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Offensive Materials? Huh?

Today I received two notifications on two items which I have had listed for months/years- a folk art art doll of a Black American man (not a caricature) wearing a tie, and an antique photograph of a Black American maid holding a White child. Neither item depicts any possible characteristic of racial mockery or denigration. I must say that I find it personally offensive that ebay would even suggest such a thing about them. What on God's Earth is happening? I'm 60 years old and have been an ebay seller for 19 years with a 100 percent rating. Has the world lost its mind?

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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

Thank you for your service. 


Yes, you make an excellent point. There are people walking this earth today who deny the Holocaust happened and there may come a time when slavery is denied. That will offend the people tearing down statues today . An Abraham Lincoln monument was defaced by rioters in all this recent mess. Makes no sense.


I’m afraid that IGNORANCE reigns supreme. God help us.

Message 31 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

@oleander1993 wrote:

Thank you for your service. 


Yes, you make an excellent point. There are people walking this earth today who deny the Holocaust happened and there may come a time when slavery is denied. That will offend the people tearing down statues today . An Abraham Lincoln monument was defaced by rioters in all this recent mess. Makes no sense.


I’m afraid that IGNORANCE reigns supreme. God help us.

Alas!  Until mankind becomes aware of his own ignorance and sees that the shade of the bag that holds together that which makes a person a person is irrelevant, I'm afraid we are destined to fight a never ending battle. 

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 32 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

I’m Swedish so I want all the muppet chefs take down from

ebay because it is offensive. 

Where is it going to end?

There will always be something offensive to somebody!

The next thing eBay starts taking down anything related to Christianity. This will happen. 

Dear God, please help me to be
the person my dog thinks I am.
Message 33 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

@unimay1 wrote:

Today I received two notifications on two items which I have had listed for months/years- a folk art art doll of a Black American man (not a caricature) wearing a tie, and an antique photograph of a Black American maid holding a White child. Neither item depicts any possible characteristic of racial mockery or denigration. I must say that I find it personally offensive that ebay would even suggest such a thing about them. What on God's Earth is happening? I'm 60 years old and have been an ebay seller for 19 years with a 100 percent rating. Has the world lost its mind?

Here is your problem. eBay started shooting sellers (you) for going 55mph, because earlier today they deemed it an offense to go over 45mph, but did not feel that it was necessary to take down the old speed  limit signs and post the new ones. 



The NEW 

Offensive Materials Policy Update as of 06-17-2020 sometime in the middle of the night. 



Well that announcement is a day late and a dollar short. You probably owe the seller's whose accounts that you wreaked today an apology and a 100% commitment by you and eBay to expend your time helping reinstate these seller's listings. 

Message 34 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

".the ones whom was born in 50's, 60's...I think it's a most amazing generation...specially the music during 60's, 70's up to 80's..."

We, uh, pretty much invented personal computers and Windows. Not to mention demanding organic food, back to the land, clean air and water...we were were very instrumental in changing the face of the earth. Then there was Kent State, People's Park...but we could dress however we wish! Which as a HIPPIe I loved!!!
straight out of thrift stores, not Macy's...And we got to make things and sell them in the street. For a while and then the taxes and regulations and licensing set in.

I am sick of hearing 'sorry, boomer'....what are they doing to help? Texting, sexting, hooking up what? We boomers were marching in the streets, occupying colleges, demanding an end to the Vietman War. We got killed, we got roughed up, we still did what we thought was right.

I am strongly against what the violent 'protesters' are doing now because they are not for justice they are FOR anarchy.
but the peaceful ones, of which I was one of LONG ago...protest on. The world needs to change again.
Message 35 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

This may be helpful or at least explain a little.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 36 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

I am half Swedish...I find the Muppets entertaining. I am, however, not a 'Christian' so I am not sure where you are going with the last statement. xcept that I am a firm believer in freedom of religion. Which to me means you believe in what you believe and I will do the same.

If anyone or the 'state' tries to FORCe a religion on the nation...then we are all in trouble.

On the other hand, I still get some good deals here. Though after the events of yesterday I am shopping around for other food delivery services. I am very disappointed in eBay. Plus there is a spike in CV-19 going on that the gov'mint is not fessing up to, and maybe lying about. We will continue to stay put. It is lonely but safer.
Message 37 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

@voguevintage wrote:

Can we still sell Aunt Jemima pancake mix? lol.


This is so stupid.

Quaker just announced they will be changing their packaging and removing the name.

Message 38 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

I guess Uncle Ben will be the next to go.

Message 39 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

I was wondering if eBay would get to this category. Unfortunately, the PC police want to delete everything history beginning today. By the way, I was surfing through the cable channels last night and came across a show called Boondocks on Cartoon Network. Talk about offensive!?!

Message 40 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

Be thankful you can't wrap your head around what you state. That proves you are sane. Trust me, you are not in the minority.

Message 41 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

..................general reply............


the new rules on what is offensive is quite broad.Why dont we just ban action movies,no more John Wayne or Eastood or Bronson.While we are at it lets bring back C. Delores Tucker and get rid of the rap music.She came to Germantown when I lived there,did not like rap music one bit.Last but not least we should ban video games,they inspire violence or so they say.I can remember back in the 80`s people were blaming bands like AC/DC and such for there childrens  suicide.The banning of items shoud stop,its getting rediculous at what people are offended by

Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 42 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

Being part black,   I find and have always found black Americana offensive as it always portrays black people as servants or subservient to white people.    Glad to see it go.

Most of the protestors were peaceful and you had those who used the protests to further their own agendas.     Did  you hear the police chiefs from Philly,   Minneapolis and Seattle say that most of the looters were known to them?

The assumption that protests in the 60's were peaceful is not true.   I can remember Harvard Square being looted and trashed as my Aunt was in a Hayes Bickford waiting for the violence to end.


Message 43 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

You won't be able to buy any to least the original version. 


Aunt Jemima brand syrup and pancake mix will soon go by a different name, and have a different logo, Quaker Oats announced on Wednesday.


The company said it recognizes that “Aunt Jemima’s origins are based on a racial stereotype," and that removing the image and name is part of an effort by the company “to make progress toward racial equality.”


It's all Auntie's fault.

Message 44 of 122
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Re: Offensive Materials? Huh?

The cancel culture has reached to just about everywhere now . It's not just happening here on e bay. Long running police shows like COPS  have been banned as well as  the extremely popular LIVE PD . Believe it or not even kids cartoons  like Paw Patrol  are suggested  for  the ban  list  because there's a German Shepard  character who is dressed as a police officer .  It's just a small  but very vocal and demanding  fringe group   that's doing all this  but  companies are appeasing  their demands  for fear of retalilian .  Tulips 

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