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I am done with eBay after 24 years.

The time has come where I have removed my listings and closed my shop. I had a buyer misuse returns, I had alerted eBay from day one she was. Received the return on the 8th (Sat), RECORDED me opening it on the 9th (Sunday), contacted eBay TUES the 11th, only to see the return complete on the 13th. Called CS again, they forwarded it to the care dept. I get a response in an hour, only to tell me I had to contact them within 2 business days and I didn't. Funny? I have the email in my inbox asking to rate "how did we do" on Feb 11th @ 3pm after I had called and spoke with Anna, who btw had a rooster crowing in the background. But they also suggested I have free returns on my listings as this will increase sales. UHHHHH, All my listings have this, including the one in question. (which just makes me feel like they are giving generic responses and not doing their job.)

The buyer returned the item damaged, put the earrings UNDER the cotton of the jewelry box, so they shifted around on the carboard, scratching the surface. One of the earrings was missing a battery. Both earrings were turned on to engage the led feature and the safety tabs were not included.

I reply back explaining that I did contact on the 11th and even rated my experience with the agent. Only for them to reply that I did not contact them.

I have pulled ALL my listings, I have closed my shop and will withdraw everything. I'm done. I've also rated them on BBB and filed a complaint about their service.

Ebay was never like this. I can't even say as a seller they are failing, they failed me as a buyer too. And in all my years, this is the 2nd time ever I have ever have a buyer misuse returns, but eBay is catering to their bad behavior as well. (Seller said it was XL, got it, the size was wrong, contacted seller, they said I should have asked for measurements prior to buying. -**bleep**?- Open return, seller closed it out. Call eBay and they said I should have called them as now there's nothing they could do. Huh? **bleep** if you ask me and I was out $150. (I don't know why it was bleeped. I didn't swear but maybe used acronyms?)

When I had expressed they would be charged a restock fee, as they had used the product, they became upset and said if I do, they would leave me a neg feedback, that is extortion, clear as day, and anytime I have encountered that, ebay pulled the review. This time? Nope. Leaving it but it won't count against me.

Also, this buyer has sold 400 items and doesn't have one review from a buyer, but you can see her feedback she left reviews for buyers.

Either way, I just hope it was worth it for them. I have 2K followers just on FB alone that I haven't made a post about this. My Dad and my oldest daughter will be pulling their shops as well. My following is growing on Bluesky, but am waiting till I hit 1K to make a post, which should be in a few days.

I imagine I am not the only seller they are mistreating and not doing their due diligence to research what has transpired on my account. eBay is on the fast track to crashing and burning. And if they are doing this to me, only a matter of time before it happens to you.

It makes me sad that this is how it ends after 24 years, but I simply can not support a company that is this terrible when it comes to support. (while this account says 16 years, I had another account I had used previously that was my buying turned into selling account, but created this one to keep them separate, but last several years I don't bother with the other account and solely use this one. Other account had at least 2k feedback. I will find that other account and pull it too.)

I'm also feeling I should reach out to my local news. As the BBB asked me if I am ok with being contacted by news media and I said Yes, this really needs to be brought attention to.


Message 1 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

You just need to charge a little more to account for losses. That's what retailers do. It's the cost of doing business.

Message 61 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.


“One robin does  never makes a springtime."

I saw this Robin March 22 last year and took this pix while walking in Central Park.

It sure did make me very 0B74CB00-230F-44EA-9FAE-C3C86FBF0A62.jpeghappy to see it!  Right now it’s 30 degrees outside but feels like 12 degrees.

Spring will be welcome here whenever it comes.

Thank you 🙏 

Message 62 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

@getouttaheah wrote:

That is just not true at all. I have sold many, many laptops and small electronics that were no longer working as designed. It is useful for repair shops to find parts that may be difficult to find or not being made at all anymore. It keeps the stuff out of landfill, better than recycling it. All recycling is, is is throwing it out. This is the 1st time I ever had it happen. But it's not the 1st time I've had a buyer swindle me and ebay backed that up. There is no such thing as seller protection anymore.


 When ebay rolled out Seller Metrics, that is when I stopped selling anything that does not work or can't be tested appropriately.  That matters more to an account that is fulltime selling.


You only sell something now and then on the account you posted with. I suppose an INAD does not matter.


I give away the old laptops that come my way to a gal I know that sells at the flea. Probably have given her a dozen over the years. I don't want to deal with the imminent returns on some of them and the dings for INAD cases in Seller Metrics. 

Posting ID
Message 63 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

@theteamsetguy wrote:

@isaiah53-57 ,


Good for you that you found something better and I don’t mean it sarcastic way. But what I don’t understand is why are you even bothering to be here. You’ve obviously have moved on to greener pastures. 

Sorry things didn’t work out you. However, there are many sellers that are happy with eBay including myself. Is eBay perfect? No, but it is good enough for me. There are positives and negatives with most things in life. I’ve always been a half full kind of guy and would rather extenuate the positives instead dwelling on the negatives.

Thanks for the sentiment -

I sold on ebay for close to 20 years - It was a great tool during the majority of that time - But exploitative policies and high fees pushed us to seek the next pasture - Surely you know there are many people posting and/or reading here that no longer sell on the site - for the most part, and for whatever reasons, they don't feel they are wasting their time here - If you notice, I have never said I will never sell on this site again - Underlying some of the policies that make the site difficult to utilize, it is still a good tool - a good concept  - If they were to change course on some things (Most importantly the MBG) I would consider selling here in the future. 


With that said, the problem does not lie so much with the corporation - They're gonna be corporate - The problem lies, in my most humble opinion, with the people who accept those policies, regardless of their exploitation and hurtfulness to businesses... Ready to accept and expect less and less as the years go on like hapless sheep - Never taking a stand - If more people raised their voices or took steps to show they wouldn't stand for certain site changes at their advent, the site would listen...


This is not the first time we left the site - When they went to best match search at the end of 2008 and our monthly sell-through rate dropped from about 80% to 40% overnight, we left for 3 years(people would kill for that sell through rate today wouldn't they?) - Used the site again in 2012 to attempt to liquidate outstanding stock - Did OK, but no where near like the heydays and stuck with it until we had a string of expensive losses right about the time Promoted listings was ramping up - Realized it was time to make a statement once again..


Our leaving was dual-purpose - One part of it was a statement that we would not accept policies that were hurtful to sellers - The other was having no doubt we could make our own way without problem using our God-given smarts and persistence - concepts ingrained by my parents - If more people utilized their courage to take a stand, then corporations wouldnt feel they can do whatever they want - Thanks Mom and Dad - for teaching us to be brave enough to stand for something without concern of contention.


I'm still making statements and supporting those who are also making statements - It is our attempt to help effect change for the better - Its the only way this place will ever improve...

Message 64 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

I personally feel the MBG saved ebay in the long run.  I highly doubt buyers would have kept coming back after competition entered the landscape without having those protections put in place.  Bad transactions would have continued spreading like the fires in California--in both deed and word of mouth.   I know I wouldn't risk buying here had that protection not been put in place. 


To their credit, ebay also put in a few limited protections for some sellers when buyers take unfair advantage of the return process.   Sometimes it hurts, but in the long run it was necessary to save selling here overall. 

Message 65 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

Some actually do.

Message 66 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

I wish we all had crystal balls to give us the inventory answer!

Message 67 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

I too am also losing confidence in selling on eBay. I had a buyer leave negative feedback on an item they bought. Stating the description was deceptive and the photos were bad. Well to make this short I was not and did not try to hide anything. 19 photos of the item inside and out. The description was clear. They replied siding with the buyer. I also believe AI is being used in their response now. Don't know how long I will hang in there. Been a member for about 24 years now myself.

Message 68 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

@fern*wood wrote:

I personally feel the MBG saved ebay in the long run.  I highly doubt buyers would have kept coming back after competition entered the landscape without having those protections put in place.  Bad transactions would have continued spreading like the fires in California--in both deed and word of mouth.   I know I wouldn't risk buying here had that protection not been put in place. 


To their credit, ebay also put in a few limited protections for some sellers when buyers take unfair advantage of the return process.   Sometimes it hurts, but in the long run it was necessary to save selling here overall. 

In rephrasing, its not the MBG that is the problem - It is forcing sellers to be the losers of the policy - If they want to give a MBG to their unvetted buyers and allow buyers who have had UNTOLD COMPLAINTS against them continue to thieve uncontsrained , then THEY should be the ones covering the bill - It is their fault buyers have declined - Everything wrong with this site is the company's fault - They should be on the hook for thievery here if they wont do whats needed to control it - Plain and simple...


Seems they are doing it with the new international sales policies right? - Know why? - My guess is because they are exploiting shipping costs to international buyers in a way that allows them to cover losses from theft. - My guess is taking 15% to 25% of the every items selling price is MORE THAN ENOUGH to cover the theft here and take the onus for it off its sellers...


Its self-defeating for the company - Can you imagine how many people are holding back expensive items, or are unwilling to sell here because of the insane risks?

Message 69 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

"Do you have another account you might have written the incident post with?"


Nope, one account only.  I suspect that somebody just didn't like seeing it.  The truth hurts.  Only one person in a thousand will care about my experience or even remember it.  It's past history now.  eBay made their move and I've moved on.

Message 70 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

Be unusual for Ebay to pull any post, as they dont monitor the boards, Khoros does. And as long as the posts remain within their guidelines, no matter what is said about Ebay, they remain.You may be overestimating the importance of your post. As Ebay doesnt give a rats behind about a sellers opinion of them. 


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 71 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

@fbusoni  said

What one sells on eBay will, to a very great degree, determine what sort of buyers one attracts.


There is a "criminal demographic". --Male, 15-35--  that is overwhelmingly seen in trouble with the law.

If it appeals to that person, don't sell it.


Message 72 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

I have been on here for 25 years under my main eBay account. It took me a while, but you must think like a business. When I got down in the dumps over a bad buyer or transaction, I always asked myself, "What would Walmart do?" You will only succeed IF you do not take things personally.  You cannot allow one bad transaction to void 3,000 positive ones. If you can't do that, pack it in, as you will never successfully run a business anywhere. That includes Bluesky.

Message 73 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

I hope your new ID on Bluesky is Debbie-downer. It's pretty low of you to wish we all got hit like you did. You also assume we are all too stupid to run our eBay businesses more successfully than you. As one other replier stated, I have no idea why you had to post as you did since you stated you already left. Just go. I have been here for over 25 years and don't plan on going anywhere for a while. And if you believe you will NOT have the same bozo buyers on other platforms, YOU are in for a rude awakening. They are everywhere. Buh-bye.


Best of luck.  You're going to need it. 🤣

Message 74 of 93
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Re: I am done with eBay after 24 years.

So have you given eBay over $300,000 in eBay fees? I have. Just leave. 

Message 75 of 93
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