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Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also?

Do you realize that ebay takes their final value fee percentage off the sales tax also?



Message 1 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

Obviously you've never worked in retail sales.  When you run a customer's credit card, do you think the card processor separates out the sales tax and politely skips collecting their processing fee on it?  No, they do not.  They receive a single amount, process a single amount, and deduct a contractually agreed percentage and/or a flat fee as their payment for services rendered.


All credit processors do the same.  It's part of the common business model -- they provide a service, you pay a fee.  That service is not to guess what part of your requested amount is sales tax, it's to collect that requested amount from the customer's credit card company and place it on account within their system.  Part of the process is paying the service fee charged by the credit processor.  Then, periodically, as per your contract with them, they will transfer your accumulated funds to your bank account.


That's it.  No grand conspiracy. No making millions of dollars off 'banked' payments.  eBay is not the card processor - they are the retailer submitting a payment request of Ayden, which Ayden processes, deducts their contractual fee, and holds the balance on account pending contractual payout.  How that payout is handled has not been disclosed and is likely part of the contract between Ayden & eBay.


It's really no different than PayPal originally was.  Remember, there was a time when you could NOT access funds deposited to PayPal immediately.  PayPal saw an opportunity to differentiate themselves from other payment processors and began allowing prime members (and eventually nearly all members) the ability to access their funds immediately.  That was a perk - not a business model standard.


Based on the amount of misinformation and pure conjecture floating around Managed Payments, I'm surprised more sellers haven't left in a huff over it all.  Perhaps they've checked with other venues and found the process to be the same there as well.  In fact, Amazon has only one payout model -- two payments a month.  Period.  And their definition of what is a cleared payment differs from eBay as well, so it could take you even longer to collect your payment from a sale.


If Managed Payments makes you that angry, leave.  Speak with your dollars, with your sales, and take them somewhere with payment processing more to your liking.  Businesses do it all the time - it's called "competition" and it's what keeps service providers looking for new ways to make their service appear better than the rest of their competition.



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Message 46 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

I said this months ago & the cheerleaders aka ebay worker bots tried to tell me it wasnt so, that paypal & all Processors did the same thing.




UM NO Processors take 2.9% on Tax NOT 12-14%!


Also ebay gets kickbacks from most states for Processing the Sales Tax! So they make $$$ on BOTH ENDS!


& May be their playground but ITS STILL A RIP OFF & I WILL KEEP SAYING SO!!


Let the cheerleader cry & whine about how great it is & we should be happy to pay 12-14% LMAO!

Message 47 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

@randysauto01 wrote:

Every company, no matter who it is, online or brick and mortar. If they accept credit cards or debit cards as a form of payment, has fee's/percentage taken from every transaction by their merchant service provider (the company that is processing the credit card transaction). The merchant service provider doesn't ask for just the value of the product, minus sales tax, or shipping costs etc etc. They are processing the transaction for the full amount of the invoiced amount.

Obviously the bigger the company, the better percentage rate they get, and it can vary greatly from one merchant service provider to the next.

This is why some places have signs up at their registers that state there will be 50 cent charge added to your purchase if it is less than $5 dollars.  Its to help off set the percentage that the merchant service provider will take out of the sale.

While I don't agree with that tactic, it's certainly with in their rights. I think they would be better served by just adding 10 cents to the price of every item sold when they price their merchandise. In the long run, they would end up making more, since most of the time people are buying more than $5 dollars worth of product.

Just wanting to clear this up......


You mention retailers who add a surcharge for low value transactions paid with a credit card. You said you don't agree (and I agree with that) but you also say "It's certainly within their rights". Actually it is NOT within their rights and it is a violation of any merchant agreement involving Visa, MasterCard, Amex and probably every other credit card issuer. All of the credit card issuers strictly forbid surcharges of any type, that would include low value transaction or in the case of customers who use foreign cards that have additional fees.

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Message 48 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

But we shouldn't be getting charged a fee on sales tax or shipping cost that's just not right.

Message 49 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

Yes and that was wrong also.

Message 50 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

Oh.  Boo Hoo for eBay!   lol  The % they steal from sellers for S/H can cover that cost quite easily!

Message 51 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

The only way payment processers charge 2.9% is if that's the rate that's been negotiated.  Most pay between 2.9 to 3.5 %, depending on the card, how the card was used and if it was swiped or hand keyed.  Most payment processers also charge a transaction fee, ranging from $0.30 to $2.00.


Some payment processers charge you to set up an account and ALL of them require a credit check.  That hard hit on your credit report WILL lower your credit score for at least 3 months and for up to 2 years.  


Some payment processers charge a monthly fee.  


The only reason we sell here is we make more here than on other venues.  If we made more elsewhere, that's where we'd be.  


And I'm not a bot or a ebay employee, but you can call me a cheerleader if you must. 



Message 52 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

@zahug1217 wrote:

But we shouldn't be getting charged a fee on sales tax or shipping cost that's just not right.

OK, I spoke to eBay about your opinion. They said they agree and going forward no fees will be charged on Sales Tax or Shipping, the new FVF rate on the Item will be 25% instead of 12.55% on the entire total.


Are you happy now?



Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Message 53 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

I don't know I keep selling on ebay.  They are so greedy.  We even bear all the risk.  There new payout system is not right.  I preferred paypal's system.  I think end it when my last item sells with no new listings.

Message 54 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

@justafemster wrote:



...  And I'm not a bot or a ebay employee, but you can call me a cheerleader if you must. 



We are labelled eBay covert agents, shills, trolls, cheerleaders, sycophants, and worse, if we say that eBay remains a good place to sell despite its obvious faults, that its policies are for the most part reasonable and clear, and that Managed Payments is working pretty smoothly.


Maybe it's time to label as fifth columnists, saboteurs, subversives, Trojan horses, those who condemn eBay in every aspect, allege everything from indifference to corruption, deliberately post half-truths, misinformation, and disinformation, and who work to persude others to cease buying and selling here.  They certainly behave as such, denigrating and undermining, and doing so to the benefit of eBay's competitors.




Message 55 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

Hi - I applaud the posters that know the ebay's rules & regulations. Seriously, I do. However, quoting the rule/regulation as if that ends the matter being discussed is sometimes not right to me. The ebay has a lot of lousy rules explaining & justifying a lot of lousy actions. That certainly does not make it all OK by a very long shot. Also, having a rule saying you are going to do something, doesn't in itself make it legal to do that thing. 

Message 56 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

To be honest, I don't care. I keep listing, keep selling and keep making money. Everyone else can worry about the fees and rules. I'm not being rude or trying to pick a fight. This thing works for me and I'm going to keep doing it until it doesn't . 

Message 57 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

Yes, I know.


It's their formula. I know about it and factor it in as a cost of doing business.


Did you know that B&M businesses pay a fee to their credit card processor for every credit card payment and those fees are for the entire payment....including sales tax?


Message 58 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

@dryophelia wrote:


No, eBay will just auto change your listings to accept offers for half price.

Yes, eBay adds best offer to listings without the knowledge of the seller. I am not aware of the auto acceptance for half price. 

If you have a different experience, it would be worth discussing that. 
Otherwise, you’re just spreading misinformation. 

Again, as I stated in an earlier post, I said eBay auto changes listings to accept offers. I never said they changed listings to auto accept offers. You are trying to bend the truth to deflect the real issue. eBay has trained their cheerleaders well.

Message 59 of 96
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Re: Do all you sellers realize that Ebay takes a fee percentage off of the sales tax it charges also

@duffy4444 wrote:


   It's common sense... No business, including Ebay, could handle collecting and remitting payments to all the sales tax agencies across the nation (including UK VAT, don't forget), in addition to keeping up with a constant barrage of tax rate changes, legal issues, ongoing correspondence, bookkeeping and paperwork, without hiring a staff to handle it. It's an obvious no-brainer.

   My comment is common sense... do you have an official reference to cite that they just push a few buttons to handle the nationwide sales tax issue and all the work behind it without any extra staff?

   Ebay doesn't need to explain to us when they hire people for certain positions or tasks. We're not entitled to knowledge or details of all business personnel decisions or changes.

Cheers, Duffy 

No, you claimed eBay had to hire extra people to handle the tax. eBay never said anything about it. How do you know eBay doesn't have enough existing employees to handle it? The answer is you don't. Therefore, you are either speculating or spreading misinformation. 


Since you and your cheerleaders like to ask others to cite references whenever someone post something you don't agree with, you cannot just claim common sense in this case. Otherwise, you can't ask others to cite references since it is also common sense.

Message 60 of 96
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