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Items are not getting views all of the sudden


I listed some Fernando Tatis Jr. cards on my account yesterday after I sold a bunch from some auctions I started last week. The ones that I listed last week were getting significantly more views than the ones that I’ve listed yesterday despite them being the same cards that I sold last week (I have a ton of duplicate sports cards and I prefer to auction them instead of having a BIN price with a large quantity). Someone please give me some insight on this issue. Thank you in advance. 

Message 1 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

What would explain the bid retractors and the non-payers? Why would you bid on something if you knew it would take your last $20.00 to pay for it?

Message 31 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden




Non-paying flakes have been around for a very l-o-n-g time.  What I would do with that particular flake that you mentioned is to block her.  You do not need such aggravating "buyers" constantly bidding/retracting/making offers/oops! that was a mistake...really...


I do not normally block people who have retracted a bid but if I had an encounter such as yours - you betcha I would block her...OMG...



Message 32 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Ran across this looking for info on views going into the toilet least glad it's not just me. I listed several singles auctions late last week, and while they aren't the hottest cards, I've never seen views come this slowly. Heck, I've got a Michael Jordan card with 0 views after four days...that would have been unheard of most of the time since I started selling my cards last year. Trying to figure out if its worth even bothering with auctions anymore at this point. Sigh. Heck, even my newer BIN listings took forever to get any significant number of views...and that is even after giving in and switching BIN listings to promoted.

Message 33 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

I’m experiencing the same exact thing. I usually have around 200 records listed at s time, and regularly I‘ll have records with up to 200 views (this is the exciting part for me, believe it or not). There are always plenty with 30 views. Now I have a max of 20 views on records and they don’t seem to be selling as well. I keep track of my watchers, which seem seem to be a little low: usually 25 watchers, but now down to 15-20 in a given day. So I can’t help but wonder what has changed, but with others in the same boat, I don’t think it’s random.

Message 34 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Two weeks ago I was getting 300-500+ views for each of my oil painting listings on 10 day 99 cent auctions. Then the lights turned out. Now I'm getting 50-60 views in 10 days if I'm lucky. Impressions have plunged, views have plunged and the prices are ridiculously low on the auctions. I was getting 3-5 decently priced BIN sales per week as well but that has completely stopped. Sales in last 10 days down 80%.


This has happened many times the last 8 years.  I don't have an answer. It's madness.



Message 35 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Same here. Nothing happening. Customer service paying dumb. Called 4X this last week because I KNOW Something is OFF and wrong right now. They think we are stupid.  So many experiencing this same issue and the lack of sales ect..  it will come out eventually what is up. I won't be wasting time though trying to get answers from Ebay anymore. I will use the time to list everywhere else! Where things actually are selling!

Message 36 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Not sure what you want contracted CS with a script to read to help you


Try running more sales?

Message 37 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

YEP same answers every time. They no nothing. Blah Blah Blah. Nothing wrong with your account ect ect ect ect...   BULL

Message 38 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Well in most circumstances it is true they know nothing

Someone in India with a script has no Idea about the internals of eBay


Blame eBay for outsourcing help 

Message 39 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

I tried this. They told me to use the new promoted listings feature.  How ridiculous.  Spend more to promote while hardly any sales. Since they initiated this new click and pay, sales are horrible,  no views, traffic down, etc..

Message 40 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Agree 100%. Something is going on with eBay as I noticed over the last 60 days (started in August) views went from 100-500 to 5-10. Even had auctions that had 5-10 watchers (who watch even when it relists) suddenly go to 0. I've been on eBay since 1998 and never seen anything like it before.  Called eBay (My account is fine) and their representative stated they have had other calls about it.

Message 41 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

@nilis13 wrote:

I tried this. They told me to use the new promoted listings feature.  How ridiculous.  Spend more to promote while hardly any sales. Since they initiated this new click and pay, sales are horrible,  no views, traffic down, etc..


To put another spin on this, if you have 2 listings and only 1 is promoted, they are in direct competition with one having a slight advantage. One should sell before the other, but no guarantees. If neither are promoted in theory they should be fighting for last place.





Message 42 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

To the topic:

The problem is not enough hits or looks, so of course little to no sales.


An assumption I am going with is an indexing into the system problem: that so far eBay has been unable to ID or to fix.


What ever is going on: it is real and so far eBay has not done anything about it.

Message 43 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Seems to have started with the fall update and introduction of Advanced PL?

Message 44 of 67
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Re: Items are not getting views all of the sudden

Currently, I manage three eBay stores. My military collectibles are getting the normal amount of views and purchases. My books/toys store is starting to pick up.

My brand new Health & Beauty items (mostly makeup) have been slower but what's interesting to me is that recently most of my actual sales there are from Buyers with feedback of 10 or less and mostly 0. I just checked and six out of my last 10 sales were to new Buyers.  I'm curious where all these new Buyers are coming from??

eBay Seller Leader: Detroit-Ann Arbor In-Person eBay Networking Events
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