We're getting hitting with a number of FedEx additional charges over the
past couple weeks. It's ridiculous. In some cases the additional
shipping charges were more were more than what we paid Ebay when we
originally shipped the item . We're very car...
I haven't been able to send buyers invoices since October 1. I've been
on the phone with Ebay twice but they don't seem to have any answer.
It's crippling my business.
USPS is losing and damaging packages left and right. Seems like every
day day we hear from a customer with any issue. I've had six inquiries
in the USPS for packages that haven't moved for weeks. Most the packages
start moving after the inquiry but o...
If you posted any fixed price items on the first day of the new GTC you
started having your GTC postings automatically relisted effect yesterday
(4-17-19) if not cancelled. You may start incurring additional
(unexpected) fees if you're not careful. G...
Just a simple poll for the Community. Do you think the GTC format is
beneficial for your current eBay needs?IF eBay gave you a choice????
Would you have said Yes or No to a GTC format? This is a simple yes or
no question. This was a very interesting ...
I received the email but so far they've only taken money out for one on
the three so called underpayments. This is totally ridiculous. We've
used FedEx a lot without much issue. This seem to be something that has
just started over the last couple wee...
Hi Devon. I've called Ebay and was told I've been added to the ticket.
The frustrating part is that no one can tell me when the issue will be
resolved. I have a number of items in which customers are waiting to pay
but I can't send them an invoice fo...
It's happening after the buyer request a total/invoice. When I go to
send the invoice I get the message "something went wrong. Try again
later." It's been going on for four days.
I've sent thousands of invoice thru Ebay. I'm being told it's a glitch.
But it's been going on since Oct. 1 and no one can give me a definitely
answer as to when it will be corrected.
Yes, buyers are requesting totals and I'm unable to sent them invoice.
For buyer requesting total Ebay doesn't send invoices. The seller is the
one who sends the invoice. It is indeed crippling my business. I have
over 10 items customers can't pay fo...