that mattered to the brain washed  tyrants  destroying   the cities .  They also did a lot of damage to the street  named after Martin Luther King  who was also   Republican .  Tulips 

Message 75 of 122
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