01-27-2021 09:10 AM - edited 01-27-2021 09:11 AM
Every buyer requesting a cancellation will get this message now, with modifications to fit the circumstances, BEFORE I just automatically agree to cancel. If nothing else, it should educate some buyers, maybe inspire thought in others... or if nothing else, just let the buyer know I've not just automatically rolled over for them right away!
Your seller / Little*blackdog
01-27-2021 09:13 AM
Seriously? You really intend to send that?
01-27-2021 09:15 AM
Worth a shot, I guess. I would be worried about aggravating the buyer and causing more problems. But, hey, if it works for you, it will save you like 30 cents each time. Best of luck.
01-27-2021 09:17 AM
Good grief...no..not professional...buyers dont care about your economic status or fees...a big turn off..i would hit the back button...fast!
01-27-2021 09:21 AM
Just my opinion, but that is entirely too long and likely nobody is going to care to read it. If you are worried about losing the fees, maybe just shorten it up a bit.
Dear buyer,
It will cost me $xx.xx in fees to comply with your request to cancel the sale. Please let me know how you plan to reimburse me for that amount.
You can join MPayments where they are not keeping all the fees for cancellations YET.
01-27-2021 09:24 AM
I'd rather loose a little in fee's and cancel as buyer requested, then take a chance on buyer filing an INAD and have to pay return shipping and give a full refund.
Plus, you still loose the fee's.
01-27-2021 09:27 AM
You're joking right? You don't really intend to send that to anyone do you?
01-27-2021 09:27 AM
Dont waste the time on it. Just cancel and move on. At least in MP you only lose the transaction fee (.30) With Paypal they started keeping the whole fee there towards the end. 1 positive for MP....
01-27-2021 09:28 AM
Last cancel I had, I immediately agreed, told the buyer a funny story related to the item, and the buyer came back later the same day and bought something more expensive. Personally, I wouldn't send the message you've written. But to each his (or her) own.
01-27-2021 09:50 AM
01-27-2021 10:03 AM
I understand your frustration and think your message makes its point very well.
I still would not send it.
It is somewhat presumptuous to lecture buyers. Would it be nice for them to realize there is an actual person on the other end of the anonymous transaction? Absolutely. But this is a business and it is our job to conduct it as such. It is our responsibility to set prices that take all expenses into account. That is not something to lay at the buyer’s feet as a guilt trip.
01-27-2021 10:04 AM
Sounds pretty whiney to me, but YMMV.
01-27-2021 10:06 AM
You can join MPayments where they are not keeping all the fees for cancellations YET.
YET is correct. I'm sure they will start soon, as they said they will not refund fees if the fees are not refunded by the money processor.
01-27-2021 10:26 AM
Not in a million years would I send a message like that.
You say ... "this is one big reason buyers should be encouraged to use the watch list feature"
Buyer hears ... "let me lecture you about you how to use eBay the way I think you should"
01-27-2021 10:29 AM
I would absolutely advise against sending that message
Either agree to cancel transaction or do not agree to cancel the transaction
its up to you
If it were me cancel the sale and add deadbeat buyer to your BBL and be done with it
Move on to listing your items and sending out orders for buyers that paid you