12-14-2024 11:45 AM
I received an order at 4:37 pm on December 4 and took it to the post office on December 5. It took two days for USPS to get it to the regional center, then it apparently got hung up in Memphis. It's still enroute to the buyer.
I just got home a short time ago and had a message from the buyer, simply "Still has not arrived," and apparently he immediately left me a negative feedback, "Has not arrived."
I don't know if he's checked tracking or just assumes a seller has some kind of magic they can wave to move a package along. I understand his disappointment, I'm not happy about the status either, but it would be nice if people would at least have the courtesy to contact me first and give me time to respond before leaving a negative.
Anyway, sorry for the little bit of a rant. I'll respond to the negative feedback politely and professionally. But what should I do about the feedback? Can I contact eBay yet to have it removed or does it need to be delivered first? What's the best course of action?
Solved! Go to Best Answer
12-15-2024 12:45 PM
Yes, my box isn't checked. Still doesn't work. Ebay hasn't changed this back.
12-15-2024 12:45 PM
Dang @wastingtime101 , was hoping I was wrong and Mam was right about this.
Mam's post is what I Want to happen, and how I think messages should work.
As you know sellers get put into that bad position of not adding to the BBL simply because they aren't ready yet to block communication.
I'm sad you didn't chime in here and tell me I missed an update that this was no longer an issue. 😞
12-15-2024 12:48 PM
12-15-2024 12:50 PM
Wow, thank you for all this information!!!! You rock!!!
12-15-2024 01:03 PM
@wastingtime101 wrote:
@robbie31415 wrote:@wastingtime101 You been following the communication from BBL more than most. Has eBay reverted due to the complaints? Confirmed?
More than following it - I've been "leading the charge" so to speak and annoying the crap out of kyle@ebay by tagging him every week with use cases. Sorry, Kyle, and thanks for being a good sport (even if it is part of your job description). 😁 Could you pass on this original post as another use case? Seller would prefer to block the member from making another purchase, but keep communications open as they deal with the current transaction and delayed package?
There's a lot in this thread @robbie31415 , so here's my couple of pennies:
1. Seller shipped within their handling time. They do not have to wait for delivery to request FB removal. Key point here is the word or in the policy. Met delivery expectations or handling time expectations.
This seller had scans within their handling time which is why the FB removal request was successful before delivery. Good to see that happened for you @packratville as that's how it's supposed to work. 👍
2. @buyselljack2016 and others were correct when they said adding a buyer to the BBL will block all messages through the M2M message system, regardless of a recent transaction, and the "loophole" where communications will get through is within an Item Not Received claim. Those messages are through the claim, not the traditional message system.
3. Sorry @mam98031 but the information you provided about the communication block on the buyer preferences page upthread is not accurate. That setting does not impact the BBL. That setting exclusively controls buyer requirement settings (unpaid items, location you don't ship to, limit # of items purchased within 10 days).
Buyers on the BBL are blocked from sending messages. Full stop. You can confirm that on the BBL page (screenshot below).
If you have information to the contrary, please post a link, because what you're describing is different from what the rest of us have experienced in actual practice (blocking members with recent transactions), and different from what it says on the BBL page.
If you believe I am incorrect, I invite you to ask Kyle to weigh in.
We've gone around on this topic in the past. We disagreed in February, then again in April, and you even acknowledged in April that you were mistaken about eBay reversing course on the BBL block. I'm going to assume unless you have some new info the rest of us are not privy to, that you just forgot how the settings work. We all forget stuff, and hopefully the reminder on this topic is helpful to you. 🙂
In that discussion you said, "My apologies for having this wrong. I was told that they were going to fix that, but clearly they did not. IMHO it isn't a good thing to block a current buyer from being able to converse with their seller as it can create other issues to include them posting negative or neutral feedback. But you are right, the Buyer Requirements clearly state that if you turn on the block for messages, it applies to all on the BBL, current transaction or not."
I'd prefer to leave my comments in this post without engaging further, which is why I'm suggesting asking Kyle to weigh in to get an "official" confirmation we can point to next time this comes up, and hopefully put the topic to rest (outside of continuing to bug Kyle with use cases to try and get eBay to revert this poorly thought out BBL/message block change).
I appreciate your impute on this thread. But lets be really clear here. They are just trying to create an unnecessary conflict on this thread.
1. I agreed with them, but it wasn't good enough.
2. & 3. That isn't what is says on the Buyer Requirement screen that I've posted a screen shot up thread. The screen says "Update block settings for active listings If you uncheck this box, active listings won’t be impacted. Auctions with bids cannot be changed." Now maybe I've misinterpreted this statement and I'm willing to discuss in a civil manner, but that doesn't seem to be something @robbie31415 and I can do as they are more intent on insulting me that having an actual conversation and exchange of ideas.
I will tag Kyle, but not because I think you are wrong, but because I hope for clarity. I can accept if I'm wrong and I always acknowledge when I've made a mistake. But unfortunately some simply won't acknowledge that and continue to say I won't.
Yes I remember previous conversations on the subject, however we all know how quickly Ebay can change things without any notice. So discussion at the beginning of the year can easily have updated information. And I like you have been pushing for this change. Definitely my bad if I'm incorrect in what I thought the statement on the Buyer Requirement page meant.
12-15-2024 01:04 PM
@spreadlovelikefire wrote:Yes, my box isn't checked. Still doesn't work. Ebay hasn't changed this back.
Thank you for checking that out. It appears that I was incorrect in how I interpreted the statement that appears on the Buyer Requirement page. Sorry if I caused you any undue stress or work.
12-15-2024 02:37 PM
This is bizarre. Tracking now shows the package reached Memphis, TN on December 8, then Baton Rouge, LA on December 10. Then December 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 all show the exact same message at the exact same time (12:00 a.m.): "In Transit to Next Facility, Arriving Late." (The package is going to Lake Charles, LA.)
I tried to submit a request to check on it on the USPS website, but after filling out the form all I got was a message that there was a problem, try again later. Kept getting that. So I thought I might try a different browser than Chrome and launched Edge to fill out the form. Well, in Edge, the status shows an update today, the 15th, at 3:53 pm stating the package was processed through the Baton Rouge facility. However, Chrome still shows the last update as December 14, moving through the network and arriving late. Of course I refreshed the browser and deleted the cache, etc., but Chrome still doesn't show the December 15 status update.
Hopefully the buyer will get his package tomorrow.
12-15-2024 02:50 PM
Check on parcelsapp.com and see what they show for tracking @packratville .
The "in transit" scan is automated - a place filler every day when there's no other scan.
I don't think you can file an inquiry until there's been a week with no real scan (real scan, not the automated in transit scan).
In my opinion, the most effective thing to do if you need to file an inquiry is to go usps.com. Bottom left of page email us. Then follow the prompts. That sends an inquiry to the destination facility.
That said, with the current delays, you may not get any kind of response to your inquiry. You may just need to wait it out.
12-15-2024 03:28 PM
Baton Rouge and Memphis are horrible right now....
They are slammed to heck. Massive delays.
12-15-2024 03:40 PM
Thanks, a placeholder filler scan makes sense of what it's showing. I restarted my computer and Chrome now matches Edge. When I tried the email inquiry, that's when it kept saying there's a problem when I hit "Submit" and to try later. But now that it's updated, I won't need to unless it's delayed again.
12-15-2024 03:43 PM
Sends a chill through me anytime I see "Memphis" as I babysit my tracking.
12-15-2024 03:44 PM
Haha, yeah.
Honestly, for the most part things are moving.
I'm only watching these because they are my 2 oldest right now, and were shipped on the 3rd. So at 12 days now.
Hopefully they get delivered tomorrow, but who knows.
12-15-2024 03:49 PM
Wow, that's incredible. This is the first year I've seen delays like that. I guess they are slammed at those two facilities.
My buyer responded to my email today, simply asking how long to wait before it's considered lost. I told him about the latest update and that I think it might reach him tomorrow. If not by Tuesday, I'll contact USPS. No comment about the negative he left, though. When this is finally all resolved, I'll add him to the blocked list.
12-15-2024 04:13 PM
Currently my oldest was shipped on the 2nd. I was just notified this afternoon of movement. I filed the first step yesterday for usps to check into it. Prior to this one I had one take a month to arrive.
12-15-2024 05:05 PM
Goodness, I guess I can't complain! That's horrible. Good luck on your package from the 2nd. Your inquiry must have gotten it moving.