03-18-2019 05:58 PM
Truly, I appreciate how well you listened to the overwhelming feedback from the overwhelming amount of sellers who asked you to axe the good til canceled idea. I particularly like how you guys tried to frame it in a way to make it look like it's for our benefit.
Don't bother sending out those surveys anymore if you are going to just delete them without even reading them. It's obvious you do not care what your sellers think. Enjoy the extra money from the people who don't realize their listings are auto renewing, at least until they get mad about it and never sell on eBay again.
03-19-2019 03:32 PM
Leaving the site will have no impact as there are thousands more stepping in all the time.
Maybe. Maybe not. The difference is they will be losing seasoned sellers. Those thousands stepping in all the time are inexperienced. And will have selling limits. So clogging the site with more low priced junk like cell phone cases, more used clothing, or household bric a brac is going to have a lasting effect. No offense to the sellers of these items but the truly high end items have been leaving every day with even more once the reality of GTC kicks in.
So with fewer and fewer "expensive" items available coupled with green sellers who have no idea where the ropes even are much less having a grasp of them, eBay could suddenly be in a serious money losing position. Plus buyers will eventually go elsewhere also and not only because they can't find anything they're looking for. A few bad experiences and they're up and away. Just like long time sellers have been. Toss in a few newbie sellers getting scammed and they'll ditch this site too. And you can bet all sides will bad mouth eBay every step of the way.
As if their current reputation isn't terrible already...
03-19-2019 03:35 PM
You wrote that well! I also never joined in on the Community Boards posts until eBay crossed a number of lines this past month.
I'm gleaning through hundreds of posts re. GTC, with almost all saying the same thing. Copying you and a few in your group on some, but just you on this one (which really says it well). The main thing you and eBay need to come away with from the post from @quayvar are the following statements;
"I have been selling on ebay for many years, have been through many changes they have made over time, and never commented until now due to the latest seller update which only allows good until cancelled option on fixed price listings."
"You can only tax individuals so much before they give up or leave!"
All of the comments in the message are important, but trying to show you the common theme ..... eBay has gone too far this time with this process change, and customers will leave, are leaving .... or have just left. The potential new customers, who still can't get through the front door at the eBay Homepage (due to the IE/Firefox issue) are probably better off.
03-19-2019 04:51 PM - edited 03-19-2019 04:52 PM
@greg5000 wrote:
I'm new posting to Community Boards and this is my first post replying to my own post. I just wanted to be sure that eBay sees how many members posted helpful, in just a short period of time.
I think the statement "Companies that don't listen to their Customers will always fail" resonated with all.
Now, with my reply to my own post, our voices resonate to Alan, Brian x2, and Griff.
Hi @greg5000 / all,
Thanks for your continued engagement on this topic. We've posted an update here: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/Good-Til-Cancelled-Update-from-Harry-Temkin-VP-of-Seller/m-p/2...
Alan - eBay Community Manager
If a member's response helped, please give it a Helpful. If you are the author of a thread and a member's response resolved your question, please click "Accept as Solution." More on Accepted Solutions.
Check out the eBay for Business podcast! For your chance to be featured on the show, call in with a question at 888 723-4630!
03-19-2019 05:05 PM
03-19-2019 05:09 PM
GTC is 100% Grade A BULL COOKIES! Lying and stealing from the sellers is the worst that eBay can do. I am not going to list anymore here. I am sick of the glitches, the lies, the stealth changes and stupid updates that only hurt the sellers. I am so sick of it I do not want to be here anymore. SALES ARE DEAD and I am not going to give eBay anymore money. Sick of eBay!
Are you satisfied eBay. That you have made the sellers HATE EBAY! IS THIS YOUR GOAL?/ TO MAKE US ALL HATE EBAY! WELL MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
03-19-2019 05:14 PM
We're not eBay's customers.
We're their suppliers and they don't care about suppliers because we're a dime a dozen.
03-19-2019 05:14 PM
it's a terrible policy change... now I list over 10,000 items a month, and I list them for 7 days, then I relist them on a 90 rotation, so I can offer new items.... now I have to go in and manual canceling auctions. My buyers will expect it to be up for 30 days and I have to cancel it abruptly before it renews. I have been selling for over 15years and have found that soo many of my buyers buy just before the auction ends... now they won't know when that is or i'll be waiting 30 days or longer for them to bid on an item... long winded yes... frustrated yes!!!
03-19-2019 07:03 PM
@kristinawilliam wrote:I just went to revise/edit a listing that is fixed 30 days. Made my edit and clicked Update Listing with the 30 days grayed out and GTC not selectable either. And the category is also valid, as it was selected through the lister (changed that too, no dice).
This is hilarious. Not only is GTC rammed down our throats, apparently editing existing fixed 30 day listings is giving some people errors.
@kristinawilliamI posted a thread about this. Ebay claims it only occurs when you change the category. There is no workaround except to end your listing and relist using new category. Of course, doing so will eat a listing, which is ebays goal here as of late!
03-19-2019 07:23 PM
alan@ebay wrote:
@greg5000 wrote:
I'm new posting to Community Boards and this is my first post replying to my own post. I just wanted to be sure that eBay sees how many members posted helpful, in just a short period of time.
I think the statement "Companies that don't listen to their Customers will always fail" resonated with all.
Now, with my reply to my own post, our voices resonate to Alan, Brian x2, and Griff.
Hi @greg5000 / all,
Thanks for your continued engagement on this topic. We've posted an update here: https://community.ebay.com/t5/Selling/Good-Til-Cancelled-Update-from-Harry-Temkin-VP-of-Seller/m-p/2...
Hello Alan,
I do not want to shoot the messenger here…But really, have Harry and Brian listened to their customers?
There are umpteen threads on this subject since 2/29 and many are not favorable.
If eBay knows best lets have some verifiable data to back it up.
03-19-2019 08:21 PM
03-19-2019 08:41 PM
I've been selling on eBay for 20 years and the GTC is the lowest of lows for eBay. For people who have been around for a while. . .remember all that has been given and then taken away by eBay over the years! To force me to pay for a GTC listing fee over and over when my items ends after 30 days is a slimy way for eBay to get more money out of a smaller seller. Not to mention the shipping hike we all just endured! My costs will then be higher and will be passed onto the buyer (which will kill my sales)! Ebay has gone downhill rapidly as I can attest to selling 9-10 items a day and I am now down to probs 10 items a week, I am selling the same genre of items and that is with 4 family accounts! I AM ALL DONE! I am moving on. . .I am going to try to sell off what I have and I am leaving eBay for good! This is the final straw for my camel's back. . .I am disgusted! If I don't sell on here. . .I'm certainly not buying on here either. . .although, I feel bad for other sellers, I am not supporting a company that I believe has lost the integrity of what it was originally built on! See ya eBay!
03-19-2019 08:43 PM
It isn’t just free listings. If I pay 35 cents to list for thirty days, then must cancel before the end of thirty days....or pay more...do I get what I paid my 35 cents for in the end? No I do not! I do not get 30 days for my money and have no control over it....I feel this new action is not legal. They are defrauding me. If I pay 35 cents for 30 days I have no option but to continue or lose the last amount of time I paid for because I must pull the listing before they can automatically charge me. I DO NOT GET WHAT I PAID FOR!
03-19-2019 08:48 PM
@weschurch wrote:You actually may be on to something here! If they are giving you free listings, than renewing at a charge automatically it seems this may be illegal. I'm not a lawyer.
"In July 1, 2018, California’s amendment to its already consumer friendly law went into effect, requiring businesses who offer subscriptions on a free gift or trial basis clearly and conspicuously disclose whether the price will be charged after the trial ends and requires businesses to provide consumers the option to terminate some offers online (e.g., through an email or other online format). Virginia recently passed a law effective January 1, 2019 with requirements very similar to California’s law"
Anyone want to weigh in
It isn’t just free listings. If I pay 35 cents to list for thirty days, then must cancel before the end of thirty days....or pay more...do I get what I paid my 35 cents for in the end? No I do not! I do not get 30 days for my money and have no control over it....I feel this new action is not legal. They are defrauding me. If I pay 35 cents for 30 days I have no option but to continue or lose the last amount of time I paid for because I must pull the listing before they can automatically charge me. I DO NOT GET WHAT I PAID FOR!
03-19-2019 09:57 PM
19 years here....I agree. I need an opt out of the 30 days. The choice we have been given....tells you, you do not know your business. That is the problem with their new decision.
03-19-2019 10:24 PM
This is about the dumbest idea they could have come up with. Gonna be a cluster *#c% of things lost in oblivian for 28 of those 30 days