04-04-2023 04:50 PM
I purchased a Palit ProGaming RTX 4080 from a seller on eBay, and against my better judgement, I didn’t review their account very well before checking out. They had one other item sold, one review for an electronic book, and were outside of the US. I figured if something did happen, and I didn’t receive the item, I would be covered by eBays buyers protection plan. Well, I spent the $912, and I was provided tracking into the very next morning. That Saturday I get an update showing that the delivery was delayed because the “business was closed”. I had the item shipped to my home, which is not a business. The next business day I get notified that the package has been delivered, and was signed for. The name signed was not my name, and no one would’ve been home to collect or sign for my package. I immediately contact USPS, and they start looking into it. I receive a call from a local CS Manager who said that they personally followed up on the “package” and they believed that I had fallen victim to a non-delivery scam. The item was shipped to a local business in my area, and the tracking info had been spoofed to show that it was actually delivered to my home, when in fact it wasn’t. I received an email from USPS confirming that the package was never delivered to me, and wasn’t even addressed to me. I opened a claim with the seller; who of course denies it all and claims I’m trying to scam them. I finally get to the point to where eBay is willing to step in, and they side with the seller. I sent them the email, and even uploaded screenshots from USPS website showing where the first delivery failed due to the “business” being closed. I’m honestly at a loss because I have no clue what to do. I’ve appealed, but they came back almost instantly saying that their original decision was correct. I’ve called Customer Service and was told there was nothing they can do. I’ve opened a dispute through PayPal as well, and plan to also speak with my personal bank, but I can’t just lose $913. I had been saving for this card (not this specific one, but for a new card) for quite some time and can’t afford to just eat the loss. Any suggestions? I’m working on contacting USPS again to see if they can provide me with additional supporting documents. The whole listing doesn’t really add up in hindsight, and I’ve been completely blindsided by eBay’s unwillingness to help. I appreciate any feedback, tips or suggestions. It’s not like my account has a history of this. I’ve bought plenty off of eBay, and this is the first time ever, in the years that I’ve had my account, that I’ve ever had this happen, and my luck was that it happened on probably the most expensive thing I’ve ever bought online. Thanks in advanced.
04-04-2023 05:21 PM
Yep the classic fake tracking number scam. If you paid by credit card, contact your card company.
04-04-2023 05:39 PM
I don't understand how the USPS CS Mgr said the package was 'spoofed' to look like it was delivered to your home. It WAS delivered to your ZIP CODE and there was NO spoof about that. The 'spoof', as that CS Mgr likes to call it, is that it was NOT a fake delivery, but a very valid tracking number that was 'addressed' to another address in your zip code. NOBODY has the ability to get INTO the tracking information supplied by USPS and given to eBay.
So, the 'scam' was that the seller shipped the item to any "business" that can easily be found in your zip code, and they probably shipped a rock. Knowing that eBay will side with the seller because the 'tracking' shows it was delivered, is the scam.
You can take that 'letter' that you get/got from USPS stating 'where' they delivered the package and share it with the reps on Facebook (ebay for business- send them a 'message' to get started; then you can attach that letter)
04-04-2023 05:40 PM
Paid through PayPal with my debit card. Is it still possible to dispute? I’ve opened something with PayPal, but they said it could be another 10 days before we see any results. Would it be worth it to contact my personal bank as well while I wait to hear from PayPal or would that just delay things? It’s actually a smaller Credit Union where I’m an employee, so I can speak with someone directly.
04-04-2023 05:44 PM
Once you've opened something with Paypal; then eBay is now out. Once you open with Paypal; your credit card may also be out.
You need to fully exhaust 1 at a time before you continue to the next.
Info I gave you is probably now worthless as again, they won't (ebay) do anything because you opened another case with another entity and they don't want you to get 'double'.
04-04-2023 05:54 PM
Call your card company. I have never had a debit card so I'm not an expert on it. I would first wait and see if Paypal can help as your paypal case closes if you open with your card. Do find out the dead line for your card to file however. Yes speak to your credit union. See what they say.
04-04-2023 05:58 PM
Too be fair, when I filed a claim with PayPal, eBay had already denied my request for refund, and an appeal. I spoke with a guy named James through their customer service line, forwarded the email I received from USPS, and screenshots of tracking history showing that it was signed for by an individual who was not me. I guess I’ll wait for PayPal to go through their motions, and then if that doesn’t pan out, I’ll go through my bank. It’s a shame that you can’t even trust a big company like eBay to protect you from stuff like this. I always thought I was above being scammed, but I guess it just goes to show that it can happen to anyone. I now realize I should’ve used better judgement, but never in a million years did I think eBay would stiff me like this. Screenshot below is what I received from USPS after speaking with her on the phone. Marked out was the address it was supposed to go to, and tracking number.
04-04-2023 06:08 PM
I actually also just found the "proof of delivery" form that I requested when it first didn't show up. It has the address where the "item" was actually shipped, and wouldn't you guess it, it doesn't match my address. Even has the name for the person who signed for it. I'll forward to PayPal (since I guess I'm waiting for them now) and then to eBay if I can get it to them in time. If I'm not mistaken, it should show that the address of recipient is different than the address shown on the shipping label ebay provided. Not sure if this is my smoking gun, but I believe it will help. Thanks for any and all input!
04-04-2023 06:22 PM
I am assuming you used a debit card from your banking institution. Just go online and make a dispute with your bank. Should have done this early. Better online than calling or walking into the bank. No one hour questions to answer. I did it once walking into my bank in person...subscription service with Amazon which I didn't order...made me feel like the guilty one...refund in less than a week...Otherwise, I would be paying every month for that. And I did another one with my debit card...online this time...what a piece of cake.
I believe when you use your debit card to buy online it kinda goes through Pay Pal to eBay...but it's your bank paying for it. I would wait until what Pay Pal does first before doing the debit card dispute. Might be a two week thing.
04-04-2023 06:30 PM
SAME happened to me on a $105 item, suspicious seller (0 feedback, registered on Jan/2023) FAKED a Fedex delivery. Other victims (3 of them) got scammed, 1 had a FAKED UPS delivery..Ebay would not help!
I actually have a screenshot from Ebay, saying item was shipped on March 10..but delivered on March 9! I have an email from Ebay, saying it was shipped on March 9, & delivered the SAME DAY. I sent all this to Ebay, during my appeal process (see below)
I checked the date/time of supposed Fedex delivery, my surveillance video shows NO Fedex truck. Like you, it claimed someone signed for it..I didn't sign for anything! I called Fedex, they told me the shipping address did NOT match my home address. I tried FIVE times to get Ebay agent (via chat) to give me refund..nada. I KEPT telling Ebay it was a FAKED delivery, & to call Fedex! Denied because of a supposed Fedex receipt. I appealed, got DENIED. I tried Paypal, but they IMMEDIATELY denied my claim.
Finally, called my bank (my Paypal is tied to my checking account), but they can't help!
I have a claim with Fedex, currently on investigation. I assume, I will have some paper trail to confirm above -- shipping address is NOT my home address.
My purchase is "closed" with Ebay, will they FINALLY get things fixed & issue me a refund??
From here on out, I will only pay with a CC (Credit Card), so I can get a fraudulent charge immediately cancelled
04-04-2023 06:37 PM
This is the exact same situation. I found the "proof of delivery" form sent to me by USPS which I've provided to Paypal as well as the order details showing where the item should've shipped to (my home address), so hopefully we'll see some resolve through Paypal, but I don't have much hope. I can only cuss the eBay customer service reps so much before they quit taking my calls lol Did your bank say why they couldn't help? My debit card is tied to my paypal instead of checking, but I'm not sure that makes any difference.
04-04-2023 08:09 PM
The Fedex receipt said "5x6x9, 1lb" for item, but item ordered was a welder (10x13x23, 26 lbs). So, it was clearly a FAKED delivery! I forwarded this to Ebay during claim process, mentioned the discrepancy in the text. I also included the haphazard/illogical Ebay papertrail -- "shipped on March 10, delivered on March 9", etc
Like I say, there are 3 other complaints on the seller page of "un-delivered items" (1 with a FAKED UPS delivery). Seller is STILL active! How does Ebay continue to allow this to happen??
04-05-2023 04:30 AM
Just got email from Fedex, saying my claim was DENIED! That the item was delivered, WITH signature by TTALIN, holder of a Fedex account). Despite the Fedex agent (via phone), back on Feb 10 (nearly 1 month ago), saying shipping-address was NOT my home-address! Fedex is telling me TWO different things!
???? Geeses, this just F***G CRAZY!!
I have to call Fedex (via phone) in 30 min, to try to sort this out. The seller DUPED Fedex, so I guess Fedex is liable. They, got a shipment from the crooked Ebay seller, so they have the info to "go after" them!
04-05-2023 06:12 AM
Even worse, got NOWHERE with Fedex. Agent confirmed shipping address does NOT match my home-address.
Person in claims told me to "get in touch with seller"!? I told her I tried (no response), plus the crooked seller on Ebay has 3 negative feedback from customers (no deliveries, faked UPS delivery). STILL running around! FIVE times tried to get Ebay to do something, finally claim denied (based on a FAKED Fedex delivery). Paypal IMMEDIATELY denied my claim, my bank (checking acct tied to Paypal) won't help.
Fedex claim just got rejected
"FedEx researched your claim and determined we delivered multiple packages to the address you provided and obtained a signature for them. Based on that information, we have concluded that your package was received by your customer."
^^^ makes NO SENSE, there were NO multiple packages! I included many pics, incl 3 Ebay victims (no packages) with negative feedback, strange Ebay timeline (shipped March 10, delivered March 9..??)
Asked for supervisor, got someone in "Triage Dept". Again, I told her:
"very simple, you got DUPED by a crooked shipper, you know name/address/phone. Issue me a refund, & have your legal dept GO AFTER them"
She REFUSED to budget. Got sent back to claims (supervisor), MORE stonewalling!
I told them I filed an FBI report, as my bank told me. Told them, they would have the FBI "breathing down their back". Crooked seller will do MORE faked deliveries (UPS, Fedex, etc), leading to more victims, MORE problems for shippers, etc. Also told them this could EXPLODE in the MSM (mainstream Media), with all these entities involved -- Ebay, Paypal, Wells Fargo bank, Fedex
Classic case of runaround.
04-05-2023 06:38 AM
It’s incredibly frustrating. I’m on the verge of just losing almost a grand and eBay just let it happen lol I’m holding out hope that they’ll accept my proof of delivery form (it shows the item was actually delivered to a different address than what they provided) as sufficient enough evidence. PayPal is contacting eBay, and I’ve uploaded everything to PayPals claim center as well, and I’m going to keep calling eBay, letting them know I have this piece of evidence as well. I hate this. I really expected more.