11-17-2024 05:10 PM
Greetings All,
I don't know where this post goes but it involves a return. I purchased an item, which arrived a couple of days ago from a seller in NYC. Today I get an email from this buyer informing me that there's another package on the way because of some shipping label mix up. They claim to have contacted USPS about the issue, but if that's true why didn't they ask for it to be rerouted back to them? They ask if I would when it arrives to use a return label they provide to take it to the PO and ship it back. For doing this "favor" they say they will refund me the money for the item I purchased which is about $30. Something feels sketchy, but never have heard of a scam like this, so I thought I would ask here.
11-17-2024 05:16 PM
Most have NO idea what a 'usps shipping 'reversal back to me' even is, or that it even exists.
Doesn't sound fishy; if the item comes and they want you to 'return' it (not sure how they are supposed to 'get you' a return label, but just be sure not to give them any more info than they already have (your name/address)) but that is their problem (snail mail you one?)
11-17-2024 05:19 PM
A seller can easily make a shipping label error if they ship from the PO with a QR code for USPS to generate a shipping label. They could easily pull up the wrong QR code. There is no USPS safeguard to prevent that from happening.
May not be what happened/is happening but just throwing that out for consideration.
11-17-2024 05:31 PM
Sounds like seller made a mistake using your address again by mistake to mail a package to you instead of the correct person.
Seller is now sending correct package.
'ask for it to be rerouted back to them'...I don't think everyone knows how to do it and I think it cost extra but not sure.
It's not a package for you...just refuse it...it goes back to the seller.
I know it might get mailed when you are not home...but if you are there to receive it...'refuse it'.
I don't see why you can't just drop it off at the USPS, FedEx, or UPS office and scratch your address off it if you get it when not home.
'refund my money?'....seller can send the cost of mailing it first through Pay Pal before the package comes as well.
It needs to go back to seller.
11-17-2024 05:35 PM
Sounds like the seller shipped you the wrong item and caught the mistake before the item was delivered.
After you receive the first package, wait a little while and see if the second package with the right item shows up.
If it does and they included a return shipping label, use it to return the wrong item.
If you do a search here, sellers do mix up shipping labels and come here looking for help.
11-17-2024 07:00 PM
You have "your" item and are satisfied.
As has been suggested you can just "refuse" the package. That can be done if you happen to be there when the carrier arrives, or "after the fact". As long as it has not been opened...... it can be refused. It will go back to the sender. Sender will not be charged unless it is a media mail shipment.
Seller should be able to request to void the label they send you if not used.
For a parcel intercept, if successful would cost the seller like $17 + in some cases, a return shipping cost.
11-17-2024 07:45 PM
If the seller mixed up the shipments they may be wanting you to send it to the person who ordered it and not return it to them. This would save them some shipping cost as they would only pay to ship it twice. It would also speed to delivery to the correct person. Returning the item to them then they would be paying to ship the item three times.
11-17-2024 08:38 PM
Just one thing, make sure the label's address is going back the the same address it was shipped from. You don't want to be involved in shipping contraband items to others.
As stated, just refuse the package if you already have received your item and are happy with it. That will insure your not involved in anything.
Unless it's a new seller that is confused about what to do, it does seem a bit " fishy " .
11-18-2024 02:08 AM
@holmaneva-2 wrote:I purchased an item, which arrived a couple of days ago from a seller in NYC. Today I get an email from this buyer informing me that there's another package on the way because of some shipping label mix up
Don't forget to check that it is the same seller.
And as others have said, wait a bit and don't rush into anything.
11-18-2024 05:30 AM
Exactly! It was my first thought when I got the email. I have a good relationship with my local PO & will tell them of the situation this seller is claiming which could result in a Postal Inspection.
11-18-2024 06:07 AM
Also to add, this seller is not a newbie, they've got over 900+ in feedback scores. Another odd thing about the return address on my item's package is that after the seller name there is in parenthesis the name of a national fast food chain, like so: Seller Name (Fast Food Chain Name). Didn't think too much of it at the time because a lot of sellers, and just regular folks, use the shipping of their work place as an "amenity". But now, it does give pause for thought.
When I emailed them back to ask why they did not do a shipping reversal/package intercept they stated that they tried, but USPS could not because "it is on the way" & "it is the same tracking # as my package". Or it could be they never contacted USPS because they don't want USPS looking any closer at this package than need be.
The package has not arrived yet, and TBH I hope the they actually did contact USPS and they pull it before it gets delivered so I don't have to deal with it.
11-18-2024 07:17 AM
As luck would have it, I was sweeping leaves when the USPS carrier arrived. I told them the situation, refused the package, and email the seller it will be on the way back to them. The seller did not have any problem with method of return being refusal instead of a return label provided by them. Still claiming they'll refund me for my purchase for the assist, so whatever it is that is in that package must be way over the $30 of my purchase, if they actually follow though.
11-18-2024 07:24 AM
@holmaneva-2 wrote:As luck would have it, I was sweeping leaves when the USPS carrier arrived. I told them the situation, refused the package, and email the seller it will be on the way back to them.
Refusing delivery voided your eBay Money Back Guarantee buyer protections. If the second package never arrives or if the seller chooses to not refund you, you've just made this situation a lot more difficult for yourself.
You should have held on to the first package, waited for the second to arrive, then dealt with the first as others suggested upthread @holmaneva-2 .
You could have even left the first package sitting unopened then refused it days later after the second package arrived.
11-18-2024 07:43 AM
To a certain extent yes. However I did think of that and checked the item thoroughly to make sure it fits and is not defective before hand. But had I not, there are the emails and tracking associated with my order to have given me a 50/50 chance of winning since Ebay only cares about tracking. It is so sad that every move these days has to have CYA considered, but these are the times we live in.