12-14-2024 11:45 AM
I received an order at 4:37 pm on December 4 and took it to the post office on December 5. It took two days for USPS to get it to the regional center, then it apparently got hung up in Memphis. It's still enroute to the buyer.
I just got home a short time ago and had a message from the buyer, simply "Still has not arrived," and apparently he immediately left me a negative feedback, "Has not arrived."
I don't know if he's checked tracking or just assumes a seller has some kind of magic they can wave to move a package along. I understand his disappointment, I'm not happy about the status either, but it would be nice if people would at least have the courtesy to contact me first and give me time to respond before leaving a negative.
Anyway, sorry for the little bit of a rant. I'll respond to the negative feedback politely and professionally. But what should I do about the feedback? Can I contact eBay yet to have it removed or does it need to be delivered first? What's the best course of action?
Solved! Go to Best Answer
12-15-2024 09:32 PM
I have had the worst experiences with bad feedback, like a fraudster leaving credit card info in the feedback which did not get removed for MONTHS. I was recently EVEN MORE amazed at the how worthless eBay has gotten at removing one buy burner account targeted feedback. I don’t actually believe eBay has a feedback team, but if they ACTUALLY do, it’s an unfunny joke on sellers.
A worse joke, however, is eBay presenting “resources” on X, Facebook and Instagram, to “help you help yourself” in ways they can’t ON THEIR OWN SITE.
12-15-2024 10:45 PM
On each Ebay page there is a link to contact Customer Service at the top of the page and again at the bottom of the page.
I would suggest that you contact Ebay for Business on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter for the better trained CSRs.
Here are your options for contacting Ebay Customer Service. Please be aware that for social media CS, you send them a Private Message and briefly explain what your problem or issue is. Feel free to leave your Name, address, phone number and/or your email address in this message. It is private and secure and it may help to speed up the response for you.
Your options will be on the left. If you use the link below you can only get to the Automated Assistant or Chat box type AGENT in the box and hit enter. You will then get more options. Not all options are available 24/7. It will depend on staffing available. So sometimes you can request a call back and sometimes you can't. Sometimes you have the Chat option available and other times it won't me. If it is important to you to use one of those options, just try back later.
If you use a cell phone or other mobile device, you may need to turn off your Spam filter so that Ebay can call you.
If you are a seller outside of the US or Canada, you will need to use the Chat Option.
12-17-2024 07:11 AM
More than following it - I've been "leading the charge" so to speak and annoying the crap out of kyle@ebay by tagging him every week with use cases. Sorry, Kyle, and thanks for being a good sport (even if it is part of your job description). 😁 Could you pass on this original post as another use case? Seller would prefer to block the member from making another purchase, but keep communications open as they deal with the current transaction and delayed package?
Hey @wastingtime101 no need to apologize at all! It doesn't bother me one bit. (it IS part of the job, too, but really, it doesn't bug me at all anyway!)
We've actually gotten more eyes than ever on this subject recently, so I'd encourage you to continue sending these examples my way. I'll continue passing them on!
12-17-2024 08:16 AM
Tis the season. If I get 5 negatives in a year, three of them are around Christmas.
Shipping delays are part of the issue. But, I feel the main issue is just Holiday related stress
12-17-2024 08:23 AM
One year I got one on Christmas day.
12-17-2024 08:42 AM
@mam98031 wrote:
@wastingtime101 wrote:
@robbie31415 wrote:
@wastingtime101 You been following the communication from BBL more than most. Has eBay reverted due to the complaints? Confirmed?
More than following it - I've been "leading the charge" so to speak and annoying the crap out of kyle@ebay by tagging him every week with use cases. Sorry, Kyle, and thanks for being a good sport (even if it is part of your job description). 😁 Could you pass on this original post as another use case? Seller would prefer to block the member from making another purchase, but keep communications open as they deal with the current transaction and delayed package?
There's a lot in this thread @robbie31415 , so here's my couple of pennies:
1. Seller shipped within their handling time. They do not have to wait for delivery to request FB removal. Key point here is the word or in the policy. Met delivery expectations or handling time expectations.
This seller had scans within their handling time which is why the FB removal request was successful before delivery. Good to see that happened for you @packratville as that's how it's supposed to work. 👍
2. @buyselljack2016 and others were correct when they said adding a buyer to the BBL will block all messages through the M2M message system, regardless of a recent transaction, and the "loophole" where communications will get through is within an Item Not Received claim. Those messages are through the claim, not the traditional message system.
3. Sorry @mam98031 but the information you provided about the communication block on the buyer preferences page upthread is not accurate. That setting does not impact the BBL. That setting exclusively controls buyer requirement settings (unpaid items, location you don't ship to, limit # of items purchased within 10 days).
Buyers on the BBL are blocked from sending messages. Full stop. You can confirm that on the BBL page (screenshot below).
If you have information to the contrary, please post a link, because what you're describing is different from what the rest of us have experienced in actual practice (blocking members with recent transactions), and different from what it says on the BBL page.
If you believe I am incorrect, I invite you to ask Kyle to weigh in.
We've gone around on this topic in the past. We disagreed in February, then again in April, and you even acknowledged in April that you were mistaken about eBay reversing course on the BBL block. I'm going to assume unless you have some new info the rest of us are not privy to, that you just forgot how the settings work. We all forget stuff, and hopefully the reminder on this topic is helpful to you. 🙂
In that discussion you said, "My apologies for having this wrong. I was told that they were going to fix that, but clearly they did not. IMHO it isn't a good thing to block a current buyer from being able to converse with their seller as it can create other issues to include them posting negative or neutral feedback. But you are right, the Buyer Requirements clearly state that if you turn on the block for messages, it applies to all on the BBL, current transaction or not."
I'd prefer to leave my comments in this post without engaging further, which is why I'm suggesting asking Kyle to weigh in to get an "official" confirmation we can point to next time this comes up, and hopefully put the topic to rest (outside of continuing to bug Kyle with use cases to try and get eBay to revert this poorly thought out BBL/message block change).
I appreciate your impute on this thread. But lets be really clear here. They are just trying to create an unnecessary conflict on this thread.
1. I agreed with them, but it wasn't good enough.
2. & 3. That isn't what is says on the Buyer Requirement screen that I've posted a screen shot up thread. The screen says "Update block settings for active listings If you uncheck this box, active listings won’t be impacted. Auctions with bids cannot be changed." Now maybe I've misinterpreted this statement and I'm willing to discuss in a civil manner, but that doesn't seem to be something @robbie31415 and I can do as they are more intent on insulting me that having an actual conversation and exchange of ideas.
I will tag Kyle, but not because I think you are wrong, but because I hope for clarity. I can accept if I'm wrong and I always acknowledge when I've made a mistake. But unfortunately some simply won't acknowledge that and continue to say I won't.
Yes I remember previous conversations on the subject, however we all know how quickly Ebay can change things without any notice. So discussion at the beginning of the year can easily have updated information. And I like you have been pushing for this change. Definitely my bad if I'm incorrect in what I thought the statement on the Buyer Requirement page meant.
Hey @mam98031 I'm happy to clarify! As things currently stand, adding a member to BBL does block all member to member messages, regardless of other settings within your buyer requirements. The only exception is when there is a case open, members can communicate through the case itself while it is opened.
12-17-2024 11:06 AM
kyle@ebay wrote:More than following it - I've been "leading the charge" so to speak and annoying the crap out of kyle@ebay by tagging him every week with use cases. Sorry, Kyle, and thanks for being a good sport (even if it is part of your job description). 😁 Could you pass on this original post as another use case? Seller would prefer to block the member from making another purchase, but keep communications open as they deal with the current transaction and delayed package?
Hey @wastingtime101 no need to apologize at all! It doesn't bother me one bit. (it IS part of the job, too, but really, it doesn't bug me at all anyway!)
We've actually gotten more eyes than ever on this subject recently, so I'd encourage you to continue sending these examples my way. I'll continue passing them on!
Thanks kyle@ebay !!
FYI to @iamalwaysright and @gurlcat and @sin-n-dex as I know the topic of the BBL message block being out of sellers' control matters to you guys and don't recall seeing any of you on this discussion. Keep tagging Kyle with use cases. Think I saw a good example from you last night @iamalwaysright .
12-17-2024 11:30 AM
Thank you for the clarification Kyle. I appreciate your time. I thought this process had gotten changed, but clearly I was wrong @wastingtime101 . I am sorry for my mistake. It is never my desire to mislead anyone or give incorrect information.
This post does clarify something else on a completely different topic that has been discussed before by some of us on this thread. "The only exception is when there is a case open, members can communicate through the case itself while it is opened. " I advised others when there is a case to only communicate within the case and some thought that was not an option. This a completely separate subject and isn't meant to take away from my apology in my first paragraph.
12-17-2024 11:44 AM
Bit more clarification. When they say 'Case', I believe it's specific to non escalated INR's?
I know for a fact you can leave messages on open INR's when they aren't escalated.
The buyer can see the messages left in it.
How do you leave messages for an escalated case, or a return? Seems like no option for that to me. 🤔
12-17-2024 11:48 AM
@robbie31415 wrote:Bit more clarification. When they say 'Case', I believe it's specific to non escalated INR's?
I know for a fact you can leave messages on open INR's when they aren't escalated.
The buyer can see the messages left in it.
How do you leave messages for an escalated case, or a return? Seems like no option for that to me. 🤔
Please clarify a statement you made in your earlier post "The only exception is when there is a case open, members can communicate through the case itself while it is opened. " Define what you mean by "case".
12-17-2024 11:49 AM
@mam98031 wrote:This post does clarify something else on a completely different topic that has been discussed before by some of us on this thread. "The only exception is when there is a case open, members can communicate through the case itself while it is opened. " I advised others when there is a case to only communicate within the case and some thought that was not an option. This a completely separate subject and isn't meant to take away from my apology in my first paragraph.
Agreed @mam98031 and I did see some recent screenshots where someone had a message exchange within a return.
I'll see if I can find the link and come back to post it as I definitely had more questions in this area.
I'm wondering if the distinction is the word "case" because @iamalwaysright and myself both checked countless returns - both remorse and SNAD - and did not have a message option. In fact, I just thoroughly examined another return filed this morning and there was zero message option within that return request. Maybe the message option only appears once a return is escalated to a case?
With INRs we already know - you can message within any INR.
Actually kyle@ebay - there's another BBL use case for you. It's pretty rare that I'll block a buyer returning something unless they're abusive, but in this case the buyer knew in advance and was very specific about what size they wanted. They have the 3" and want the 5.5" which I don't stock. Yet they couldn't be bothered to check measurements in the description, item specifics, and photos which showed the item is 3".
I'd prefer to not deal with the same financial loss (shipping both ways) from the same buyer in the future, but I also do not want to block communications in case the buyer has questions during the return process. They clearly did not look at anything other than the first photo - which by the way is also pretty clear with the size difference on its own when one is familiar with the product as this buyer was. 🙄
12-17-2024 03:26 PM
@wastingtime101 wrote:
kyle@ebay wrote:More than following it - I've been "leading the charge" so to speak and annoying the crap out of kyle@ebay by tagging him every week with use cases. Sorry, Kyle, and thanks for being a good sport (even if it is part of your job description). 😁 Could you pass on this original post as another use case? Seller would prefer to block the member from making another purchase, but keep communications open as they deal with the current transaction and delayed package?
Hey @wastingtime101 no need to apologize at all! It doesn't bother me one bit. (it IS part of the job, too, but really, it doesn't bug me at all anyway!)
We've actually gotten more eyes than ever on this subject recently, so I'd encourage you to continue sending these examples my way. I'll continue passing them on!Thanks kyle@ebay !!
FYI to @iamalwaysright and @gurlcat and @sin-n-dex as I know the topic of the BBL message block being out of sellers' control matters to you guys and don't recall seeing any of you on this discussion. Keep tagging Kyle with use cases. Think I saw a good example from you last night @iamalwaysright .
I'm going to add my two cents for a recent situation where I wanted to block a buyer from buying, but not shut down communication.
I had an impatient buyer who thought he wasn't going to get his item and filed an INR. As policy, I like to block someone who files an INR out of haste to prevent them from buying more items and filing more INRs when shipping isn't as fast as ebay promises (and yes, mail is a lot slower than the 2-5 days you give me to deliver something posted with ECONOMY MAIL SERVICE).
If I have an honest buyer who is hasty to file an INR, because they are new, or are just going along with eBay's suggestion that the item is past it's delivery date, and they want to pay me, they will most likely contact me via eBay message to tell me they received it and ask how they can repay. I've had that happen a few times in the past year. Had I blocked those buyers, I wouldn't get the message, but at the same time by not blocking those buyers, they are able to buy more stuff and do this to me again. (So in the event it's a dishonest buyer, I don't want to be open to be taking advantage of like that).
That's why BBL should block BUYING, but sellers should be able to choose if they want to block MESSAGES. Just because I block a problem buyer doesn't mean I don't want to see what they send me. I can choose to not read, ignore or or not reply, that's my choice. eBay has taken this choice away from me and is telling me I need to either allow a dishonest buyer to purchase again (because I want to keep communication open for repayment of a lost item), or block an honest buyer from being able to arrange payment because I need to stop them from buying anything else until things are sorted out.
12-17-2024 03:31 PM - edited 12-17-2024 03:35 PM
OK I found that other thread @mam98031 where buyer and seller were messaging through the return. Screenshot in OP shows messages happened before the return was escalated to a case.
What I can't figure out is why that seller could message through the return. I've been checking all of my returns and could not message through any of them.
I checked a return just this morning and could not message before the return was approved or after the return was approved.
That's not correct. This morning's claim was auto-approved, however because I use RMAs buyer had to wait for me to provide a return label. But still, there was no message ability either before or after sending the return label. In that other OP's screenshot, all of their messaging took place before the return was approved, so perhaps that is the distinction?
For a history of a bunch of the testing @iamalwaysright and myself did on this:
I hope kyle@ebay will weigh in to explain why some sellers/buyers can message through returns and others cannot.
12-17-2024 04:00 PM
Yeah It is a distinction.
You can message i believe before it's approved.
Problem is the majority of us have them automatically approved. Even if we use RMA pending label.
I had a screenshot of one that was before approval I will try and find it.
But really doesn't help since majority of returns are automatically approved.
12-17-2024 04:06 PM - edited 12-17-2024 04:44 PM
@robbie31415 wrote:But really doesn't help since majority of returns are automatically approved.
That's what I was thinking. The vast majority of returns will never have that message option, and also speaks to why several sellers didn't even realize it was still possible. It used to be possible throughout a return, approved or not, but eBay removed the option a while ago.
Edit: I realized the most common exception here is going to be a seller with a no returns policy when a remorse return is filed. But since we're talking about a remorse return, the BBL is less likely to come into play, therefore it doesn't help much with a way around the BBL message block.
Also, once a return is approved it cuts off messages inside the return so that doesn't help either with the BBL message block.
But yeah, it appears we finally solved the messages-within-returns question. As a seller that accepts returns, there are very few situations where I see returns that are not auto-approved and the bulk of those are requests filed past the 30 day window.