04-03-2019 10:14 AM
Just a quick question for everyone out there. Has anyone had an increase of Sales since the Implementation of GTC? If you have seen a decrease please mention it here.
Cheers everyone!
04-11-2019 08:44 AM
04-11-2019 10:01 AM
04-11-2019 10:16 AM
I was ahead until it happened, now way behind.
04-11-2019 11:00 AM
Nope, still same old same old - about one sale every other day. I totally need to list more. Ive just be busy with peeps and metal working classes.
04-11-2019 01:13 PM
Something is going on with the GTC format!
Last year in April, I did $1,900 in sales (I also buy on E-bay to support other sellers and support my hobbies)
I just did a quick report for this years April 2019 report and have only done $229.00 in sales.
What is going on? I keep getting low ball offers from people in Florida, California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Texas. Long distance buyers who are looking for free shipping.
Amazon is poison! They are creating a mental idea that all shipping should be free! As I have stated before, when I go to shipping supplies and when I go to the USPS to ship, I have to pay!
Trump attack Amazon last year about the USPS contract, but nothing more has been said. The local USPS office says Amazon only pays them $1.00 per package to handle. I see USPS delivering on Sunday's. I feel this agreement is costing us, but for sure benefiting others.
Note: Gas in Indy is at $2.95 today
04-11-2019 01:44 PM
Has the market been flooded?
Is the economy not as good as stated per the stock market? Some articles keep saying we are heading for another recession soon?
Social media is good, but it has it's negatives. Negative reports, personal attacks, fake articles, and so on. All to benefit who is creating these statements.
I don't have cable, but I only seem to see Ebay marketing / advertisements from October to Christmas.
Just a thought! Why does Ebay need to be located in California? Huge taxes and salaries! Come to the Midwest! They will still maintain talented employees, save money, and even better their format against Amazon which I will never support or buy from.
04-11-2019 05:01 PM
04-11-2019 06:06 PM
I hate GTC!!!! NEVER used it in 12 years and now it all i can use. eBay you SUCK!!!! just MORE GREED on your part. They never have cared about the seller1 The one the makes the what they are, just the almighty dollar!!
04-11-2019 07:58 PM
Yeah, I just don't get it, either....I mean, granted, sometimes I might only sell two or three items (vintage watches) per week, although I HAVE had days where I'd sell two or three in one DAY, but NOW, I haven't had a sale in 25 days, and there seems to be no relief in sight. Anyway, when I DID sell a few items, given that my items generally ranged in prices from maybe $120 all the way up to $380 or so, that meant that the fees that eBay (and PayPal) collected, were sometimes pretty hefty. But, NOW what are they collecting, from me? A mere, piddling little $21.95 per month, for having my eBay Store? So, what happens when I close my eBay Store on April 30th, as I am already planning to do? What will you get out of me, THEN, you bloodsuckers? ..Maybe an "occasional" fee for selling some stray item that I "might" happen to list, here and there, and not the usual $100-$200 per month in fees, that you'd usually squeeze out of me (and, again, PayPal, too...3% on domestic sales, & 4.5%, on International sales, of which, most of mine are...or, HAD been..)? Sure, >> I << don't matter much to eBay, as I'm not EVEN a drop in eBay's huge bucket, but, what if MILLIONS of us tiny, insignificant little sellers suddenly abandon this sinking ship, all at once? Hmm? What then? Ohh, I'd LOVE to see sellers leave eBay in DROVES, and see what happens, then...what about the rest of you guys?
04-11-2019 08:01 PM
04-11-2019 08:15 PM
To majrdomo:
Ohh, I agree! WHY treat us like the big-box stores, and make us accept 30-day returns, especially on used or vintage items? I mean, what am I, a 'WallyWorld'? eBay has been trying to make us offer even better warrantees than those big stores, and even making it so that buyers can return items for no particular reason at all, AND encouraging us to give them free return-shipping, when they DO send stuff back for a refund. Ohh, but get this, as an example of eBay's unfairness: a while back, a buyer wanted to return an item, EXACTLY SEVEN WEEKS to the day, after he had received the item, stating that he just no longer wanted it, and could see that he wasn't going to wear it often enough, to warrant the purchase. Seven weeks! Or 7 1/2 weeks, counting the shipping time, or nearly two months....and, what was eBay's position? Well, as you can imagine, they thought that I should still give him a full refund, whether I got the item (a vintage watch) back, or not! Now, I ask you, is that fair? Would 'WallyWorld' put up with such nonsense, as that? No, they would not!
04-12-2019 10:39 AM
My sales have increased because I have set up at antique shows instead of playing games with listing It was a huge success! I will continue to sell on ebay when I am not engaged with solid sales tools that result in profitable sales outcomes. ebay has its place although it is becoming less of an option for me. Sorta sad because I have had success on ebay and hope to again. Just have to figure out the new game. Have not had the need to because I am developing new and revisiting older sales tools.
04-12-2019 01:05 PM
Less sales and NOT happy with GTC.
Give me liberty or give me.......another online place to sell.
04-12-2019 03:16 PM
Yup;...absolutely NO sales in the last 26 days, since March 17th, the day BEFORE this GTC fiasco started, and definitely NOT happy with GTC. I have used hardly ANY of the 250 listings I was paying for, with my annual eBay Store subscription, so I will be ending THAT money-loser, on April 30th. In the meantime, I've been testing a few listings on another site, and I hope they do well. But, even if they DON'T, it CAN'T be worse than going nearly a month on HERE without a single sale, and all the while wasting $21.95 per month for the eBay Store that I'm barely using!
04-13-2019 03:38 AM
After almost nine years on ebay I have come to expect lower sales over holiday weekends and in early April during the final two weeks before TAX DAY, April 15th. Not to mention April 10th when property taxes were due. This is one of the most stressful months for people who work and pay taxes. They might normally spend time shopping on ebay but I would expect that millions of people right now are not shopping.
My sales are off a little but are steady. I believe my first set of GTC items are about ten days from relist so I am watching them to decide what I will start doing with each item. My initial thought was to bundle items so that I can downsize my store in July. While I ranted in the first week of GTC I have decided to see how things turn out. I do have a day job so ebay is more of a long-term hobby biz for me than a primary source of income.