10-09-2021 06:55 AM
It seems the traffic even people looking is very slow. Haven't had any sales for months. Is anyone experiencing this? Never was this bad before
10-09-2021 05:42 PM
Sellers can't list there items, sellers can't print there shipping labels, here's one for ya, buyers can't purchase. That's just a sliver on what goes on and that my troll is non functioning.
10-09-2021 05:59 PM
Well, something happened with this site. My sales are down 82.5% over the last 31 days! I do not list several of the same items. I have a large variety. Also have several items that do not have any competition on eBay. 1 item I have listed, that no one else does, should have sold quite a while ago. 1 person had theirs listed, before mine was posted and, it sold in auction with 22 bids. Many different bidders. Now mine sits without a single offer from anyone. NONE of those losing bidders are interested in owning this item now??? They can send an offer & get it for less than what the other sold for! Yet, nothing happens. Certainly not my fault it does not sell! lol
10-09-2021 06:37 PM
@domin-tomas wrote:What do you tell a seller like this? "Have not had a sale or even a question in four, now five days. Having over 5300 items on it is unusual"
I didn't not answer this seller's question. I answered the OP's question because I'm familiar with their (general) category. There are 1,351,211 listings new used/vintage jewellery. There are just under 25,000,000 listings in jewellery itself. You have to absolutely hustle to get sales in those conditions. I know, I sell in fashion.
10-09-2021 06:46 PM - edited 10-09-2021 06:46 PM
@sakic92710 wrote:Well, something happened with this site. My sales are down 82.5% over the last 31 days! I do not list several of the same items. I have a large variety. Also have several items that do not have any competition on eBay. 1 item I have listed, that no one else does, should have sold quite a while ago. 1 person had theirs listed, before mine was posted and, it sold in auction with 22 bids. Many different bidders. Now mine sits without a single offer from anyone. NONE of those losing bidders are interested in owning this item now??? They can send an offer & get it for less than what the other sold for! Yet, nothing happens. Certainly not my fault it does not sell! lol
I guarantee you that if i wanted to buy one of the items that you have listed, i could.
Ebay will not stop me.
The problem is that I don't want anything you are selling and apparently nobody else does either.
That's why sales are slow.
It has nothing to do with ebay, algorithms or the alignment of the planets.
10-09-2021 07:44 PM
Not a single sale in four days, I suppose ebay is "improving" algorithms again.
10-09-2021 07:47 PM - edited 10-09-2021 07:48 PM
I have been doing some tests with different platforms. I truly believe Ebay is moving past “quirky vintage items” and the things that has made it what it once was. It’s more promoted listings, more cell phone cases and iPhone wires. I think it’s just the direction they wanted to move in and I’m sure there are reasons for that. I’m not giving up on EBay, I’m just realizing my weirder items might do better on another platform….and my tests are proving this to be true. It’s retail..you have to adapt and figure out what works and what doesn’t. Tastes change, fads move on, and technology does too. The longer I sell the more I realize I have to be prepared for change and quickly adjust so I can keep sales moving forward. Less time blaming Ebay, more time figuring out what I can do to fix the problem because most of the time I can fix the problem myself.
10-09-2021 08:31 PM
I think it is an ECOMONY issue. Inflation this year. People are scrapping for money.
10-09-2021 09:05 PM
@piedmontwnc wrote:I have been doing some tests with different platforms. I truly believe Ebay is moving past “quirky vintage items” and the things that has made it what it once was. It’s more promoted listings, more cell phone cases and iPhone wires. I think it’s just the direction they wanted to move in and I’m sure there are reasons for that. I’m not giving up on EBay, I’m just realizing my weirder items might do better on another platform….and my tests are proving this to be true. It’s retail..you have to adapt and figure out what works and what doesn’t. Tastes change, fads move on, and technology does too. The longer I sell the more I realize I have to be prepared for change and quickly adjust so I can keep sales moving forward. Less time blaming Ebay, more time figuring out what I can do to fix the problem because most of the time I can fix the problem myself.
Bingo! And etailing changed faster than anything because its still relatively new. One doesn't want to make the virtual mistake of all the mall building that went on in the 80s due to inflated expectations that the trend for sport buying and consumption would continue. There are now dead malls all over the country because of market contraction and changes.
Agree that the markets here are dispersing.
10-09-2021 10:40 PM
@domin-tomas wrote:Sellers can't list there items, sellers can't print there shipping labels, here's one for ya, buyers can't purchase. That's just a sliver on what goes on and that my troll is non functioning.
You will really have to come up with better excuses than that. Sellers can print shipping labels. Maybe your computer is whacked ? Maybe your print is non functioning ? I have had no problems listing at all, maybe your computer is whacked ? As a buyer I have bought several items in the last couple weeks with no problem. Maybe your banking info is whacked ?
10-09-2021 10:47 PM
Many sellers do not want to give more than a 10% discount on make offers. When a seller raises the BIN 30-50% higher than market value most buyer do not want to even attempt to make an offer. 30-50% offers result in the buyer getting block so they just hit the back button. Maybe rethink your strategy. It also never hurts to sell things more in demand. If there is only one listed most likely there is not much demand for the item.
10-09-2021 11:21 PM
I haven't read any of the other replies yet, so hopefully I'm not repeating much that others have said. Here are a few tips to help, @dollface18:
10-10-2021 12:06 AM
I was thinking that the OP's sell-through was excellent, given their very few items in a very saturated market. This is a very, very casual selling style. I'm not sure people realise how much stuff is actually ON eBay and think that somehow they stand out. Almost no one really stands out.
10-10-2021 02:13 AM
My poor sales and the lower views/watchers started with the Fall update. I always cringe when I see "New Update and what it will do for YOU!!!". I just KNOW that it's going to sink my sales FOR months. Sigh.
10-10-2021 02:16 AM
@chapeau-noir wrote:I was thinking that the OP's sell-through was excellent, given their very few items in a very saturated market.
I admit that when I saw what they were selling, the number of listings, the auction format and the sell through rate, I thought, "what the heck are they complaining about?"
10-10-2021 02:47 AM - edited 10-10-2021 02:47 AM
As an Aussie who relatively frequently tries to buy from the US ebay site,i would like to offer a suggestion to US sellers who want international sales.
Do not use GSP.I ignore all GSP listings and i'm not the only one.It's too expensive for smaller items and doesn't allow combined post.
Large,heavy items GSP is better.
On a previous thread there was a poster djdaniel,i had a look at his listings,not my cup of tea,but 1 of his comics was US $30 to ship here.Not happening.That's GSP for you.
If you can get hold of Hot Wheels XB falcon garage,red or copper,XB falcon super treasure hunt,or Hot Wheels RLC and price them right i guarantee you will sell them
Aussies love the XBs.
There's some tips for increasing sales.