04-12-2019 06:10 AM
Just a simple poll for the Community.
Do you think the GTC format is beneficial for your current eBay needs?
IF eBay gave you a choice????
Would you have said Yes or No to a GTC format? This is a simple yes or no question.
This was a very interesting poll posted about two weeks ago. My sales are down approximately 40% from last month and I feel the GTC policy is the primary reason. In my opinion It creates a lot more work/time to manage and takes a way the "sense of urgency" from potential buyers. I feel is it horrible for small/mid size sellers and will result in additional fees if sellers are not very careful.
Now that it's approaching a month since it was made the only fixed price option to sellers, what is your opinion?
07-11-2019 01:24 PM
@bitbeat wrote:
sales are dead dead especially in this last week. It's got to be more than the GTC....
I'm thinking that, too - GTC is no more difficult for me than 30-day listings, and a whole lot easier than messing with little short durations (which, turns out, didn't do me much good, anyway) - it materially doesn't change for me because I've always reviewed listings about to end after 30 days and decided whether to relist or not, but it's kinda slow around here.
07-11-2019 01:38 PM
Me too and I already did with BO on them. Some items do better at fixed price, some best offer, some auction with BIN. Mix it up and get stuff sold. If this month is slow its because I havent listed anything new so that is on me not Ebay.
07-11-2019 01:50 PM
@bitbeat wrote:
sales are dead dead especially in this last week. It's got to be more than the GTC....
GTC is just the latest bogeyman people have seized onto in an attempt to blame something else for their lack of sales. It's always, always someone else's fault and never has anything to do with what they're listing, how they're pricing it, their photos/titles/descriptions/etc.
07-11-2019 05:42 PM
@mdrca wrote:After a month I would say GTC has ruined sales quite completely. Not sure why. Something about a buyer's mentality that eBay thinks it understands but does not. I assume the net result of GTC has been quite bad for eBay, but I have never known eBay to admit an error or back away from a decision.
They backed off the rules for running sales. IIRC they had time constraints as to when you could put an item on sale. After much protest, they rescinded that.
07-12-2019 09:00 AM
@yuzuha wrote:
@bitbeat wrote:
sales are dead dead especially in this last week. It's got to be more than the GTC....GTC is just the latest bogeyman people have seized onto in an attempt to blame something else for their lack of sales. It's always, always someone else's fault and never has anything to do with what they're listing, how they're pricing it, their photos/titles/descriptions/etc.
OR that it is yard sale season and folks can snap up bargains down the block with no shipping, or that many folks got NO tax refund this year, or that many folks are ALSO downsizing their own houses so don't want to bring in more, or that too many sellers have very small niche markets (selling only vintage album covers, for example), or still pricing items like they are hot and current well after the fad has passed, or basing pricing on how much they need to make the rent rather than what the market will really pay for it, or jacking up the price based on sentimental reasons, etc.
Yes before GTC the boogie man was best offer, or throttling, or global shipping, or fixed price, or ....
08-01-2019 02:45 PM
I hate GTC. I agree that it takes away the urgency to buy when there was a time limit. EBay's changed - the additional fees are going to shut down small to medium sellers. It's sad because it was a nice way to supplement my Social Security income.
Ebay, please take the restrictions of GTC away & give us a chance to make even a small profit!
01-13-2020 05:46 PM
01-13-2020 05:49 PM
01-13-2020 05:57 PM
GTC - good till cancelled. Automatically is relisted if not sold if seller doesn't remove the listing.
01-13-2020 11:18 PM
01-14-2020 08:03 AM