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Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?


Just a simple poll for the Community.


Do you think the GTC format is beneficial for your current eBay needs?

IF eBay gave you a choice???? 

Would you have said Yes or No to a GTC format?  This is a simple yes or  no question.


This was a very interesting poll posted about two weeks ago.  My sales are down approximately 40% from last month and I feel the GTC policy is the primary reason.     In my opinion It creates a lot more work/time to manage and takes a way the "sense of urgency" from potential buyers.  I feel is it horrible for small/mid size sellers and will result in additional fees if sellers are not  very careful. 


Now that it's approaching a month since it was made the only fixed price option to sellers, what is your opinion?





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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

@sunny_ell wrote:

" While I still don't like being forced and will end and relist my GTC items, it does seem better than elsewhere for the type of things I sell...."

True. Unfortunately.


Message 166 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?


Message 167 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?


Message 168 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

Yes, the end listing is a hassle.  It happens on other servers too.  I've found ending in bulk to be a game of chance.  One time, I can use it and the next time I can't.  When it's one item end, I'm kicked out of eBay and need to start all over again.  Yeah, how convenient for the seller to make more sales - NOT!

Message 169 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

I'm a very small seller and I don't like the fact that eBay has removed the choice of using GTC. This removes my ability to list items that will end on the best day for ME. If I will be away on a trip, now I'll have to cancel all items before I leave. Also removes the urgency factor for buying an item. Some of my items are inexpensive and I don't want to keep paying relisting fees if they don't sell. We'll see how much fun it'll be to cancel them all and relist when I choose.

Message 170 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

No as it removed some of the flexibility as to how I go to business. 


Next poll:


Does anyone really think eBay cares are us as sellers anymore?


I don't feel as though we meet their future business model.


They need to remember AOL........


For whatever reason, the old motto "If it is not broke, don't break it" no longer applies.....


Message 171 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

It is good for inventory control if you relist the same item over & over.  Before I used relist continually whether it sells or not & if you are out of a style it would still list it again.  The item stays visible to me but it does not relist until I tell it too so It stopped me selling an item with 0 in stock.  Cant tell if is has helped or hurt sales.

Message 172 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

Absolutely NO!  Why can't then give sellers the option (like adults) to choose either 30 days or GTC instead of treating us like children.

Message 173 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

Thank God I started accounts on the river and one for the spice girls. I have the same things listed there and am getting sales. I have things listed their that I would not dare list here with eBay's open welcome arm policy to scammers. The only thing I seem to be doing here is Delete listing. No longer available. If I had not started those other venues I would be in serious sales trouble. Sales off 32% from last year. All my months year to year have been within about 5% since I started 10 years ago. Jan,Feb and march great months. April fell like a rock and so is May.

Message 174 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

No to GTC!


Wasn't good when it was a choice, and it has completely shut down my sales since being forced on me. 

Message 175 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

no its hurting sales
Message 176 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

No I do not like GTC.  

Message 177 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

I tried the ranch too with no sales but I am having luck with teh artsy venu and mucari app. I have also returned here but it just isn't fun anymore having do math and monitor and babysit fix price listings to avoid fees just P...sses me off 

Message 178 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

@sunny_ell wrote:

And now, over a month later... I tried another venue - reminds me of an old ranch on TV - I got views, the exact same number every other day. 3. And only on one item, the first listed in my "booth". Something fishy over there. Not one sale. So I put that stuff back here, on GTC (since it's STILL the only choice). I do have a few sales (but not the things I moved and brought back). My mother's brain advice (referencing my other post on this thread) told me to stick it out here. While I still don't like being forced and will end and relist my GTC items, it does seem better than elsewhere for the type of things I sell. Live and learn, I guess.

I tried the ranch too with no sales but I am having luck with teh artsy venu and mucari app. I have also returned here but it just isn't fun anymore having do math and monitor and babysit fix price listings to avoid fees just P...sses me off 

Message 179 of 236
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Re: Community Poll 2 : is GTC Good or Bad for your Business? After a month what are your thoughts?

What IS "GTC"?
Message 180 of 236
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