11-23-2019 11:53 AM
Can someone please tell me why, ebay is allowing handicapped parking placards to be sold? It is a CRIMINAL ACT across ALL 50 states to posses or use one of these, that was not issued to you. The ONLY use someone could have for one, is to commit fraud, period. Basically, ebay is an accessory to a crime, every time one sells. I get so tired of corporations ACTING like they care, and then KNOWINGLY engaging in completely unethical and immoral actions.
11-23-2019 12:24 PM
all of what I can see are holders/plastic sleeves for hanging.........
11-23-2019 01:28 PM
I see 1 expired pass and the rest of the listing seem to be for holders.
11-23-2019 02:15 PM
I think all your indignation is misplaced, I dont see any either, just plastic holders.
11-23-2019 02:30 PM
I agree - the sale and use of such is illegal. But like the others, I only see holders, not the placecard itself. If you do see an ad which really is selling these, please use the report link in the ad to officially bring it to eBay's attention. Although some pictures seem to be a bit misleading IMO. Woe be unto the one who buys and tries to display/use a fraudulent card. Thanks for being a 'consumer watchdog' here and a passionate advocate supporting those of us who are handicapped. I wish you well.
11-23-2019 02:35 PM
11-23-2019 03:36 PM
@gwzcomps wrote:
Reporting listings doesn't do anything. If there are illegal goods on the site contacting the appropriate authorities or company involved in theory will get more results.
Is that why Nike told our eBay buyer who received fake Nike Shox to take a hike?
11-26-2019 03:25 AM
Then you're NOT looking closely enough and spotting the scam. "Holder WITH PLACARD" is there repeatedly, just not obviously
11-26-2019 03:25 AM
Look CLOSER and spot the scam
11-26-2019 03:26 AM
Look closer, spot the scam. Been on ebay since 1998, I know what I'm saying
11-26-2019 05:58 AM
I only saw ONE, and it's a generic card where you have to write in all of the info like plate # and PERMIT #.
11-26-2019 06:03 AM
@earlyant-77 wrote:I only saw ONE, and it's a generic card where you have to write in all of the info like plate # and PERMIT #.
I agree, I saw one that said something like "you get everything you see"....implying buyers would get the "permit" itself, I suppose........ the rest showed outdated permits and mentioned nothing on that order.......
11-26-2019 06:04 AM
11-26-2019 06:16 AM
How about over 1.5 billion listings worldwide?
11-26-2019 06:22 AM