06-10-2024 06:26 PM - edited 06-10-2024 08:16 PM
I have been selling for over two years and everything was ok except fog one incident where buyer claimed not to receive his item and eBay refunded him even though it had tracking ,I had to call eBay and as I was explaining to them that item was sent but they went into my Bank account after I had told them do not the item was shipped
Buyer came clean and admitted he received the item . eBay took my money eBay should return my money but they did not ,I fought for 2 months and never received the money but I got a coupon that i had to spend on eBay.
How is it that they can refund buyers , refund fees, take money ,send money to ones debit card and bank account but can't give back what they took?
I thought it was a one off but I was sadly mistaken it occurred 3 more times and each time I was not at fault but payed for it in many ways and am still paying to this day.
Just recently eBay ruled against me in a case where the buyer had his item stolen from his mailbox. eBay was aware of this but because the buyer didn't chose shipping with tracking I had my money stolen and given to the buyer .
I gave buyer the option to change shipping but he was ok with his choice I sent a picture of package to confirm information was correct and I supplied buyer with a receipt from the post office confirming I had payed the shipping and the post office took custody and responsibility for the item.
I am not responsible to pay for tracking or insurance on an item a buyer purchases. Once he pays for the item it is no longer mine, I'm morally and ethically responsible for packaging it, making sure it gets into the hands of the shipping co. That is Chosen. That is what I do everyday with every item.
They say that they can't confirm delivery so they will steal your money !! news flash delivery is not my responsibility shipping it is and paying for something the buyer doesn't pay for is not!! It's set up to where either the buyer pays for the tracking or the seller has to to protect himself from the ridiculous policy in place that sides with the buyer almost 99.8% of the time . If you buy a phone at Walmart they ask you for 6 dollars more and would you like to insure the phone. if you choose not to and you walk to your car and drop the thing or you get robbed do you go back in and demand they replace your phone or refund your money?
They would tell you sry you should have got insurance. You tell them no you should have paid for the insurance when I didn't so because you failed to do so you know owe me a new phone or the money it cost me . You would get escorted from the store .
So how is that any different in this situation. When eBay holds funds then takes them to refund a buyer that you did not agree to refund because you know 100% you shipped the item that's called theft . Tracking does not insure protection and in this case how can anyone think that what eBay did is anything other than flat out theft.
They say they investigate the claims and then decide according to the facts and proof presented . That's a lie I was told by an agent on another matter to just refund the buyer because we will refund them if we have to step in regardless of what proof I have. I had pictures of the item 12 of them plus 8 more sent to buyer before he purchased item which, then complained that damage was present that wasn't already documented which was untrue and could in no way have been caused by me. The post office caused minor damage to the package to which I agree I could have done better on the package but I did write fragile do not bend boldly on the package on both sides.
At first I offered a full refund but then when I seen the claim and the pictures of the damage I supposedly caused and didn't describe i said no way but I will give a partial refund because of the packaging . The buyer refused and after I spoke with eBay I gave the buyer a full refund I was basically made to .
Yes I was made to because if they step in you get a defect .then they limit how much you can post your seller performance takes a hit so you go below standard and they tax you on every sale you make on top of all the standard fees while below standard . They take and take and take at will and make it to where you either pay or you PAY . I have paid in the hundreds and lost silver coins and other collectable items. Not one case was my fault and I had proof that I did everything i was supposed to .
Every case is different and has a different set of circumstances but eBay does not care it's a one outcome policy and that's the buyer is refunded no matter what even if his item is stolen from his mailbox 2000miles away.
All of you that will undoubtedly side with eBay need to really ask yourself why . eBay has made their system so lock tight that common sense and doing the right thing have no place in it and if an agent agrees that it's wrong, which most won't say out loud they want to keep their jobs ,they can't reverse it hell they can't even change your phone number or switch your debit card to express payouts and so many more little things that once they could fix or change.
Why even have agents all they do is recite the same dribble they have to read in every situation and you hear it non stop from every department . Your transfered 2 to 6 times when you chat or call eBay help . They should call it the buyers advocacy hot line or ,The how can I not help you today but frustrate you everyway possible hotline or my favorite one just pay it or we take it!!! eBay where we don't give a **bleep** about sellers .
Solved! Go to Best Answer
01-22-2025 06:13 AM
Tracking does not protect the seljer as you might think . I have since had two issues with items with tracking making it to the buyers town post office get marked out for delivery and amazingly not get delivered , so is it still on me to prove delivery ? As far as eBay is concerned yup, and that is the unjust policies I'm trying to get changed . If you still believe the seller is still responsible I ask do you work for eBay or something? And can you justify ebays policy and explain how this can even begin to be the sellers fault?
01-22-2025 06:34 AM
Well I got a printer I print my labels and use eBay standard envelope I ship nothing without tracking. Problem solved .. ... Nope !!!! Houston we still have a problem and it's called marked out for delivery but never leaving the post office or did it . Now the item is tracked has made it to the post office in the buyers town about to be put on a Mail truck but somehow doesn't get to the buyer and I'm held responsible the poor sap that did everything To cover his ass but yet is still getting plowed In it . This is my whole point that if sellers just say oh well that's how it goes then they are part of the problem not the solution. What alternate reality is this right or even legal . The ist office is responsible to take the money from them ,tell the buyer file a claim with the shipping carrier . How about some balance ,some fairness done **bleep** balks to say " no I'm sry but I'm not paying any refund you pay it . I did my duty and I'm sure as hell not going to take responsibility for you not doing yours , enough is enough"" . What are people being taught these days ? Are there any men left in this country or are they all soft as a wheel of Brie.? Are you ok with this ?
01-22-2025 06:43 AM
So I'm not mistaken are you saying that I'm not telling the truth here that I'm lying ??
01-22-2025 06:43 AM - edited 01-22-2025 06:45 AM
ESE is a flawed process. eBay knows that.
ESE. If buyer claims non-delivery you refund, and file with eBay to claim the insurance.
Simple process, or you ignore the claim. eBay will refund the buyer with your funds. You will get a defect. Enough defects and your problems will be over as your account will cease to exist.
01-22-2025 06:44 AM - edited 01-22-2025 06:45 AM
because the buyer didn't chose shipping with tracking I had my money stolen and given to the buyer
The only reason the buyer chose shipping without tracking is because you freely chose to offer it as an option.
I am not responsible to pay for tracking or insurance on an item a buyer purchases.
If you choose to offer shipping without tracking, you are choosing to expose yourself to the risk of non-delivery claims. If you do not want to pay for it, then set your shipping charges so that the buyer pays for it.
01-22-2025 06:58 AM
Hello my friend I'm still going and going strong. Just to let you know I will get better protections for sellers and a more fairly balanced system and policies that make sense and protect in a fair and balanced way . I encourage other sellers to join me by speaking up and not just sitting in the sidelines watching others get screwed but they have yet so why Bother to stand up for what's right it's not affecting them . Well it will and when it does it will be because of people like me it will be a positive affect and they will be protected . I am willing to take all the shots for those who can't or won't because it might sting a little or cause a problem . Soft people need strong ones to make sure they don't get a boo boo . Just like a family needs a father to protect him and keep the peace . I want to thank you again for not being like those who are to afraid to take a few lumps for the greater good . Every town has its cowards but they deserve as much protection as everyone else .
01-22-2025 07:09 AM
You may find yourself with bigger issues than "ESE delivery issues".
A listing title says 12 cards. The item specs shows as 10 cards
Random card listing.........
That appears to be a "chance listing".
Chance listings, by ebay policy, are prohibited.
Guaranteed Rare Or Double Rare
ESE 12 cards (10 cards) in an envelope? Will that process through the envelope sorting machine?
01-22-2025 07:11 AM
Sry but I give the buyer two options out of the ones I'm given from eBay . If they want a different level of shipping they need just ask . No worries I will get you protections that are fair . Not everyone has what it takes to stand up for the right thing . It's way to easy to just roll with it and hope it doesn't affect you as you watch it hurt others . I don't like to see people get hurt and I will stand up for them if they like me or hate me . You can be my enemy but if you are being harmed and can't defend yourself no worries I will defend you and I will make sure it doesn't happen again . Every town has its cowards but they are human beings and every human deserves to be fairly treated and protected against bullies. I don't like bullies I never have they prey I the weak and that is where I will not stand by and watch it happen . I do the same for any woman or child no matter who they are .
01-22-2025 07:46 AM
So have you experienced ebays fair and balanced policies yet ?
Like the one called "out for delivery" NOT!!!!!
It's a classic one about how this poor sap gets tracking and does everything he was told to do to protect himself from being held responsible when a buyer claims non delivery .
The buyer contacted eBay claims saying he didn't get his item and that he wants a refund . The buyer sees it and responds to the claim and tells the buyer "sry but tracking shows the item arrived at your local post office and is marked out for delivery so you should get it anytime ".
"It's been out for delivery for over two years two weeks now and still says that" the buyer reports .
Now let's play " who do you think was held responsible " ??? Any guesses? I will give you one !!
I'm being a bit fececious. I opologize for that . These are the exact things I'm fighting to get changed because it keeps getting worse . Do you agree with eBay on this?
I will advocate for those who are not strong enough to advocate for themselves . I will protect the weak the old the young and the frieghtend.
I do it because it's the right thing to do. Fathers protect Thier family and eBay is a big family of buyers and sellers .
The policies are what we need protection from and the more that demand they change the better chance wed have to get that accomplished. Are you gonna be on the front line or are you behind it with the weak ,young and the frieghtend ????
01-22-2025 07:57 AM - edited 01-22-2025 08:01 AM
Great that you fight for yourself, and others. Your efforts will go nowhere.
eBay has well established policies in place and the likelihood that they will waiver from them is nil.
ESE "Out for delivery" with nothing else is not an eBay issue, but they will resolve. Buyer claims not received. Seller refunds. Seller files a simple claim with eBay for the "up to $20 insurance" that is provided by eBay for ESE.
ETA: and beyond ESE (other items) there are "consumer protection laws" that hold the seller responsible for delivery.
01-22-2025 08:05 AM
"eBay was aware of this but because the buyer didn't chose shipping with tracking"
You gave the buyer this option, you took the risk and lost. If you have other listings set up like that it would wise to revise them.
01-22-2025 08:06 AM
Seems like this seller has a lot of issues in only 116 or so sales. I have been selling on Ebay for around 18 years and while I have been burnt a few times, overall, there is no better or safer way to sell. I have had buyers claim to not receive an item but it is rare, for you to have 4 or more issues already suggest some issue with how your shipping or selling and not an Ebay issue. If you ship USPS Ground Advantage the lowest cost way to ship in the USA usually, you have tracking, and you have insurance, one or the other should help in most cases. How you expect the buyer or Ebay to cover these issues I do not know. The credit to use instead of a refund when Ebay does help is weird, I have never had that before, but if I did, I would find something that sells well, find the best deal on it, get it , then resell it and recover most of my money.
01-22-2025 08:07 AM
"OUT FOR DELIVERY" heard of it ???
Non delivery claimed
Seller held responsible!!!
I would love to hear why that falls on the seller also.
This happens when the majority just comply with things they know is wrong but it hasn't gotten them yet so they just sit back and watch it happen to items and justify it and eventually it gets everyone .
Thankfully there are individuals like myself that are not ok with that and have the courage and strength to stand up and fight so the those who are to old ,frail ,weak ,young and cowardly don't have to worry will be protected .
So are you going to live up to your responsibility as a seller and help or are you going to hide behind the weak and the cowardly ? There is no shame if you choose not to stand up it's not for everyone.
01-22-2025 08:10 AM
Suggest you read the help pages about the process......
01-22-2025 08:12 AM
@grmuir_92 wrote:I am not responsible to pay for tracking or insurance on an item a buyer purchases. Once he pays for the item it is no longer mine, I'm morally and ethically responsible for packaging it, making sure it gets into the hands of the shipping co. That is Chosen. That is what I do everyday with every item.
Legally, regardless of how you feel morally or ethically, you are responsible until it is successfully delivered to the customer.