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Managed payments SUCK

This new payments system sucks. I don't get my money right away & it's not going into my paypal account. It is screwing up my accounting and making it harder to pay for shipping as I have to transfer money into my paypal to pay for shipping. I don't know which items they are giving me my money for. They get to hold onto it in their bank and are making millions on interest while they have it thinking we are stupid and have no idea what they are doing. It is making things so much harder to sell on here. No wonder the honest dealers are leaving, I'm about to call it quits as well. I want to handle my own funds. I'm not a 14 year old that needs help managing his money. Tell eBay to GIVE us back our MONEY!

Message 1 of 361
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360 REPLIES 360

Re: Managed payments SUCK

This is, was and will be for Ebay to make more $$$.  PayPal was making 2.9% + .30 on each transaction, guess who get's it now.


Ebay is a 10+ BILLION revenue company, guess who makes big money off of this scheme?

Message 226 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

There is NOTHING positive about Ebay's scheme to make more $$$.  Sellers have to wait for their money, sometimes up to a week depending on bank holidays.  


This is all about making the 2.9% that Ebay saw PayPal making all along, this is about greed and Ebay's lack of caring for their sellers.


I have been fed up on how we sellers are treated for years, now this asinine scheme for Ebay to make more money off the backs of us sellers.

Message 227 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

@kozmo_kramer wrote:

This is, was and will be for Ebay to make more $$$.  PayPal was making 2.9% + .30 on each transaction, guess who get's it now.


Ebay is a 10+ BILLION revenue company, guess who makes big money off of this scheme?



Why would this be unusual or surprising?  They are after all doing the money processing now.  Granted PP is a better program, that is for sure but they are processing the money so they need to be paid for the service.


Ebay is a for profit company.  They aren't here to give away services they offer.  It isn't a "scheme".  Ebay is the LAST of the bigger sites to implement their own money processing program.  It is pretty normal stuff in the industry.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 228 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

@kozmo_kramer wrote:

There is NOTHING positive about Ebay's scheme to make more $$$.  Sellers have to wait for their money, sometimes up to a week depending on bank holidays.  


This is all about making the 2.9% that Ebay saw PayPal making all along, this is about greed and Ebay's lack of caring for their sellers.


I have been fed up on how we sellers are treated for years, now this asinine scheme for Ebay to make more money off the backs of us sellers.

For sellers that sell on other sites as well as Ebay, we are pretty use to this as it takes that long or longer with other sites to get the money to our bank accounts.  So we are use to it and it doesn't come as a surprise or a hardship.  Just normal stuff for us.


With that said I respect and understand how this process can be a real hardship on some sellers.  Especially micro and casual sellers.  


We have had a 2.5 year advanced notice this was coming.  Back in the beginning I was advising sellers that felt the delay in payment would be a real hardship for them to save / put away a couple bucks a week.  Literally a couple bucks.  By the time they would enter into MP they would have a cash cushion to be able to adapt to the new payment program easily.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 229 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

I have found a few places. Truegether, Ebid (is pretty good), Unisquare and Bonanza. You can also try Brisk sale and Etsy

Message 230 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

@olskoolwrasslinzone wrote:

I have found a few places. Truegether, Ebid (is pretty good), Unisquare and Bonanza. You can also try Brisk sale and Etsy

Esty has the SAME payment process as MP on Ebay is.  So if you are willing to use Etsy why is it not OK to use Ebay for you?  Just askin!



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 231 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

Yet another reason why PayPal is the best payment source by far; they process payments 24/7, 365 days of the year.  🙂

Message 232 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

PLENTY OF CREDIT CARD PROCESSORS OFFER immediate payment.. Its plain to see they are in a bubble, none of the senior people at eBay these days has run a small business in YEARS. CREDIT CARD DEPOSITS MONTHLY?? Really 10 yrs ago maybe.. Looks to be a mess, and they are sure keeping it a secret..


Message 233 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

I don't want no Bananas. That place is a ghosttown, haven't tried the others.

Message 234 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

@newdealpawn wrote:

PLENTY OF CREDIT CARD PROCESSORS OFFER immediate payment.. Its plain to see they are in a bubble, none of the senior people at eBay these days has run a small business in YEARS. CREDIT CARD DEPOSITS MONTHLY?? Really 10 yrs ago maybe.. Looks to be a mess, and they are sure keeping it a secret..


MP has NO Monthly Option.  So I'm unsure where you are getting that from.  In fact CC payments clear in 1-2 days.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 235 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

I Think some are missing the point here. No matter if they are banks or not banks the service that PayPal offered was better for any seller that needs a good cash flow.  Many buyers do eBay for a living and pay their bills, buy food and take care of other needs with their eBay funds. In this case Cash Flow and instant access to your money is paramount. .


When ever I got paid through PayPal I'm able to instantly retrieve my funds 24/7, Holidays included. . This was especially helpful  last Christmas and during the Pandemic.   I've had my issues with PayPal over the years and most of it was when eBay owned it.  But at least PayPal now is a customer driven company that attracts customers with a good product and service.


When you get paid through PP there is also a processing time before PayPal actually receives those funds.  But part of PP's service is to front it's customers  the money until they actually get it.  It's not that different from using your credit card or writing a check,  There is an agreement with your credit card company and most institutions that guarantees that the funds are good. As a courtesy and convenience  to it's customers PP extends this same service to its customers. 


By Contrast, eBay MP doesn't do this. They make you wait. Could you imagine buying dinner at a restaurant and after paying , being told you can't leave the restaurant for a couple of days until the payment clears?


MP was not a choice but was forced upon us. When ever someone tells you how great something is, but has to force you to do it, then most likely it's not that great.  I believe MP was designed to satisfy eBay share holders more than it 's customers.  Because if this was not true, then eBay would have created a great payment system  in order to entice it's members to join.  Not force them.  







Message 236 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

I had access to PP funds 24/7 including holidays. 

When you get paid through PP there is also a processing time before PayPal actually receives those funds.  But part of PP's service is to front it's customers  the money until they actually get it.  It's not that different from using your credit card or writing a check,  There is an agreement with your credit card company and most institutions that guarantees that the funds are good. As a courtesy and convenience  to it's customers PP extends this same service to its customers

Message 237 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

@jcam222211 wrote:

I Think some are missing the point here. No matter if they are banks or not banks the service that PayPal offered was better for any seller that needs a good cash flow.  Many buyers do eBay for a living and pay their bills, buy food and take care of other needs with their eBay funds. In this case Cash Flow and instant access to your money is paramount. .


When ever I got paid through PayPal I'm able to instantly retrieve my funds 24/7, Holidays included. . This was especially helpful  last Christmas and during the Pandemic.   I've had my issues with PayPal over the years and most of it was when eBay owned it.  But at least PayPal now is a customer driven company that attracts customers with a good product and service.


When you get paid through PP there is also a processing time before PayPal actually receives those funds.  But part of PP's service is to front it's customers  the money until they actually get it.  It's not that different from using your credit card or writing a check,  There is an agreement with your credit card company and most institutions that guarantees that the funds are good. As a courtesy and convenience  to it's customers PP extends this same service to its customers. 


By Contrast, eBay MP doesn't do this. They make you wait. Could you imagine buying dinner at a restaurant and after paying , being told you can't leave the restaurant for a couple of days until the payment clears?


MP was not a choice but was forced upon us. When ever someone tells you how great something is, but has to force you to do it, then most likely it's not that great.  I believe MP was designed to satisfy eBay share holders more than it 's customers.  Because if this was not true, then eBay would have created a great payment system  in order to entice it's members to join.  Not force them.  I



I understand just fine.  Clearly you haven't actually read my posts.  You will not find ANY post by me that says that MP is better than or exceeds what is offered by PP.  In fact I say the exact opposite.  PP is a full wallet program and MP is a basic money processing program.  As others do, I absolutely prefer PP.  But that is no longer an option for sellers that want to continue to sell on this site once you get the email that states it is time for you to move into MP.


I am an online seller as my line of business.  It is how I pay the bills and feed the family.  So I completely understand.  However we have had about a 2.5 year lead into this.  What I have ALWAYS advised sellers is to put away a couple bucks a week, literally a couple bucks, and that should allow them to be able to better adapt to MP when the time comes as they will have a little cushion to fall back on.  Clearly many did not follow that advice.


I understand everything you are saying and it isn't that much different than things I've posted regarding this subject.  I am very well versed on how PP works and how MP works.  And I understand that for some sellers, mostly casual and micro sellers the cash flow issue is a big one.  I respect that.  However there is no choice in this matter, it is adapt or move on.  They aren't going to change the basic structure of MP to suit their needs in time for it to make a difference for them. 


So if they feel they can't adapt then moving on is their only choice.  They won't be able to go to any of the bigger sites because the ALL have their own versions of money processing and some take longer to get the money than MP.  So they will have to go to smaller sites where they can still take PP as their money processor.


MP on Ebay is almost exactly the same on Etsy.  Mercari, Poshmark and other sites require that the product is delivered and accepted by the buyer before the money is released to the seller.  And money transfers from these sites and Amazon take 2-4 days to arrive at our banks.  Ebay was the last of the bigger sites to start their own money processing program.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 238 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

@jcam222211 wrote:

I had access to PP funds 24/7 including holidays. 

When you get paid through PP there is also a processing time before PayPal actually receives those funds.  But part of PP's service is to front it's customers  the money until they actually get it.  It's not that different from using your credit card or writing a check,  There is an agreement with your credit card company and most institutions that guarantees that the funds are good. As a courtesy and convenience  to it's customers PP extends this same service to its customers

Yes as does everyone.  MP doesn't function that way.  I've never disputed anything you've said.  In fact I've said the same things.  I'm unsure as to why you think I need to be schooled on this since I've never said anything different.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 239 of 361
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Re: Managed payments SUCK

Yeah, Im done with ebay. Tried to sell a few items today and got the sign up for managed payments garbage..

Hello Facebook marketplace

Message 240 of 361
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